He lay still, immobile. His eyes were thoroughly shut. It's been eight hours since he was found, her he had not said a word. Many parts of his body had been plastered. He headed a big bandage on it. The culprits are still at large. His body had exhausted his drip again. The doctor needs to be alerted. She chose to call the. Who will do this to such a g and easygoing individual? What connections did he have with them? He had been bruised and she could not tell if they robbed him as well cause she found nothing on him.
She knew it is not safe to check but why could she do,? It would be contributive to find out who he is. She heaved as she beckoned on a nurse, enquiring for a doctor. She nodded her head and headed back in the direction of the room. Had she not moved past that neighbourhood she might not have brought him here on time.