Chapter 12

Damos's P.O.V


Her tone switched from screaming to malice, it was more sinister, deadly it was full of venom , it's like she transformed into a beast , she stood at the arched window looking out in the distance , her words hit hard with impact, it's not like I wasn't expecting it but then she mentioned Xavier. I could feel my blood boiling , how could she possibly know him and as for the business there's no way anyone could have access to such information our security systems were tight ,we always covered our tracks well.she turned to face me , her irises were blood shot ,she walked to the door and her last statement had me shaking.

" Damos count your blessings or you will reap what you sow!" She said each word slowly and left the room.

What the fuck was that supposed to mean, I just stood there silent, processing what just happened, she barged in my office then ranted then suddenly she went silent,her breathing changed then her voice changed , it's like a demon possessed her in that moment, my thoughts are interupted by Christian, Tyler and Adrian.

" Damos she knows too much." Christian whines, I glare at him

" Well Christian, I didn't notice , ARE YOU THAT DUMB OF COURSE I KNOW THAT " I growl at him sending a vibration in the room.

" Adrian do you have anything yet ? " I turn to face Adrian who is rubbing her temple in circular movements, she shakes her head

" Unfortunately, she hasn't revealed much except the fact that she's looking for something." Adrian folds her arms

" Christian any report on your side?" I sigh annoyed

" Our IT department weren't able to trace the call she made ,she masked it perfectly and as for the smart watch ,it's contents are wiped out but they are working on retrieving it back." I turn to Tyler who seems to be in deep thought.

" Have you installed the cameras ?" Tyler nods

" Yes, one in the lamp, the other in her bathroom, we have full coverage, I also upgraded the others in the house." I head back to my chair as Tyler fills me in.

" Right , now we wait until she makes her next move." I say this turning my laptop screen on revealing Bonnie in her room.

" I will go check on her , and brother don't do anything rash." Adrian turns to leave the room.

" Christian we have a mole and I need you to sniff it out, Tyler keep a close eye on Roman." They both nod and head out , I watch the screen she was in the bathroom standing in front of the mirror, this was not how I planned to meet my mate.


Bonnie's POV


I allowed my emotions to get the best of me, I allowed fear to get to me that was a fatal flaw , a flaw that can lead to my downfall , I snapped back to my full senses regaining control. A memory springs to life as I close my eyes in front of the mirror.

" The alarm went off, we only had two minutes to get to the hall , we pushed against each other and finally made it, only the toughest survive in this god forsaken place. The steel walls trapped us,guards surrounded us. A young girl came last limping in the hall sensei Ying Su watched her closely , the young girl was skinny and she looked dehydrated ,her hair had patches, she had cuts all over her body. Another girl was behind her ,she was the most feared ,she held a higher rank, she was intelligent ,she had long black hair,her face was bony but held her olive eyes and pink lips perfectly into place. Though beautiful she was a deadly walking weapon of destruction. She kicked the girl again causing her to fall the poor girl was whimpering

" I found her hiding out in the kitchen," she bowed down to sensei as she said this.

Sensei looked at the girl " I smell weakness, do as you wish red dragon." Monique bowed down again as she turned back to face the girl an evil smile formed on her lips ,her boot heels filled the room as she made her way to the pale girl ,she kicked her, and threw her against against the wall, the girl begged for mercy she was only 12 , Monique pulled her by hair and punched her multiple times, the girl begged her to stop, I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled

" Stop it!" Everyone gasped and Monique dropped the girl turning to face me.

" What did you say?" She asked making her way to me stopping an inch from my face. I hated her she made our lives miserable,she always killed them for no reason, she killed my bunk mate. I couldn't take it anymore.

" I said stop it" this time I said it sternly every boy and girl took a step back while sensei watched silently intrigued by the scene in front of him.

" Looks like the bitch grew a pair of balls, so the little punishment I gave you wasn't enough." She pulled my hair and threw me on the ground. I stood up looking back at her , I was pissed off I spit on her face.she wiped my spit off and turned to sensei ,his eyes narrowed he nodded as if giving her the go to kill me.

She ran and punched ,me ,she tried kicking me but I dodged her ,she spun around me and kicked me in the back, causing me to fall, she got on-top of me and banged my head against the cement floor,I rolled over her and gave her some punches she poked my eyes and pushed me off her .we quickly stood up and she made a back flip. trying to recover my eye sight I stepped back away from her, my eyes were burning ,we both walked around the room recovering,then she ran again this time she pulled out a knife aiming for my stomach,I stepped back again but tripped she locked my legs ,and brought the knife close to me, I struggled against her but she was just too strong the knife was slicing my skin but the young girl who was limping bit her distracting her ,I pulled out from her grip and rolled on top of her ,I grabbed the knife throwing it out into the distance I beat her up until her face was bloody, I strangled her but I stopped.

" Finish her! " The sensei yelled from the corner of the room, I could see the sudden fear in Monique eyes as he said this.

" Finish her or be killed" my blood went cold ,it was either my life or her life, I placed my hands around her head and snapped it. I stood up shaking I was only 14 years and I killed her. I couldn't believe it I killed the devil red dragon,the most feared assassin in the organisation she was only 16 but brought terror to her victims ,I looked around still shaking from shock, everyone in the room fell silent.

" Good girl, let this be a lesson to all of you to never back down until you finish the job,Guard kill that filth, I don't train weaklings" Sensei Ying Su said this coldly.

A gunshot fired next to me ,my eyes widened realising that the innocent girl who was brave enough to help me was dead.

" Clean that mess up and all of you pair up with an opponent." Sensei continued on as if nothing had happened, everyone around me didn't dare come near me.

I was alone the next few days until a boy came up to me

" Hi ,my name is Zedd " he sat next to me I just stared at him

" What do you want?" I asked him ,he sighed but looked back at me

" I just wanted to thank you for trying to stand up for my sister" my eyes widened for some time realising that he was talking about the young girl who got killed.

" it's okay " I whispered to him we silently sat next to each other.

" My name is Bonnie" he looked up at me and a smile appeared on his face

" Nice to meet you"

From that moment, I knew Zedd and I were going to become best friends. I was trained to kill ,fear was my weakness, it pushed me to finish the job without second guessing , I rose to the top of the rank ,and got transferred to Russia where I endured intense training. Zedd had found his gift with technology. I opened my eyes. It's either me or Damos.