Laura's Mind

No one could understand Laura. Her exceptional beauty and chronic illness is a duo she could never part but a miracle will soon emerge that will surely bring her life into a new perspective.

Another usual morning came and there was no sign of life in Laura’s face. One uncommon thing about Laura is that she always does her things in a chronological pattern. For example, she would get out of bed, check the time and then sit at the corner of the room facing a Victorian mirror for about an hour without doing anything else besides counting the number of times her eyes would naturally blink. With an extraordinary memory, she did the counting and note-taking inside her mind. After every week of doing the same routine, she would plot the numbers in a graphing pad. She always makes sure that the numbers would form a kind of graph she can be satisfied with. Otherwise, she would experience nightmares for the rest of the week. For Laura, her condition is like a punishment, draining all her remaining strength to even dream of having a normal life just like other people.

Despite her condition, Laura is an anonymous writer and her pen name is Su. For the record, she already wrote hundreds of stories and did the publishing in her own website. She wrote stories based on her dreams and nightmares which gave birth to the ‘Laura fandom’ spreading like a disease on the internet.

Many people are curious about the anonymous writer, how she is living her life and what she looks like. But there is one thing that they already knew; the writer is a ‘she’. Laura never intended to keep her gender a secret, it is a giveaway and the only thing she can disclose to the public at least to somehow reduce the extremity of people’s curiosity about her personal life.

Laura being a writer is strange. She leaves her readers hanging by the thread and sometimes keeps them insane. Laura never forgets her author’s note before writing her stories because she believes that it will somehow protect her reader’s psychological well-being. One of her author’s note goes like this: “Please do not read my stories when you are alone. Although I wrote them myself, I’m actually not sure if I’m still me.”