Chapter - 10

"Mom, how will you apologize to Dad?", I asked her eagerly.

She gave me an eye roll, "What happened this time?"

"Nothing. I just wanna know how will you get back after you get mad at him?"

"I'll give him a back hug... he'll love it", she squealed and continued, "And... I think Calix will also like it if you did that!" she laughed.


She continued her laugh.

I went to Sarah's room and knocked on the door. I went inside after hearing a 'Come in' approval from her. She was sitting on the floor working on some homework.

I sat down with her, "Sarah..."

"I didn't take any things from your room. You can even check. Because I'm already fed with my homework here!"

It's weird to see her being responsible. Because I never saw her doing that before.

I asked her, "Not about that. Actually... I came for a suggestion. How will you get back to a person after the quarrelling stuff."

She said, "We don't do apologise for the thing, we just talk like nothing happened. Even if Jean's (her best friend from her class) the one who started it."

"Okay... then what about with Falcon(her boyfriend)?"

"I can sense where this is going. So did you get a boyfriend yourself?"


"Hey! If you're gonna apologize just be yourself and ask sorry from your heart. You don't have to do what others do."

Sometimes I feel like she's older than me. Well, she's right about that.

"Okay. And good luck with your homework, "I laughed while leaving the room.

I heard Sven laughing when I was passing his room. So I stopped and peeked in the little space between the door. He was talking on his phone. It's been months hearing him laughing. I wonder who's making him laugh like that.

I went to my room still thinking about how can I solve this and went to sleep without my knowledge.

The next morning,

At the breakfast table, Dad was having his breakfast.

"When did you start to wake up early?", he mocked me.

I lied, "Morning class made me to."

I leaned closer to him and asked him quietly, "Dad! I wanna know how will you ask sorry to Mom."

He laughed.

"Keep it low." I gestured for him to be silent.

He leaned towards me and said, "I'll make up in bed." and laughed.

I finished my breakfast and took my bag and left for college.

While I'm travelling by bus, all the ways of apologising came flashing in my mind.


'Be yourself... I can do this.


I made my mind not to get suggestions or advice from my family again. But Sarah's right. I have to be myself but I'm afraid of how will he react to that.

I arrived at college. I went straight to his class. I stood in front of his class and searched for him but he wasn't around. I started walking to my class. While I'm walking, I felt like I'm being watched, I gripped my bag and started walking fast.

I bump into someone, "Ouch!"

I lifted my head to see who it is.

"Senior!... I-I need to talk to you."

"I'm on my way to Canteen. Let's talk there."

We came to the canteen. He left me to buy breakfast for him. After he came I started, "I need to apologise for what happened yesterday. I'm sorry."

He smiled and started to eat his breakfast.

By seeing his smiling asked, "So... Did this mean... You accepted my apology?"

He nodded and said, "I was never mad at you." and started eating.

"I'll leave then."I stood.

He held my hand, "What did that hug mean?"

I didn't think he would ask about that. I got nervous. I removed his hand, "I-I gotta go."

I went to class. Benji was sitting in the front row and making notes as usual. He saw me entering class and got back to his work. I think he's probably mad about me and Calix.

Wil was texting someone on his phone, I think it's Blair.

Luna and Liah were talking to each other at the back. And I saw Clara was into her phone so serious. I took her phone out of her hands suddenly. She got nervous and tried to take it from me. Even though she's tall and bigger than me, she struggled.

I ran to Luna and Liah. "Girls! Hold her!"

I checked her phone while Luna and Liah were holding her.

I saw who she's texting with, it's a boy. David. I thought I heard this name before but I couldn't remember.

"Who's this David?"

She gave up on fighting with us.

"Okay!... I think it's time to reveal."

Myself, Luna, Lia sat together and waited excitedly to listen to her story.

She laughed seeing us being so curious and started, "I met him in quiz test when I went for a competition. Later I came to know that he's the representative for the quiz club. Soon we became friends and shared our number and started to chat. That's it! Can I get my phone back?"

I gave her the phone. We hugged her and congrats her for getting a nerdy boy for herself. Because she's not that social always keeping herself isolated from others except us. I'm so happy for her.

The college got over. Before we split up on our ways I asked, "So... How was it with David?"

"Good. He's good at taking care of me."

I asked, "So who proposed first?"

"Him.", she said.

"No wonder."

She left me after David came to pick her up.

Wil came, "Hi"

I asked him, "Hey Wil!... You're not going with Blair?"

"She got classes these days. And I need to ask something?"

"What is it?"

"Blair and I decided to go out this weekend. It'll be nice if you join us along with Senior. It's like a Double date. What are you saying?"

At first, I thought it awkward seeing Wil with another girl for a whole long day but then I thought at the same time I could hang out with him too. Who cares about Calix? But then I have to be careful with him.

"I'll be there. I meant... We'll be there."

He went.

Someone honked behind me continuously.

Calix. Won't he get tired of following me?

I asked, "What's up?"

"What were you two talking about?"

"Stuff you don't have to know."

He got out of his bike and came closer to me and slide his hands around my waist. I tried to escape from his grip but he's so strong.

"Hey! What are you doing? What if someone sees us? "

He laughed.

"I need to ask you for a date?", asked while being in his embrace.

His eyes became bigger and his smile widened up to his ears. "Really?", and tightened the grip.

I broke his embrace, "Don't get excited. I'm not asking you out. It's a double date. Wil, Blair, you and me."

"I don't care what it is unless it's you being with me."

"Where did you pick that... so cheesy." and laughed.

"Cause you're my girl. "