Chapter 1

The sky looked pale gray , like the mix of pastel colors dipoed in clear water. It seemed to convey the feelings of the one seeing it better than them themselves.

" Dawn.....Dawn ....." someone called out .

" Huh...oh. Hey Jean. Sorry , i was just distracted for a moment." replied Dawn

" I can tell....I called your name for awhile but you never answered. I wouldn't even be able to tell if you were dead ,sir." said Jean.

" Not to worry . I won't be dying anytime soon ." " I've got way too much of things to do . I won't be put to peace without finishing them." said Dawn as he gave a slight smirk with the corner of his lips.

" Haha....aren't you're the ambitious soul! If you say so, then i won't either, not unless someone pays me better than you do." laughed out Jean.

Jean was quite the talker and done a pretty good job at leaving the next person speechless to the point of confusion.His personality pretty much based itself on his quirkiness and cheerful aura, along with his constant roll of sarcastic remarks.

Of course talking wasn't the only thing he was good at. He was quite the gifted prodigy in the vast world of hacking and computer programming.

Although Jean is now employed by Mr Dawn , he still hasn't let go of his little underground dirty work. Not that Mr Dawn minded. Afterall his talents are the very reason Mr Dawn took him in.

Mr Dawn however could be considered quite the opposite of Jean in personality . One could say he lacked the ability to show compassion or empathy.

His emotions were broken just as much as he was .

Replacing his humanity lied the thirst for revenge and the rage of a hundred dead men; along with an altered DNA and a few replaced body parts. His humanity was long gone. What remained of it was lost to the point of extinction.

The only things he had left in his life was the inheritance he received from his dead family and scars which could heal no more.

No matter how much money or power he could have, it could never give him what he really yearned for.

So he settled for the next best thing. REVENGE....

~~~5 YEARS AGO~~~

" Hey Jessi!! You jerk ,Wait up!" shouted a high-school girl ;panting as she ran after her best friend.

" Hehe....not my fault that you're a slow poke!!" laughed Jessi sticking his tongue out.

" Cut it out you two!!!" shouted the homeroom teacher who had just entered the eleventh grade rowdy class.

" I swear, this class gives me more gray hairs then my two year old twins." sighed the completely worn out teacher.

" Well sir , i don't think you have any more hair left to turn gray. " squeaked out Jessi , just as his best friend Jane who had now caught him , elbowed him in his stomach.

Everyone laughed from the comment.

The homeroom teacher; Mr Anderson was not too old but he had already lost most of his hair and looked very much like a old man suffering from depression , who had finally given up on life.

" That mouth of yours is going to get you in some serious trouble , young man." replied the teacher.

" Back to topic. Quiet down all of you! Class President, if you don't mind please do the roll call for today."

" Yes sir." replied Dawn , the most quiet boy in the class of a bunch of circus clowns and troublemakers.

" Teacher's pet" whispered someone as the boy began calling out the names on the register.

Pretending to ignore the very clear insult, the seventeen year old kept a poker face as he completed his duties.

" Umm sir....there is a name here which isn't supposed to be here." said the boy

" Oh , i almost forgot! Today we have a new transfer student. She is not from around here and has... umm....well a few complications. I'd appreciate it if you all were to behave yourselves and treat her well."

" Ooh... its a girl! Is she pretty? Does she like chic guys? " asked someone from the back row.

" Oh for god sake Dane! This is why no girl will ever date you!" sighed Mr Anderson in disappointment .

Just as he finished his statement , the door opened ,as Mrs Eva led a student through the door.

Everyone turned to look, only to be puzzled by the appearance of this new kid.

" Nice to meet you ,kid. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class ." said the teacher turning his frowned face into a warm fatherly smile.

The girl walked forward , not seeming to be afraid but also giving of a intriguing aura. Her hair was cut short and dyed a white blond with streaks of red.

Her clothes were worn in a way which made her seem more boyish than she should have been.

The part of her that was the most shocking were her eyes. She neither looked upset , nor joyful , but she had the look of a sweet killer. One stare could send shivers up your back , and haunt you for the rest of your sanity.

" Uh....H..Hi! I am Yura ." she said slowly as she turned her head to Mr Anderson for approval.

The class was too quiet . It made Mr Anderson feel out of place for a moment .

" Ah...Yura , Don't you want to share anything else about yourself ?"

She shook her head lightly in response.

" Since no one is sitting next to Dawn, then Yura can sit next to him." said Jane from the back of the classroom ; trying her best to lighten the atmosphere.

Dawn lifted his head to see clearly. The bangs of his hair which covered his eyes had prevented him from seeing the person in front of him. He moved his hair and opened his eyes wider, only to see the face of someone who didn't seem to care much of her surroundings.

She sat down next to him. In her mind she had many thoughts.

' This is Perfect! I'll probably be able to live the rest of my high-school life without having to deal with annoying people. ' thought Yura to herself.

Although Yura did not look like it, she had many issues of her own.

For one , she could be explained in one simple word: 'SOCIOPATH'

Yura herself was extremely smart, but she absolutely hated social interactions.

That is why she had been home schooled by her elder sister for her entire middle school years.

They had a thirteen year difference in age , which made her sister Yeri more of a mother to her than a sibling.

Unfortunately, her sister had become extremely ill and started experiencing organ failure .

Yura was left in confusion as her sister had been the only family she ever had. She could no longer depend on her sister, so she had studied extremely hard to get a full funding highschool scholarship with a fully funded boarding dorm .

That is how she came to be at Saku Hato International Highschool. One of the most expensive schools in the city.

" you want to sit by the window?" asked Dawn as the bell rang and the homeroom teacher left for his next class.

Once again she shook her head to reply no.

In many ways Dawn found this tomboy-like girl peculiar, but who was he to question her behavior.

Afterall he was a person of very few words himself.

Not long after the bell rang; an unexpected ball of energy seemed to find it's way into her field of vision.

" Hi . I'm Feria! You're new here , so i thought maybe we could get to know each other. If you need anything you can ask me. Oh!! I should've mentioned earlier that i am also the vice class- President." said a very hyper girl who looked exactly like the real life version of Ochako Uraraka from MHA !

Yura stared in amusement. This girl definitely deserved to be friends with every creature on the planet.

'It would be best to stay clear of someone like her' thought Yura.

" Hi. That's okay. Mrs Eva already showed me around." said Yura.

" Oh. Well, if you need anything ,just ask me." replied Feria shocked at realizing that her friendliness was not wanted.

Dawn who had watched this whole conversation take place ,chuckled to himself softly.

This was the first time he had seen Feria's charm fail .

Feria was his second cousin and the most popular girl in the entire grade.

To him Yura seemed like a very interesting person, so for the rest of the day he watched as Yura turned down any kind of unnecessary conversation made to her.

Of course she never made it too obvious, however she sweetly and bluntly left each of her approachers speechless.

His interest in her had reached it's peak by the end of the day.

He wasn't the only one though. Rumors had spread.

The entire grade soon found out about a pretty faced tomboy with the personality of ice!

No one would expect that in the near future this very girl would be the key in helping fate to unite unlikely individuals , as well as leading destiny to bring about irreversible tragedy.