He's puzzled

I couldn't act bitter anymore, I grinned at her. "come here." I invited her into my open arms. "You're so golden, rich." she complimented, feeling warm with my presence. I smiled at her with my bangs falling on my eyes. She stroked my face softly, making me feeling her feminine love. I kept her closer to myself, My gut feelings only knew I would do anything for her, anything that would sway take my life also. She was just something very personal and special to me. I wanted to trust her and I won't her let go of me. I just wanted to stare at her eyes filled with galaxy. I never want to expect something from her. It was just the first time for me to get numerous feelings over someone. Is this what love is called?

Jamie's sweet breath was swooning over my face, and that was making me feel the emotion. It felt new, and overwhelming at the same time, being with someone I have known for years and never seen her face. It hit me differently.

When I thought about how Mrs.Celie described Jamie, and she literally looked like how I expected her to be. I just felt the moment getting even beautiful when the little rain drizzles tickled my ears, and the moistened clothes of ours bought us a short length of happiness and smiles on our faces. Her affection felt through the laughs she showered towards me. No one ever smiled at me like this before, She was ethereally gorgeous, I couldn't imagine a person like her desiring me. Because I was just an agoraphobic personality with numerous psychological issues. She made a realization that I was loved and deserved paradise. Within the outbursting emotions, I smiled back at her.

The rain softly slowed down, giving me a sigh of happiness. It took me time to realize that she was in my arms, and the whole crowd was observing this. I felt my heart racing again, Since I was conditioned to feel like a man, I controlled my tears, and continued to walk towards the theatre. Jamie patted my back and spoke, "Mr.Richard is so romantic." I eyed her and continued walking as If I didnt care. How do I tell her that she was everything to me? How do I tell her that I have fallen for her? Isn't It so amazing how a person falls in love with the other one even without knowing the minimum knowledge? But, endlessly my instinct just knew it was her, and she could make me a better person. While I was lost in my thoughts, Jamie got into the theatre and called out the children. I placed myself on the audience seats and waited for the kids to get ready.

A giggle from a kid got my attention, I looked up and, my sister was preparing immediately for the play. Jamie beamed at me and sat beside me, directing the play. "Start, action," she uttered and, the children started to act the play out. "When did they learn all this?" I questioned with curiosity when the play continued. "Last night, I sent the play through a message to your sister, she's the lead role of the play. So, she collected all the other characters." I was startled by the thought of how much work that actually was. And how my sister managed to bring all her friends collectively together. "That's a lot of work," I said as Jamie nodded, agreeing, and she continued to direct the play. "I'm working for the theatre only for people to read my books. Since my first book got sold out I want my second book also to be sold out, tomorrow. The only thing that gets people's attention is plays and theatres. So, I hopped into my mom's owned theatre." Said Jamie, making me shuddered and confused.

"The theatre belongs to your mom?" I asked. "yeah." Jamie simply replied, without any second doubt. I remember very well that the theatre didn't belong to anyone for the last few years, because the owner of the theatre was having a murder mystery going on in their family. And obviously, that was the reason for people not going to the theatre anymore. Was the murder mystery from Mrs.Celie's family? I was confused and puzzled by her uttered phrases. I hesitated and controlled myself to not as anything related to her family, Because I shouldn't seem like a curious person, right? I continued to tune into the play.

The character's played well, I was intrigued by the way my sister very well played her role of a rude mother in the play. Since we both had to go through our mother's actions, She imitated them flawlessly. Fairly my sister Millie had a different form when she went onto the stage, because her true self was shown towards the audience, and it was absolutely attention-taking work. She always had a thing for dance and plays. However, due to my conservative family, she had to give up on them. My mom just wanted to make my sister a spotlight in school as well as public, and Millie really aspired to become a better person through dance and drama plays. Which my parents never minded looking into. While I was lost in thoughts, "well done!" Jamie commented at Millie.

"Thank you!" She bowed towards the audience with the play wrapping up. "wanna go for dinner, tonight?" Asked Jamie, trying to be sweet and generous. I was tensely biting my lips, not knowing how to reply to her with a 'no'. She didn't know, that I had to read my new novel tonight. According to my count of reading novels, it was my 502nd novel. I was going to start and also complete tonight. I stared down towards my feet awkwardly, "Oh my god!" Jamie yelled at Millie. I looked up, and there was my sister, sitting down with her twisted ankle. My heart stopped at that moment, I felt the need to help. I ran towards her, trying to lift her up I made it towards the entrance of the theatre. "It hurts." My little sister was disgusted with pain. Her left ankle was totally twisted.