The Truth

Francis dragged Micay out of Grandpa Orslan's house. He was followed by his mother who forced him to stop what he was doing.

"Get out of here before I forget everything and I may do something bad to you!"

"Whether you accept it or not you can do nothing. You are a Davidson" the girl replied here as she struggled with the young man's tight grip on her arm.

When he reached the door, the young man pushed the girl out. Caused by her sinking to the ground.

"Get out of here and never come back!"

After that, the young man violently closed the door after forcing his mother inside the house.

Many residents witnessed what happened. A whisper echoed around the girl. Some sympathized with what had happened and some seemed pleased. So she simply ignored them. When she got up she approached the door again and tried to open it, but unfortunately, the young man locked it from the inside. Micay tried to turn around in the back of the house but the young man locked it too. The girl took her cellphone to call Erine a few rings before the lady on the other line answered it causing the girl to be encouraged.

"Hello..." replied the person on the other line.

"Aunt Erine."

"Micay, are you okay?" concern can be heard in the lady's voice.

"I'm fine, aunt."

"Please be patient with your brother. Let me talk to him. I will explain everything to him."

"All right. The reason why I came here is that..." the girl couldn't finish what she was going to say because she heard Francis' angry voice on her phone.

"Are you leaving or do I still have to drag you to the police."

"Can you listen first .."

"We don't have anything else to talk about."

After that Francis ended the call and directly turned off his mother's cellphone before he put it in his pants pocket.

"The girl's shoulders slumped as she left that place. She just thought of texting the lady what she wanted to say to her, and the reason why she came. While earnestly praying that the lady would read it.


"What have you done? Why did you do that to your sister?"

Erine followed her son as he went back up to Grandpa Orhan's room after he hung up the phone. He entered the room without saying a word, he just continued arranging the old man's belongings that were left behind. The lady was just sitting on the old man's bed while watching her child.

"She's not my sister," he said after a while.


"Can you stop! Just stop it." the young man could no longer control his emotions.

"I don't care who my real parents are." the young man confronted the lady.

"Son please just listen to me first okay"

"They gave up on me, and now someone will just show up and tell me that she's my younger sister" the young man could not understand how he felt during that time.

The lady took the hand of the young man standing in front of her and sat him down next to her, staring at her child seriously before speaking again.

"Listen carefully to what I have to say." she started

"When Henry suddenly showed up here and your Grandpa Orhan introduced him to me, I immediately felt different when he went," she sighed before continuing.

"When I found out that he wanted me to take care of and raise you, I didn't immediately agree. Because what would my parents say when they found out that I had a child without a partner." the young man listened intently to what his mother was saying.

Until he hears the words nurture and raises him.

"What do you mean Ma? Didn't you have a picture while you were pregnant? Does that mean I'm not that child in..."

"It's you," Erine replied smiling at the child.

"The day your father came here was to convince me with the help of Grandpa Orhan to be your surrogate mother."

"Then you're still the .."

"No my child, you are a test tube baby, it means that you are already 3months old before I even get pregnant to you. They already talked to some of the women but they aren't compatible," she explained to her son.

"Then who is my real mother?" the young man asked again.

"All I know is that your father didn't have a relationship on those occasions. And all I know is that your father paid for someone compatible for his son's development."

"Does that mean that Louie is my brother?" the young man asked with hatred in his voice.

"Only Micay can answer that thing."

"Why and how did you meet her?"

"Your father took her here once when you were little. He was just a baby back then," the lady smiled before continuing.

"You even wanted to leave her here then. You said you would take care of her until she grows up."

"That's why I felt that way when I saw her."

The young man did not realize that he had said those words out loud.

"While there's still time to talk to her."

The lady told him without missing the smiles on her lips.

"But Ma ..." there was hesitation in the young man's voice.

"Micay is smart, I know she understands you. And besides, she's the only one who can answer your other questions."

"All right Ma, I'll do it. When I'm done here I'll go to her."

Erine's face suddenly became serious.

"Don't go to her, and besides you have my cell phone already. Just call her to ask her to meet you"

"But why?" the young man asked his mother.

"This isn't the right time for Louie and Miguel to know that you're Henry's son."

The young man even wanted to protest because he knew that this was the opportunity to meet Louie again and confront him about what he did to Grandpa Orhan. But the next thing his mother said stopped what he wanted to say, and wrapped the whole tension in the young man's body.

"This isn't the right time yet. Because they might kill you too like they did your other siblings."