Team Geordie

Curiosity for a fancy house in Kensington doesn't keep Geordie's mind active for long he's got too much get up and go. The three of us are sat on my bed having a lovely time looking through my Salvador Dali book when bang Geordie's striding over to us. Drops himself into the chair which he refrains from spinning. Rests his chin on his fist, with an elbow on his knee, watching us with a less intimidating version of his glare. "I wanna know your threes’ plans.”

Charlie meets his glare. “Four. You’re part of the team."

“I’m the one Thunders wanna catch. I’ve no right sticking round ya. Charlie your face will be scarred for life because of me. All those trainees died because I was at Cloud High. We're no longer a team.”

“I got this scar for speaking out of line. Everyone died because Midnight will have wanted them dead. I’m surprised it took her this long to order a full scale raid on Cloud High; it’s been a sitting target for a long time. You can’t blame yourself for other peoples’ actions. So where should we go?”

“You’re asking me?”

“We’re Team Geordie,” says Charlie. “A team needs a captain.”

“You think the captain’s me? I don’t get why when you reckon I’m pushy.”

“You’re good at making snap decisions. I might disagree with those decisions, but you get us places. Backing out of being an intolerable bossy dictator while we're in the thick of the unknown would be cruel. We need direction. What do you want us to do next?”

Two beats of silence then pow a snap decision. "We'll fly over to Zone Euro."

“Is Cloud Headquarters a slam down no?” asks Danny.

“There’s no negotiation on going there if you wanna stick with me. If you haven’t gotta team they won’t want you so unless Charlie agrees to go with ya, you ain’t getting in.”

"Cool down; I was only asking."

“We’re going to Zone Euro. Charlie you can figure which part we’ll...”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“... Now what? If that’s Casey or a cheerleading freak I’m punching someone.”

“I’ll go.” I hurry onto the landing.

Knock. Knock. Knock. #

“Lads are you in?” calls Jordan when I’m halfway downstairs.

I freeze unsure wherever I ought to answer the door. Geordie prods my shoulder then places a finger against his lips as he pads down to the bottom step.

“If you’re in open up please. We just want to see you’re alright,” persists Jordan.

“That and there’s a bounty on your heads for popping Yuki's eye,” chimes in Cain.

Geordie backs up a step. “We need to leave. They want to drag us to headquarters,” he whispers. “Out your window yeah.”

“What about Charlie?”

“I can manage.” Charlie slopes out my room. Stands at the top of the stairs gripping the banister.

“Guys he’s going to break down the door so if you’re in you may as well open up.” That’s Ashley. Pheew she’s okay. “Lundune is getting crazy with Thunders. Kensington might not be safe soon.”

“Don’t you move down another step,” musters Geordie.

“That’s Ash.”

“I know who it is. Who are you choosing us or her?”

My feet want to run to the door. I grab hold of the banister. Force myself up a few steps. I can’t choose Ashley over Geordie even though a part of me is desperate to. I like Ashley and being an official Cloud Associate could be kind of cool. I can’t see how flying aimlessly round Zone Euro will help us especially if there’s a bounty on our heads. I reckon I could persuade Charlie and Danny to come with me to headquarters if I speak up. I won’t. We can’t leave Geordie on his own.

“If you’re in there listen to me now.” Ooo Ashley is using her commanding this is a mission voice. She’s as alpha as Geordie maybe even more so. “Thunders are after you. You can’t escape them. Geordie will get taken captive while the rest of you are killed, including your griffons. What kind of freedom is that?”

I move onto the landing fast before I rush downstairs and fling open the door. Geordie glares at the three of us, gives an infuriated grumble, crosses the parlour, puts a hand on the door handle, takes a sharp breath while twisting the key in the lock and pushes down on the handle, as his generous streak takes over.

A blur of Ashley bullets through the door. She leaps several steps as do I then we smack into each other. Arms constrict round me. “I’ve been worried especially when I saw you hadn’t arrived at Watch Post. I should never have left you alone in that situation.”

“You had to fetch help.”

“Help which had no effect. Everyone was dead while I was doing the fetching. I lost Dede and Pepper not you to.”

“Your team is...”

“Diminished, gone, no more, dead. Yeah.”

“I’m sorry Miss Ashley.”

“What’s with the Miss?”

“You’re my superior.”

“You’re funny Corey or is it actually Alex? When we couldn’t find you in Hackney Cain said you might have tried to hide out with the Harlington’s."

Geordie slants his eyes in Cain’s direction. “I thought we’d tricked ya.”

Cain laughs. “A trainee fool my bright mind, you’re naive.”

“You’re all alright?” says Jordan.

“We managed yeah.” Geordie folds his arms. Rolls his eyes over Charlie.

“Ooch your face,” says Cain, “nasty.”

“It’s just a scar,” says Charlie.

“On your face mate,” says Danny.

“Makes him look harder, that’s gotta be a good thing for a bookworm.”

“Are you two putting each other down any time soon?” asks Cain.

“No,” me and Ashley say in unison.

“Hey, you're wearing the blue blazer.” I run fingers along her blue sleeves. The material is super soft yet sturdy.

“After I made my report at headquarters Cain dragged me over to him. We flew to Cloud High together. When we found Pepper and Dede dead said he wanted me on his team.”

“Team Cain seriously? That's cool.” Getting over seeing Ashley is okay I let her go. Someone else is the opposite of being okay. I repeatedly tap Geordie's shoulder. “You didn't have to open the door.”

“Was the right thing to do for you three. I won't risk you being slaughtered.”

“You'll feel trapped though.”

“I'll deal with it." Roar, roar, roar. Smash. Smash. Smash. The roof is losing tiles meaning Chunk's mad. “I best calm him down so you don't lose your roof.”

Disaster. Guilt takes over for wanting to open the door. Zombified I trudge upstairs into my attic, get hold of my guitar, place it on my art desk, trace a finger along Jess's name then Casey's. They're the past. I won't see Jess ever again and Casey was using me for his own pleasure. The embarrassment will haunt me forever. I grab a paintbrush, and some black paint. Dabble a speck of blue into the black. “Sorry,” I breathe to Jess's memory as I paint over her signature. I paint a griffon head onto the guitar; try to capture Chunk's likeness. Done painting I sit back in my chair, waiting for the paint to dry. Sounds like Chunk got bored of ripping tiles off the roof.

Ten minutes later I slip out my window, guitar in hand, I pull myself onto the roof. It's easy. I was forever sneaking out my window to meet Jess on the roof. Poor Geordie stares into space as though he's on the verge of plunging into depression. I sit next to him. Drop the guitar onto his lap. He doesn't say anything neither do I. Sometimes the best thing to do is sit in silence and watch the world pass by. After a long fifteen minutes our silence finally turns awkward. I give Geordie a nudge.


“Look in your lap.”

“It's just your guitar.”

“I thought you might like to learn to play. Learning took me ages. I reckon you'd pick it up faster than me.”


“I thought playing the guitar would suit your style.”

“You thought wrong.” Geordie thrusts the guitar right at me. Finally notices the art work on the base. “Why've you covered over Jess's signature?”

I place my hands behind me flat on the roof and lean back. “You can hold your guitar out to me all you like, it belongs to you now. Do what you like with it. Throw it off the roof. Feed it to Chunk. I don't care. That guitar is no longer my concern.”

“Little pest.” Geordie holds the guitar out for Chunk to see. “Look what we've been landed with.” Shoves the guitar under Chunk's talons. “Here you have it. Might make a decent toothpick.”

Purr purr purr.

“What do you want?” huffs Geordie.

Sunshine rests his beak on Geordie's shoulder. Purr purr purr.

“Why's he doing that?”

“He's trying to cheer you up.”

“You ain't a cat.” Geordie might be grumbling but is also stroking the top of Sunshine's head.

The sword acts as a relief mechanism for Geordie. I stand up sliding the sword from my leg. “What's your balance like?” I jump, span out my sword arm, then land in a crouch. Rise. Toss the sword to my other hand. Miss. Clatter. Oops. Geordie's foot steps on the blade, stopping it from falling off the roof.

“You miss a step you fall.” Geordie flips the sword to me. He still sounds in a gloomy mood meaning I'll probably end up tripping and breaking my neck. There's limited space for me to retreat to so I'll have to force control on myself.

“Careful Corey,” gasps Charlie as Danny helps him out the attic window.

Geordie tries to swipe my head off. “It's okay he's getting to grips with combat training.”

I slide part way down the roof. Stab my sword into a crack in a tile to stop myself slipping all the way down. Flick a switchblade out my sleeve to cover myself. Geordie slides after me. I make like I'd jab my switchblade through his boot.

“If I were an enemy that'd make me mad and I'd cave your skull in.”

“I'd let go of my sword, risk the fall, and Sunshine would catch me.”

“Perhaps that'd work.” Geordie grabs my arm, pulls me onto the top of the roof. “When Charlie feels better you and me against him and Danny. We've gotta work out how to use ya. You're awesome if you get going. Problem is you're erratic. I've no idea what you're gonna do, if anything.”

“Neither do I. Sorry for being a problem pest.”

“At least we know you're consistently inconsistent. Best to keep you in the middle where we can see ya,” muses Geordie. “Then if you don't freeze can switch places; go wherever your chaos takes ya.”


“Too right. Popping Yuki's eye.”

“Yuki is not happy,” says Danny. “She's causing a storm in Hackney. Do you think Jim's alright?”

Geordie shrugs.

“We could still leave.” Charlie stares down at Hotaru who is currently snubbing Chillchill. “Check on your dad then fly away. Fly to the ends of the world.”

“I thought the world's round,” I say.

“You can still fly away from it.” Charlie stares to the sky. “If you get high enough.”

Geordie shakes his head. “I hate to admit it but Ashley's right. No matter how much running we do we ain't gonna get far for long. You were all for Cloudy headquarters a few days ago.”

“You didn't see what I was witness of in that paddock. Clover left. Saved her own selfish self. Took no notice of a Thunder sticking a steel through Tanya.” Ot-oh Charlie's gone into his broody bubble. His injuries must have triggered the transition.

“You actually wanted to fly overseas. It wasn't a mere suggestion,” says Geordie.

“I don't know what I want to do. I don't even know why I'm still here. Why's anyone here? The affliction corrupts everything.”

“Only if you let it.” I hold up my hand, flashing my concealed polished nails. “If my face got slashed open I'd get sad too.”

“It's not the scar.”

“I know. The sad part is how you got your scar right? Lee was threatened. Tanya killed. The memories behind the scar hurt every time you see the jagged line in the mirror.”

“How can you know that?”

I lay back on the roof wishing the sun would shine through the clouds so I could feel a warm glow on my face. “My spotty nails are the same. Every time they start showing through the polish I think of Jess and how she had spots too. Only hers meant she was killed. I think those thoughts keep me going. Move forward. Don't let them kill me. Before I got corrupted I was a real mess crying and shaking for no particular reason. I let Casey take advantage of me and forgot how to smile.”

“Al, I didn't mean you were corrupted.”

“Don't end up like I did 'kay? Look.” I point at the clouds. “We're on top of the world up here.”

Charlie gives a left sided smile. “I wish I could see the world through your eyes.” He takes a folded up piece of paper from within his boot. It's the sketch of my Hollow Tree. Wow he's brought it all this way, through all he's been through. “I'll keep trying to find a permanent cure.”

“We all will,” says Danny.

“Deffo, Al lad.”

Jordan pokes his head out the attic window. “Should you lads be up there?”

“Sure. This roof's survived Chunk jumping on top of it.” To illustrate his point Geordie stamps his boot.

“We'll be leaving as soon as Cain's done pillaging your kitchen cupboards.”

That doesn't leave me with much time to pack. I need to gather together my charcoals, paints, pencils, inks, and paper. A long with any clothes in my wardrobe I haven't grown out of. “Charlie do you want to ransack my mum's study of books?”

“Steal them?”

“It's not stealing if I said you could have them.”

“They don't belong to you.”

A solid point. I know my mum wouldn't mind Charlie taking a few books. She was always encouraging me to have a snoop round her study to see if I could find anything interesting to read. The best I did was snatch up that Salvador Dali art book. His melting clocks inspired me to sketch.

I leave my friends on the roof, well except for Geordie, he follows me in. Spins on my chair, watching me pack up my art desk.

“How are you and Sunshine gonna carry all that junk?”

“I thought Jordan might help. He's helped before.”

“Where you gonna store it? I mean Headquarters isn't like Cloud High; you won't get your own room.”

“I did not know that. I'll figure something out.”

“Think you'll have time to draw?”

“I'll make time in-between jobs.”

“You're in for a sharp shock,” says Geordie. “Cloud High was paradise. Your time's no longer your own unless you happen to be an A-class team.”

Cain strolls into my room. “Like my team. Court trusts and fears me and Jordan, and Ash too, or at least Court will fear her in a few months after my sparkling influence has rubbed off on her. We get the most dangerous jobs which means when off duty we get left alone. If logistics pester me in my time when I'm on my way home well,” Cain grins, “you wouldn't like to meet me when I'm cross.”

“Home? You have a house?” I say.

“Our team does yeah. Earned by saving our commission.”

“Only A-graders get paid well,” says Geordie.

“B-graders don't do too bad,” says Cain.

Who needs to earn loads of commission to buy a house when you're a Harlington? I could totes buy my team a house someday soon. Here's another reason why Cloud Associates aren't ever wealthy people to begin with. If they could afford their own accommodation they'd have no reason to play by General Courtney's rules.

“Those in Cloud Association with money have power.”

“Mostly. There are loop holes. Don't go flashing your parents' coins around Al Harlington. You're kidnapped, lost, or dead remember? As far as Court's concerned you're Corey West. If anyone asks I found you guys in Hackney at Geordie's apartment.”

“Or else?” snaps Geordie.

“Or else Al's in the shit. Do you have any idea how hard logistics have been working to locate him? Trust me he's better off as Corey. Time we got out of here.” Cain hangs out the window and is soon twisting himself back inside. “Right where've those two gone?”

Geordie shrugs.

“Great.” Cain strides out the room; drags us both with him. “I hate babysitting.”

“What's going on?” asks Jordan from where he's sitting in the parlour.

“Duped. I thought we needed to watch these two. The quiet ones have done one off the roof. Looks like we'll have to do a sweep of the neighbourhood. If they're still nowhere to be seen in fifteen minutes we can spare them. Two is better than none.”

“We ain't leaving them,” says Geordie.

“They left us,” corrects Cain.

“There's no need to be tetchy,” says Jordan. “They're just kids.”

“Barely after what they've been through.”

“Geordie!” I exclaim as he bites right into Cain's hand, making him yelp.

Smash, Chillchill crashes right through the front door, cracking it to splinters. We've been through two doors in two days. Oh badness, Chillchill's snarling means business, he's going to rip into Geordie.

“Big mistake,” says Cain who makes no indication at calling off his griffon.

“Your mistake,” says Geordie.

Sunshine cowers behind me as Chunk roars as he attempts to shove his bulky body through the splintered door. Is having difficulty but manages to get through and pulls at Chillchill's tail on doing so. Chillchill's quick to turn from Geordie to square up to Chunk; a scary task. There goes the parlour floor as killer talons claw through tiles.

“Your griffon has issues,” says Cain. “Calm him down, would you?”

Geordie smirks. “I have issues too. Touch me again I'll reveal them to you in full.”

“What in the skies?” Ashley picks her way through the splintered door. “Why are your griffons set to attack?”

“Cain grabbed Geordie so Geordie bit him,” explains Jordan.

“Again why?”

“Something to do with the other two lads taking off.”

“Well Danny's not gone far. Some cheerleader was making eyes at him. He was off in a shot. I tailed him. He went around a corner down a side street off Abbotsbury Lane. They started... let's just say I wasn't staying round to watch. It's unprofessional. Have they met before?”

I giggle. “Not formally. Unless he's been sneaking off for the best part of yesterday.”

“Moving on. Did you see where Charlie went?”

“Sorry Cain, he must have gone while I was following Danny.”

Cain flicks Jordan's shoulder. “Why didn't you think to spy? I told you Ashley was diamond dust.”

Those three fit smooth together. It's scary thinking of Ashley being sent on A-grade missions without finishing her last year in Cloud High. I wonder if she'll end up courting Cain. He's older sure but only in his mid-twenties tops. They'll be living and working together, and Ashley's ever so pretty and intelligent; Cain's bound to pick up on that.

We wait round outside the front of the house for those two to turn up. Danny rolls in first, as casual as anything. It's obvious what he's been up to. His shirt's askew. Messy.

“A cheerleader seriously.” Geordie's eyes slant over Danny. “She practically called us scum.”

“She can't help being ignorant. Cheerleaders are strong you know.”

“We don't need the gory details,” sighs Ashley.

“Yes we do! Reveal all,” I tease.

Danny slouches into Honey. “Was no biggy. Where's Charlie?”

“We thought you'd tell us. He's gone,” says Geordie.

“Can't have. He's been needing my help moving around. Crud, I shouldn't have left him. Insisted he'd be alright for ten minutes.”

Danny makes to find Charlie but Cain holds out an arm, blocking his passage. “Jordan will go. We can't have any more of you lost when there's a bounty on your heads.”

“Do you think Thunders got him?” I almost wail.

Geordie gives me a light punch. “Don't be over-dramatic. You saw the mood he was in. He's probs contemplating hanging himself. Bookworms do that 'cause they think so much.”

“But I talked him round,” I wail for real this time.

“Whoa back up. Are you saying your friend has suicidal tendencies?” asks Cain.

“Not that I know of. Charlie's usually sensible. Stores anger deep down. Every so often he lets it loose in one massive ball,” says Danny.

“It's a broody bubble,” I correct. “This is the second time this has happened. I think we bring out the worst in him.”

Ooo crisis over. Hotaru's moving slowly down the road towards us. Charlie leans into him for support.

“Where've you been mate?” asks Danny.

“The medical centre. I was getting my injuries checked over. Is there a problem?”

“You should have told someone. There's a bounty on your head so ought to have visited the medic at headquarters,” says Cain.

“I do not trust the headquarters medic. Besides I wanted to thank Anthony for sorting me out.”

Hotaru tosses his head and lowers to his knees, making it easier for Charlie to get on. Sunshine bounces, sensing we're about to go flying. I shoulder one of my three packs wondering how to tackle the other two. There's no need. Geordie snatches up one of them and Ashley has the third. Awesome Geordie has his guitar too. I hold the key out in an attempt to lock the door.

“Seriously Al lad?”

Chunk kicks a surviving slither of wood. Okay so I'm leaving the front door totes vulnerable. My parents would be narked if they knew the state I was leaving the house. A part of me thinks about leaving them a note for when they get back from Japan. Never mind they're bound to hear from Anthony that I've been home, scaring the neighbours with strange friends.