Master Hugo

When we go into the cabin for the evening, Geordie has disappeared but has left behind a habitual type of experience. He’s repaired an ancient bunk which is looking semi-stable thanks to his efforts. Some buckets are tipped upside down round a crate; I think that’s supposed to be our table. We sit Charlie on the bunk while scanning the cabin. Some old cloth is nailed over the broken window to prevent too much of a draft getting in. This means when we thought Geordie was destroying the cabin he was fixing it up.

“Stay away from the rally,” says Charlie. “I think we should go but if we do it will contrast with Geordie’s mindset.”

“He’s done this on purpose.” Danny sits on a bucket. “Knew we’d think twice if he did up the cabin.”

“Master Hugo would understand if we don’t go,” says Charlie.

“How are we going to fit in if we distance ourselves from the rest of the field agents?” says Danny.

“We’re not here to fit in. We’re here to survive a bounty which is on our heads,” says Charlie.

“Some candles would be nice and a table cloth. Ooo and a few cushions.”

“Seriously Al?” says Danny.

I go rooting through my packs which Geordie has put me in the corner of the cabin. I pull out a cloak I’ll probably never wear again which makes me wonder why I brought it along with me. I drape the cloak over the crate. “Geordie fixed up our cabin but forgot homey touches. Would you like to frame The Hollow Tree and fix it to the wall?”

Charlie folds up his jacket to make a pillow. “A job for tomorrow I think.”

“’Kay.” I try settle myself down on the floor. Some people can sleep anywhere. Danny’s already dozing. Wind blows through the makeshift curtain howling worse than wild cats. I stroke at a switchblade strapped to my arm. Master Hugo was the only master willing to die defending trainees. How can I lay here trying to sleep when I ought to be attending a memorial rally for him? I can’t. I’ll regret not going forever if I don’t pay my respects.

Giving up on sleep I crawl towards the door. Slip outside. Bump right into Geordie’s back. “What are you doing sat out here? I thought you were with Chunk.”

“Some nights he stays away.”

“Yet still you sleep outside.”

“Yeah. Problem?”

I shake my head. “The cabin looks amazing.”

“It’s crap. You going somewhere?”

“To pay my respects to Master Hugo.”

“More fool you. He tried to manipulate you into being an infiltrator.”

“He also placed a bet in favour of me becoming a field agent and gave me my switchblades. When the fire raged on Cloud High he told me it was okay if I wanted to fly away. Please don’t be sore at me for thanking someone who believed in me.” I keep on my way. As I pass the almost burnt out fire I shrug my blue blazer onto it.

“What’re you doing?”

“Blue isn’t my colour.”

“Danny. Charlie. Rally,” shouts Geordie. “Up and out. Rally.”

Yawning Danny stumbles outside. “Rally what?”

“We’re going to the rally. Wake up.”

“I’m awake.”

“Barely. What’s Captain Sensible doing?”

“He’s feeling rough. I think we should leave him to sleep.”

“Me and Al need you two with us. Besides Charlie was all for the rally.”

“Not now he’s switched off.”

“I’ll manage.”

“Yay. Rally. Rally. Rally.” I grab Charlie’s elbow seen as he looks like he’s ready to flop.

“Do you two have to be so loud?” groans Charlie as I drag him along.

“Ditch the jackets would ya?” Geordie motions at dying embers as we pass on by remnants of the fire. “Al what the hell you excited about?”

“It’s Corey,” says Charlie, “keep practising; we don’t want to slip up in public.”

By the time we reach the well I’m wondering which path we take to get to the meet up place. Danny seems to know exactly where to go. He must have done some extensive exploring earlier on. I squeal as a shadow jumps over the well and bumps into my arm. I giggle. It’s Sunshine. He sticks right at my side, like I’m sticking to Charlie’s who ought to be in bed whereas Sunshine is full of life. I can feel him urging to speed on ahead. He’s not running without me though.

Blobs of flickering flames loop in a ring of field agents. Their griffons fly above their heads also in a loop. Hotaru’s up there with them, standing out the most. Sunshine nuzzles my hand sticking as close as he can get as we join the ring of field agents. It’s unsettling knowing how uncomfortable Sunshine is amongst other griffons.

Ashley stands on the opposite side of the ring to me, up close to Jordan. Cain’s stepped away from them into the centre of the circle. He grins at everyone.

“Master Hugo was ace. He had time for every single one of his tutor group trainees, amongst those who showed potential in arms. He saved us from Clover’s oppression by encouraging us to play up in class and giving us choices. We are not oppressed.” Cain drags his two team mates by the wrists, draws them to either side of him. “We three are free. We choose to take down General Midnight. We ignore any crap logistics spews our way. In memory of Master Hugo, we must keep playing up in class.”

“I don’t get it. I’ve never seen him in the blue blazer before. Why put it on when trying to persuade everyone to stand against conformity?” says Geordie not being quiet about it.

Charlie musters to keep from drawing attention to us. “But he is trying to get us to conform together against logistics. Against our whole organisation.”

“Why can’t logistics and field agents just be friends?” I sigh.

“Because we got chosen by griffons. They must get jealous.”

“You wouldn’t have been,” snorts Geordie.

“The majority of logistics wanted griffons.”

“That don’t make sense Charlie boy. I’m sure they prefer sitting round munching biscuits than they’d be riding round getting slashed open.”

“It’s simple really. We’ve got something smart people want but cannot obtain. They’re caught up in a vicious circle.”

“Urrr guys,” says Danny.

Cain's stopped speaking. Everyone is silent listening to Geordie and Charlie who get louder with each exchange of words.

“If they had griffons they’d be living outside in the cold like us because they wouldn’t have gotten accepted as a logistics member.”

“That’s why I said it’s a vicious circle. They make themselves comfortable and keep us out here, out of spite, so they have control of something.”

“And you wanted to be one of them.”

“Do you have to bring up me previously wanting to be in logistics every time we have a dispute?”

“Guys.” Danny gestures at everyone listening in.

“Now look what you’ve gotten us into,” whispers Charlie.

Cain shows off his most fabulous grin. “Sounds like Hotaru brought us an intellect. Don’t be shy do carry on. We were intrigued listening to you.”

“Leave it Cain,” says Jordan.

“No. More of them need to speak up.”

“No we don’t.” Geordie steps out of the circle. “You ain’t here to remember Hugo. You’re here to stir trouble. Well you ain’t using any of my lads to do your dirty work. Charlie won’t be shooting his mouth off with his dumb ideas, giving this lot false hope, while you keep lining your pockets with commission. I knew coming to this rally was stupid. Our Corey wanted to pay his respects to Master Hugo. Instead we’re listening to you feeding us your deceptive shit. Come on we’re going.”

I stand in the circle watching Cain while my team move off. Is he here to use us by making ourselves get into trouble with logistics while he holds onto his top spot, or does he genuinely want to help field agents with their rights? His eyes shimmer with mischief. I have no idea of his intentions.

“Corey get your skinny arse away from the school bully before he abuses you,” calls Geordie.

I giggle while Sunshine purrs, as Cain taps at his heart. He must still see me as a fellow infiltrator. I don’t understand why. I keep giggling for a moment then run to catch up with my team.

“Delayed reactions or what? When I say we’re going we’re going.”

When we get back to our cabin I’m sleepy. This is no time for sleeping seen as Geordie is totes unimpressed with how the memorial rally went meaning he’s riled up.

“I won’t end up like Team Kadie.”

“You don’t wanna end up alive and safe?” says Danny as he slopes on the crate clearly wanting some peace.

“I don’t wanna end up scrabbling about making do in a tent forever. Remember what I said? Yuki’s a walking corpse. We kill her, do in Midnight, then get the hell outta here.”

“How?” demands Charlie. “We have to be realistic.”

“We work our way up to A-grade assignments. Get in logistics’ pants. Screw them over. Do what Team Cain does but more effectively. Get rid of Thunders.”

“Isn’t that what Courtney wants us to do?” I yawn.

I shouldn’t have asked because I think I’m going to get the longest of answers. “Yeah but for her reasons rather than ours. I’m sticking my blade clean through Yuki for scarring Charlie’s face.”

“Please don’t,” cuts in Charlie. “I’ll be much happier if we keep quiet, survived, and keep trying to help Al find a cure for his affliction; which is more important than chasing after vengeance.”

“We need to be on top to be in control. Treat headquarters like we did Cloud High and we’re half way there. Courtney is Clover. Cain is Max. There is no Hugo. Watch out for Collette’s.”

“Cain’s nothing like Max,” I say.

“Maybe you’re right but we’re still treating him as a bully because he’s our main threat.”

“Is he?”

“Yeah. You trust me, right?”

“Sure Geordie.”

“All of ya?”

The other two make noises of agreement.

“Good then we’re gonna start our take over tomorrow morning. Flight practise is at dawn. Followed by combat training. Then more combat training.”

“Then what?” I ask.

“More combat training.”

“Do we get breakfast?”

“If we find some during flight practise.”

“How will we go on flight practise if no one will let us fly?” says Danny.

“That’s part of the lesson. I’m thinking I’ll distract whoever’s on the morning watch while you three take off.”

“Two. Charlie can’t fly yet,” says Danny.

“If he can walk he can fly. There’s no room to be soft in this game.”

Too bad Charlie didn’t hear that comment having fallen asleep. Having Hugo’s rota was tough. Sounds as though Geordie’s regime is going to be brutal.

“I put forward a motion for recreational time.”

“I’m being serious here Al.”

“So am I. Recreational time please so I can draw pretty pictures, Charlie can read, Danny can make out with cheerleaders, and you do whatever best entertains you.”

Danny leans back on his bucket, almost toppling off, trying to stay casual, sort of manages it.

“Fine an hour’s recreational time,” huffs Geordie then flops onto his side with an elbow propping up his head.