Wild Child

Earlier in the morning than I expected I am greeted by Geordie sat at the kitchen table, drumming his fingers against our commissions jar. Cupboards are flung open, revealing empty innards.

“This ain't good enough. What did you three do with our commission from that job in Dover?”

I perch on the edge of the table. “We bought grey cloaks.”

“Let me get this straight you spent our own money on a job.”

“Technically rescuing you wasn't an official job,” points out Charlie.

“Don't get smart with me. Fact is we're poor while Team Cain pig out on barbecues.”

“Barbecues?” says Charlie sounding puzzled.

“Cain's an aussie, he barbecues.”

“That's highly stereotypical of you.”

“Blah blah blah. Head in the game Charlie boy. We're gonna fill up this jar.”

“Mate, I don't think you should be thinking about working so soon after -”

Geordie snaps, “-after what? Being abducted. I ain't gonna mope round feeling sorry for myself. The past is the past end of. Midnight's gonna wish she never heard about my blue hair. Hurh Lucky. I'll give her some fuckin’ luck. We're going to HQ and getting a B-grade job.”

“No. I refuse to get any grade of job for the time being.” Charlie goes around the kitchen, shutting cupboard doors. “Argue with me as much as you like I'm not working. You need to take a week or twos leave.”

“I've got those pain killers. I'm fine.”

“Pain killers won't solve the emotional strains.”

“Who says I have emotional strains?”

“You've been brutally tormented of course you're emotionally damaged. I heard you groaning last night. Danny had to sit with you.”

“I had a nightmare big deal. I can't have dreams on jobs when I'm awake.”

“Please try to understand I am concerned for your wellbeing. If you're worried about us going hungry don't, I can figure out a way to tide us over. I could help Al sell his art or even ask my family for assistance if we get desperate.”

Only Geordie isn't that bothered about commission, he's more concerned about his reputation.

“Fine you stay home. I'm going to get a job. It's not as though you're a major contributor anyway.”

“I do appreciate your opinions,” sighs Charlie on closing the last cupboard door.

“Saying I appreciate them don't mean I have to like or agree with them. You're coming with me aren't you Al lad?”

I want to side with Charlie but if I do I run the risk of Geordie shutting me out of his problems. “Sure.” Doing what he wants is the best way to keep myself in the loop. I slip off the table, straightening out my scarf as I go with Geordie out the kitchen.

“Give it three seconds and Danny will follow. He won't hang home while I'm out stirring trouble with you.” Right after he's spoken Danny jogs to catch us up as we exit the house. “Now wait ten seconds and Charlie will trail after us in a huff.”

In my head I start counting to ten. On nine Charlie trudges down the veranda steps with his hands balled up within his jacket pockets.

I giggle. “You know us so well.”

“Yeah those two are easy to figure.”

I hate how it's only a real short flight to HQ. Wanting to add a minute or two onto my journey I get Sunshine to fly higher, shooting away from the others. So cold up here but I don't mind. It would be a shame to waste such a wonderful morning in a stuffy office being briefed on a silly old job.

“Corey get your skinny ass down here,” Geordie yells after me.

Corey's not my name. I breathe in fresh crisp air wondering how high I can fly until my lungs get too strained. There's only one way to find out. Up up up. Tight tight tight. Hurt hurt hurts. I lean right back on Sunshine. Fall backwards.

“Not that way!” shouts Geordie as I fall past him. Drop through grey cloud before twisting myself round to land on Sunshine's back. Yikes Sunshine exhilarates faster than he's ever been before. Seconds later he's shimmering sunny orange meaning some of my soul is trying to get away from me. A jolt of hyper currents through my pores. Slam. Sunshine hits something in the Cloud Barrier.

“Ahhh!” screams whatever he hit.

Scree. Scree. Scree.

Ot-oh it was a skeletal and judging from that scream this skeletal had a rider.

“Sunshine no. Pull away,” I shout as Sunshine takes a dive after the skeletal and falling rider. He's not pulling away; is insistent on following. I cling on as we touch down on the ground to find a Thunder laid on his back staring at clouds laughing to himself. His skeletal leaps around, rattling his bony head. Whoa that skeletal is super tall with lanky legs.

The rider gives a happy sigh as he stops laughing. “You should be more careful when flying. You knocked us out the sky. Shade's got ever so excitable recently it'll take me hours to calm him down.”

Shade that must mean... “Don?”

The rider props himself up on his elbows and shakes down his hood to reveal his ice blue eyes, and sleek black hair, tied back in a long pony-tail. “Hello Corey West. How are you?” Don waves at me.

“I thought you'd been killed at Cloud High with the rest of our comrades.”

“Almost killed. I ran towards Watch Post. Max chased me. Shade came. Ripped off Max's face. Saved me.”


“It was a charming rip. Real fast. He would have only felt a lot of pain for a second or two. I've been re-training Shade. He shouldn't try to hurt griffons any more. How come Sunshine was bright orange when you were riding him?”

“It's complicated.”

Don flops onto his back, stretching on crumbly ground. “Which means you'd rather not tell me. Is sunlight as orange as Sunshine? I wish I could see the sun. Too bad Cloud High burnt down. Master Zel would have let me ride one of her griffons so I could see. Master Hugo told me out right I'd end up as a field agent.” Don taps at the heavy broadsword attached to his hip.

“Is that Master Hugo's sword?”

“Yep, yep. I wield it in his honour.”

“That's bold of you.”

“I know! I think he'd want me to have it or at least someone who enjoyed his classes. I wish he could have taught me. I only had him a month. I learned.”

“Who taught you?”

“Instinct. I could use some practise. Gimme a lesson.”

Before I can give an answer, Don jumps up and runs at me swinging his broadsword like a savage; yells like one too. In that grey cloak with his loud war cry he comes across as a real scary threat. I swipe my short sword from my leg, back off, making ready to defend myself from Don's blows. He's relentless bash, bash bashing at me, never stopping with his yelling, trying to make me quake, put me off. His actual fighting techniques are similar to Geordie's, as he is constantly on the attack.

Half way through our session I realise we really shouldn't be practising with sharp blades. We'll end up having an accident. Griffon wings whoosh above us. I try motioning at Don to stop with our spar, but I can't find an opening to tell him. Our battle is going to look very real from the perspective of my friends.

“Ahhh!” Don spins on Geordie who runs over to help me. Bash. Bash. Bash. Don's techniques match his fresh opponent, only he lacks the muscle so is soon flat on his back.

Geordie presses the tip of his sabre in-between Don's eyes and rests a foot on his chest.

“Hold!” I shriek.

“No mercy to Thunders,” snarls Geordie.

Don snarls right back without any words which is a bad move on his part with Geordie being full of fury. He clasps his hands round Geordie's ankle and shakes. I can't look. The sabre is going to slice through Don's head or nose at this rate.

Charlie manages to grasp Geordie's wrist; tries to pull him away. “This is the Thunder who helped me get out of Spindle Tower.”

“How can you be sure? They all look the same in their hooded cloaks.”

“He's got the same uncivilized grrr coming out of him.”

Don laughs. “I'm like you with a sore head Geordie.”

“How do you know me?”

“I don't, not really, but everyone heard you screaming yesterday. I thought it was scary sounding. You'd have come across as real bad ass if you'd had your sabre. I was going to confront Yuki to free you when everyone else went to watch the eclipse. Really, I was. Corey beat me to it. And you Mister should be more careful.” Don grins at Charlie. “You need more grrr power if you're trying to mirror Geordie.”

“I am not trying to mirror him.”

Geordie pulls his sabre a fraction away from Don. “You're a cheeky fucker ain't ya?”

Don pouts. “Nope. I say what I see.”

“I see Master Hugo's sword,” says Danny.

“Ay! Corey noticed too. You both have healthy eyes.”

“Don.” Geordie fully draws away his sword and sheaths it then crouches opposite Don and gives him a friendly punch to the shoulder. “Respect.”

“For what?” asks Don on gazing at the punched patch of his shoulder.

“Midnight did to you what happened to me for a prolonged period. You lived through years of torment. Respect.”

“The boy she tortured died,” says Don in the flattest tone I've ever heard. “Don isn't that boy. That boy's still chained up.”

“I disagree. You're here free.”

“His body is here yes but his mind remains wrapped in chains round the black pillar. Don's mind vacates the boy's head.”

“That's a peculiar way to speak,” comments Charlie. “Do you see yourself as two people?”

“No mercy to Thunders.” Don swishes Master Hugo's sword. “May I team up with you to kill lots and lots of Thunders? I'm good at what I do. Know how Thunders operate. I've lived amongst them. Know their locations and habits. I blend in.”

“You do that,” muses Geordie.

“This is a bad idea. If Cloud Association heard we were consorting with someone who rides a skeletal-”

“-What exactly would they do? Boot us out? I wouldn't care. Don's gonna be useful to have around. Will help our team get on top.”

“I am?”

“Yeah. Like you said: you know their habits. You can help Charlie with planning stages.”

“I'm your informant!” Don gives a massive grin. “How will I know when you want to meet up with me?”

“You'll know because you can stay with us if you like,” I say. The thought of him being out in the wide world with only Shade for company is gut wrenching. No one ought to be alone.

“As long as you swear down to keep our location a secret,” adds Geordie.

“I swear on my sword. If I should break my swear I'll run myself through with the sword itself.” Don's grin widens further then slants “Can Shade stay too? He's well behaved; wouldn't hurt anyone who doesn't mean me any harm.”

“He can stick around too. I'm warning you though if he tried to claw or take a bite out of any of us including our griffons Chunk will go in for the kill. And when Chunk kills he doesn't mess about.”

“The Scary One, I know. Where is he?”

Geordie points above. “Watching us right now.” As he speaks Chunk thumps down being ever so over-protective as his stare switches from Shade to Don. There go the talons clawing away, flinging dirt all over Charlie. “Best get that job. Don you'll have to wait here for us. We'll be what an hour max?”

“Get your job from where?”

“Cloud Association obviously.”

“I wouldn't go there.”


“There's a hostage situation.”

“What?” blurts Charlie. “And you're only telling us now because?”

“Because you shouldn't go to Cloud Association if you want to keep your guts inside. Especially you, Corey West; you're the object of Captain Yuki's desire and that is not a friendly place to be.”

“How many hostages?” I ask.

“Everyone inside headquarters minus General Courtney and her top logistics team. I watched them abandon ship. Was awful. I wanted to help. Didn't know how so left.”

“Right that's Cloud Association gone just like Cloud High.” Geordie smirks. “Cool we're no longer in the system which don't exactly solve our money situation.”

I continuously press down on the release catch on my switchblade.

Logistics. Flick.

Relief. Flick.

Clerical. Flick.

Recruitment. Flick.

They've been left behind trapped inside headquarters with mean Thunders. If there's no more Cloud Association, Thunders will be free to do whatever they want.

Flick. Flick. Flick. Pour into Kensington. Kill Anthony, cheerleaders, the skateboarders, basketball team.

Flick. Flick. Flick. My parents' house will get trashed.

Flick. Flick. Flick. Chaos will take over Hackney.

Flick. Flick. Flick. Caravans like the ones Charlie's family have will no longer be able to travel and trade freely.

“What's with you?” Geordie eyes up me flicking my switchblade.

“We're supposed to protect civilians. We can't do that if Thunders take over our headquarters and everyone inside. I don't get how they got in. Patrols are usually tight.”

“Thunders don't tend to venture out in the morning. They've gone against their own rules. No one would have been expecting a siege,” explains Charlie.

“General Midnight's a big bully meaning she won't stop at our HQ.”

“Whatever you're thinking stop,” warns Geordie.

“I thought you wanted to take her down for what happened to Charlie's face. You might not agree with our system or like anyone in Cloudy HQ but that's no reason to leave them to rot.”

“Why?” snorts Geordie. “They left me to rot.”

“Nothing will change for us if someone doesn't step out of the doctrine everyone was taught at Cloud High. The manual you get given was stupid. There was a paragraph stating you look out for your own team only. In Kensington Palace we were always taught to integrate with other tutor groups and help each other out.”

“Get it into your skull: this is real not a pointless preppy school.”

“No, you need to get it. Do you think griffons kept choosing riders for fun? I think Chunk was waiting for you. Knew exactly who he wanted. Probably knows you're capable of changing things round here if you set your mind to it. Hotaru knows intelligence when he sees it, and Honey gets Danny's cool confidence. Heck knows why I ended up with Sunshine, but I know I won't waste my time with him. This is the perfect opportunity for us to get on top. We could give Team Geordie a reputation this morning.”

“Why is it a perfect time?”

“Courtney has abandoned her own headquarters. How silly will she look if her supposedly untrained team, led by a disobedient Hackney delinquent, ran Midnight out of there?”

“Save Cloud Association.”

“Well the hostages at least. That must be equivalent to an A-grade job.”

“Don't go putting him up to stuff especially after his recent misfortune,” says Charlie.

“Corey's right Midnight's a bully. There'll be other misfortunes,” musters Danny. “She's not getting away with sticking rods into your head. If we don't stamp on her now she'll keep coming back for our team. I vote we show her we're as lethal as Team Cain.”

Roar roar roar goes Chunk in agreement.

“No one bullies Geordie Henley, right?” I say.

“I-oh I-oh I-oh,” Geordie sings softly. “Team Geordie's gonna kill Thunders dead.” When he looks over at me his mischievous glint has returned. “If we're gonna do this there'll be no screw ups like in Dover or yesterday afternoon. Everything moves how I tell you it's gonna move. Don when were hostages taken?”

“Right after I flew off then Sunshine hit us out the clouds.”

“About a half hour ago let's say. Corey you're to stick with me. When I attack watch my back.”

“Attack what?” asks Charlie.

“Good point. What's the layout like Don?”


“I don't want ermms. I want answers.”

“I'm thinking... Thunders were situated round the big building that looks like a massive house. General Midnight flies round it with Captain Yuki and her main guard. Some Thunders went inside with hostages.”

“We can't possibly take a whole squad.”

“Always making obstacles Charlie boy.” Geordie gives a grumble. “We need reinforcements. More field agents.”

“I don't know why but Midnight's scared of Cain Dacota. He scares me too. I could fetch him for you.”

“It's Sunday. He never shows his face Sunday. Insists he has a day off,” says Geordie.

“I know where Team Cain lives so could fetch him.”

“Seriously you know where to find Team Cain?”

“Yep, yep. I'm a super sleuth. Followed him because he's interesting. His house is real lush. They have a stone garden with fake metal trees.”

“Cut the details. Fetch him. Don't let him see Shade or your grey cloak.”

Don shrugs off his cloak, lets it drop on the ground. He's totes wearing my long yellow jacket underneath. Ooo he's the Cheetah who saved me from my cell. He sure gets around.

“What?” Don rolls his eyes then laughs. “Oh, you want your jacket back.” He slips his arms out the sleeves and holds my jacket out to me. “Don't worry Stylish I took pristine care of it. Not a blood splotch in sight.”

I snatch at my jacket. “You mugged me!”

“For show for show.”

“Quit chattering and get gone.” Geordie shoves Don in Shade's direction while I put my favourite jacket on happy to be reunited with it. Luckily, I'm wearing white trousers and a grey-blue shirt so don't look garish. “Al, stop admiring yourself we ain't going to a ball.”

Giggling I flick both switchblades. “Combat is nothing like dancing. Blood spurts and heads fly.”

“You scare me sometimes,” says Charlie.

I tilt my head to one side, checking out my reflection in a blade. “How? I'm the least scary person in the world.” Who is Al Harlington? Is he intelligent? How did he get here, using switchblades as mirrors, when the boy at Kensington Palace was manipulated by his peers?

“You scare me because you're a survivor.”

Survivor. Al Harlington is a survivor. Trust Charlie to answer all my questions at once with one perceptive word. I wink at my reflection. “Keep moving forwards. Are we going to take a look at the layout?”

“Obviously.” Geordie signals at us to get moving. Looks like we're tackling this one from on the ground.

Being quiet trying to be stealthy I follow Geordie wondering what Sunshine is getting up to in the sky or clouds. I hope he's in blue sky. Those clouds are dangerous for a griffon although he does blend in just as well as a skeletal. Oops I really shouldn't be thinking about anything save for the mission. Need to focus on the here and now. What's right in front of me. There's not a lot. Dead ground and rotting trees. Cloud Association is only moments away. A line of Thunders step out from behind white trees that look like they're made from paper. I squeeze my switchblades readying myself to cover Geordie. I can sense he's about to charge. Is motioning at us to gather right behind him. There's eight Thunders. Two each.

Before we charge Honey runs from our right. Wasting no seconds Danny swings onto her. Silently they go right for those Thunders with perfect balance. Both his katanas spanned out ready to perform his warrior party trick. The way he kills is so fluid. Surges right at the line of Thunders. They raise their pikes thinking they'll skewer him easy. Slice two are down in a heartbeat. He's the lightening to their thunder. Two more fall. Honey swerves round as the remaining two Thunders chase after them. Slice one loses the use of an arm. Clash. Pike meets katana. Danny's attack is blocked. Remaining completely cool Danny circles his arm out of the lock. Being on a higher level gives him an advantage. A jab to the chest sends the Thunder reeling backwards with watery eyes. Danny gets down from Honey and she gallops off to keep out of sight.

Geordie looks straight ahead as though realising for the first time what his back up lad has become capable of. A shrug later he rushes past the corpses. Keeps moving towards Cloud Association. We follow. A hand gesture later we're crouched down behind a wall going around the grounds. Scared I'll give us away I sit with my back to the wall while Geordie is half stood so he can see over the top of it.

“We need to get inside the main building. It’s heavily guarded. The rest of the area seems clear. Idiots only put those soldiers in the woods.”

“Are you sure?” whispers Charlie.

“More or less. How we're gonna get inside is a problem. Any ideas?”

Charlie tugs at Geordie's arm making him get down. “They'll see you. We should probably wait for Cain to get here.”

“Your problem is you're over cautious.”

“Maybe I am but I'm not exactly going to tell you to have Corey fly through the attic window, because Sunshine's the only one who will fit, while we fight off skeletals surrounding HQ.”

“That's not a bad idea.”

“No, no way. It was hypothetical. Forget I said anything.”

“You can't unsay what's been said. Corey how do you feel about smashing another window?”

My stomach falls away. “I can give it a try.”

“Yeah, you get through the window. Chunk can drop me off. I'll follow you through.”

Knowing I need him Sunshine comes over to me, nudging loose rocks with his beak as he approaches, right until his beak touches my knee. Eyes rise to meet mine as though to say: Do you really want us to fly through a window?

“We must try. It's time we showed the world little and grey is okay. You're fast and cute which is a winning combination,” I whisper.

Purr purr purr.

Time to take on our latest mission. I get on Sunshine, preparing my nerves to fly through skeletals.

“Geordie call this off,” hisses Charlie.

“I believe in them. We're right behind you. We'll do our best to distract the opposition.”

“There's attempting a job and being completely reckless.”

“Charlie it'll work out because Geordie thinks your idea is worthy. Remember what I told you on our last job; you're amazing, capable of lots. Fly safe.”

We're off. Running in the opposite direction to where we need to be then jump we're up, going towards the clouds. When shrouded in grey Sunshine turns us in the direction we're supposed to be heading but keeps rising until we break out the clouds, so we skim the tops of them.

The rest happens so fast. We keep above the clouds for several seconds, then plunge, descend into grey, right where skeletals are circling; keeping an eye out for a Cloudy like me to pull a stunt like this. I hold my breaths in to keep from screaming as we shoot in-between two startled Thunders. They turn their mounts in an instant in hot pursuit. There's the main building. I need to smash through the attic window, but Sunshine's pulled upwards, right into the thick of cloud so I'm no longer able to see how close or far from the building we are. I lean low hoping my yellow coat doesn't give us away. Sunshine's practically invisible in here. Yeah, they can see me alright. Their wings whoosh right underneath us. A beak makes a snap at Sunshine's tail.

Up up up.

We break into blue sky for the briefest second.

Down down down.

Sunshine plunges us past our pursuers. We burst out the clouds and shoot right for General Midnight and Captain Yuki who have stopped circling headquarters to watch where we'll end up. Captain Yuki pulls away from the building to fly head on at me. Her white eye pulsing with excitement. There's a loud smack behind me as though someone has smacked two massive slabs of meat together. I dare take a quick look over my shoulder. It's Chunk ramming into one of the skeletals chasing me. That's not our only problem. Six more skeletals with Thunders follow Yuki's attack. She's leading them to battle, to slaughter us. I'm going to die first. Why doesn't anyone ever listen to Charlie's doubts? But this isn't about me dying; it's about saving hostages.

“I want to speak with Courtney,” Midnight yells. “Another hostage dies if she does not appear in five minutes.”

At least we know what her demands are. Five minutes is hardly anytime at all. Geordie's shouting at me but I can't make out what he's saying. Whatever it is will have to go ignored. Five minutes to get inside, find the hostages, and stop them being killed.

“Keep going forwards,” I instruct, scared we'll collide into Yuki. Her skeletal is much bigger than us. Two Thunders ride either side of Yuki, set to surround me. The attic window is in my line of vision. “The window. We mustn't pull away.” Right after those words get the better of me. “Drop drop drop!”

My instincts were right. As we plummet beneath Yuki, Charlie and Danny glide out the clouds, they clash with the two Thunders riding alongside Yuki.

Almost scratching the ground with his talons Sunshine carries on flying. Thunders on foot rush at us. We pull up, narrowly missing colliding into Yuki. She yells on losing balance. Unable to miss this perfect opportunity we fly back to being level-ish with the attic window. Forgetting about me, Midnight leaves her post to try her luck capturing Geordie and Chunk. They try to swamp him. Chunk's ready. Roars away, striking through everything in sight.


We smash through the window. Sunshine skids across a wooden panelled floor then stops abruptly. I jerk over his head. Land in an awkward position on my back with my legs stuck up against a crate. Giving a nervous giggle I slide my legs down the crate then twist myself onto my feet. Run over to the broken window to see what's happening outside. Chunk's managed to break away from flying Thunders. I scream and turn; Yuki's flying right at the window. I run through the attic pushing my way through, crates, boxes, and musty books. As I reach a hatch leading out I realise Sunshine's not going to fit through.

“When the window is clear, fly through into blue sky,” I shriek as Yuki jumps off Scally into the attic.

Being defiant Sunshine bumps his head non too gently against my chest, forcing me to go through the hatch. I don't want to leave him, but he won't stop pushing. Reluctantly I slip into the hole finding a ladder rung with my feet. As I start climbing down, Sunshine puts himself directly above the hatch to defend me from Yuki. She'll kill him! I freeze as Yuki takes a swipe. Sunshine charges with his head down. Goes full spurt using all his power. Drives Yuki to the window. Pushes her out like he did to Casey in my bedroom.

“Bloody hell,” shouts Geordie a half moment later as he swings through the window. “Corey, you up here?”

I manage to raise my hand and wave from where I'm stood on the ladder.

“Sunshine's gone shaky.”

That sentence has me shoot into the attic. Aww he's cowering. “Hey it's okay. She's gone. You did great.”

“She's not gone completely. Her skeletal caught her.”

I rub Sunshine's shoulder blade in reassurance. “You should get into direct sunlight in case more Thunders come this way. I'll be safe now Geordie's here to keep an eye on me.”

Sunshine nips my fingertip then takes himself out the window. When he's gone Geordie ushers me towards the hatch. “Cover me. Stay close. No splitting up. We get to the library,” says Geordie as he climbs down the ladder. “Don't think past the library.”

I think five minutes is up meaning a hostage will probs be dead.

“Did you hear me?” Geordie waits for me at the foot of the ladder. “You're supposed to say understood.”

The last rung is underfoot. I clear my mind of what happened in the attic. Jump to the floor. Take hold of my switchblades. “Get to the library. Cover you without thinking too far ahead. Understood.” This will be the first time I've tried covering him for real. He looks uneasy about the idea now we're on the verge of taking the plunge. He doesn't trust my ability when faced with pressure. I don't blame him. I squeeze my hilts, merging my palms with them. I can do this. Little is lethal. No taking my pretty boy style for granted when holding these sharpies.

I straighten out my yellow jacket. “Are we going?" I hear boots thumping upstairs. I think those boots belong to Thunders coming to kill us.

“Yeah we should...” he trails off.

“Why you not moving?”

“They'll slaughter us.”

“I'll stick close to you, promise. If we die it's together yeah? Field agents do have low life expectancies.”

“My head. They...”

Ot-oh. Charlie was right: Geordie's not mentally stable to be doing jobs.

Thunders have gotten off the stairs. They're charging down the corridor at us.

“Catch your breath. Clear your mind. If you can't pick yourself up retreat into the attic.” I offer Geordie my friendliest smile, telling him it's okay to have a wobble, then turn away from him. Take a few slow steps forward as six Thunders run at me head on.

They're here.

Geordie needs time to calm himself.

I jump back from a jabbing sword while swinging low. My blade punctures a stomach. I twist then pull loose. Blood pours. The first one falls.

I'm capable.

I side step round the body defending myself from the next strike. Two strikes come at once. One from the left, another from the right. A third thrusts at my face.

I'm not that capable.

I try a retreat while sticking the one on my right. Think I've compromised my face.

“Ahhh!” Geordie thrusts his sword over my shoulder into the one in front's throat.

Both lefty and righty drip blood. I actually managed to take them both without realising. Geordie's already chopping through the remaining two Thunders. I fall into step right behind him, ready to take anything that poses as a threat on our way to the library.

We run down the corridor keeping close to the left wall and take the stairs fast. Meet no one on them. Maybe only those six were sent in. Midnight probably doesn't realise we're better than average at combat yet. If we survive this morning she will learn we're a dangerous blotch.

I throw an arm over my mouth on reaching the second floor where the library lives. Tai lays in a growing pool of blood. Ewww.

“You're not Courtney,” says a Thunder stood by the library doors. She has an arm tightly wrapped round Hanna's stomach, and holds a blade flat across her throat. Our next move is crucial. If we make a wrong move Hanna's throat will be slit.

From where he's stood in the middle of the corridor Geordie throws his sword. It whistles through the air on flying over to the Thunder. Misses its mark. Clatters against part of the door above the Thunder's head. Taking a chance, Hanna stamps on her captor's foot while she's distracted by a flying sabre clattering on top of her head. Hanna manages to twist then duck away from the blade against her throat. Runs forward a step almost getting her neck severed, and bumps into Geordie.

Instantly Geordie pushes her aside then knocks the Thunder out cold with a blow to the eye. “Are there any spare weapons laying around?”

“In the basement.”

“Fetch them quickly. We're gonna need them.” Geordie looks straight ahead at a set of keys stuck in the library door while picking up his sword. Motions at me to join him. Hanna hurries to the basement. “She'll run off. Save herself.”

“I don't think so. Her team will be trapped in the library. What next?”

“Go in. Get out who we can. Take on those in the grounds and hope Don's managed to convince Cain to come with back up.” Geordie turns the key in the lock. Throws open the door.

Clerical, relief, and recruitment huddle round a long table. Some sit on top of it while others stand against it, being made to stay there by a line of armed Thunders. Field agents and logistics are held at sword point a long a row of bookcases. Jordan is amongst them. He's purposely not making eye contact with us to avoid bringing attention to himself. If the hostages had weapons we'd out-number these Thunders easy.

A big Thunder with complacent eyes steps away from those he's guarding. He must be the one in charge here. “You've come to join us.”

“Get off our patch,” says Geordie using his gangster snarl.

“Your general has abandoned you. Cloud Association is Midnight's patch now.”

I lean into Geordie's shoulder striking my cutest pose. “Cloud Association belongs to any Cloudy who still breathes wherever they belong to a logistics or field agent team, or are part of clerical, relief, or recruitment. Let my brothers and sisters leave.”

The Thunder captain laughs. “Brothers and sisters?”

He shouldn't have laughed. I dart past Geordie. Slip my blades into the captain's guts before he has time to think about defending himself. Let loose the short sword from my leg. Give it a kick so it slides over to Jordan who scoops it up in an instant then slices and smacks his way through those holding him at bay.

Chaos erupts as Thunders try to take down Jordan. While Thunders are busy with Jordan, field agents and logistics try giving Thunders the slip to break away from a hostage queue of death. Geordie goes to help.

“Everyone follow Corey to the front entrance,” calls Jordan, “we'll hold these thugs off.”

Too bad clerical, recruitment, and relief are still stuck at sword point round the hefty table. Hefty table. I skid round the side of it yelling, “Off the table. Back up. Hurry.”

Those sat on the table spring off, slamming into book shelves behind them.

“Not that far. Grab the table and push.”

Some field agents who were dashing for the door take a detour to help us with the table. We give it a shove, pushing it on top of Thunders. A few people have decided to topple a bookcase or three to add to the bedlam. Bang, bang, thud. Dust clouds puff up around the library. If we get out of this clerical are going to have a massive job restoring this library as we have trashed it. I wince on seeing a body crushed underneath a bookcase. Nasty.

From the doorway I watch Cloudys running out the library, ready to fight anyone who tried to prevent them leaving. Jordan and Geordie are the last ones out. They're in deep conversation about what will happen next. I follow them; swipe the set of keys out the door on my way.

I don't get too far. Kadie and Evan kneel in blood staring at their fallen friend. Rough. “I'm sorry about Tai.” I place a gentle hand against Kadie’s shoulder. “We can come back for him later. You can say goodbye properly.”

Kadie shakes her head. “I can never say goodbye. What about his griffon? Life is supposed to end in the sky. Not here. Not today.”

I doubt all the kind words in the dictionary will get them to move at the moment. Your team is your immediate family. I trail my hand from her shoulder and take the stairs to the first floor then onto the ground floor where Hanna is busy throwing swords, daggers, and axes around.

“Out these doors,” Jordan points at the main doors, “are foot soldiers. I know many of you won't have held a weapon for a long time however all have had lessons from Master Hugo at some point. Remember them and charge.” Jordan tries to sound authoritative but it's obvious from his shy tone he's not a natural leader. “Field agents to the front, logistics behind, and everyone else central. Try to stay together as a wall.”

As an echo Hanna repeats what Jordan has said ever so loudly to make sure everyone heard as well as trying to rile them with battle enthusiasm. Her attempts fall flat as convincing as I found them. Everyone slumps scared.

I toss the set of keys to Jordan then clap out the tune to the song I sing when I'm at a loss or down. “I-oh I-oh I-oh. We're going to defend our patch. I-oh I-oh I-oh,” I sing sounding like a crazy.

Geordie claps along with me. “I-oh I-oh I-oh. No mercy to Thunders. We're going to defend our patch. I-oh I-oh I-oh.” Then Geordie swings open the doors and shouts, “go go go!” He shunts past Jordan to get outside. I flitter after him.

All that build up and help has arrived. Pheew. Chillchill picks up soldiers in his talons and drops them from a great height while Cain works his magic on the ground; swirling, twirling, striking. Along with a couple of other field agent teams he's managed to gather together. General Midnight isn't here anymore neither is Captain Yuki. I catch a glimpse of Ashley a couple of foot distance from Cain; slamming away excess enemies.

A scream comes from above. I look up. Chunk flies around clutching to Danny's leg with sharp talons, with Charlie on Hotaru, and Honey flying after them.

“Chunk, you put Danny down right now,” yells Geordie in his bossiest voice, then hastily adds, “gently.”

Using his griffon smirk Chunk keeps flying around, giving Honey and Hotaru the slip, until he's directly above Geordie. Talons un-flex, leaving go of Danny's leg. Danny drops. He lands on top of Geordie in a heap. Snickering Chunk lands with a thud next to me.

“What is wrong with ya?” yells Geordie as he tries to be careful about pushing Danny off him.

“Ahhhooow,” groans Danny. He's gone super pale.

As Hotaru lands, Cain and Ashley rush right by us to greet Jordan. The remaining Thunder soldiers flee from our headquarters. That must mean a win for us.

Blood blobs out of talon punctures in Danny's leg, making a gloopy mess.

“I asked you a question,” Geordie bellows at Chunk.

It's Charlie who answers. “Danny fell off Honey when they were fighting. Chunk caught him too roughly and wouldn't let go.”

“Fuck. Are you two alright?” asks Geordie as we both notice how torn up they both are. Their clothes are in tatters and arms are coated in cuts and gashes.

“Skeletals have sharp claws. Chunk was a huge help. We may have been killed without him. He got over enthusiastic towards the end,” says Charlie.

“I'll say.” Geordie holds onto Danny's forearms as a form of supporting him. “Be gentler the next time you grip hold of one of my lads. They can break and bleed.” His eyes slant warningly at Chunk.

Tear tear tear goes the earth.

“I'm cool,” musters Danny.

Honey saunters over holding Danny's katanas in her beak. She drops them at his feet then nudges the side of his head as though to say: Sorry you fell.

“What do you mean the rescue wasn't down to you?” demands Cain as he follows after Jordan, who is heading in our direction.

“The attack happened while I was talking to relief. I was caught unaware. Got captured. Team Geordie did all the hard graft.” Jordan halts in front of us. Gives Geordie an anxious look. “You have to be more careful when patrolling in Lundune. Especially with your attributes.”

“I know,” snaps Geordie.

“Did they get to... They did I can tell. Which team got you out? Cain refused to go. I should have gone but daren't venture into Spindle Tower alone.”

“Team Geordie got me out. My lads wouldn't leave me to suffer. When I'm down Corey steps up. He's like second in command.”

“You three got into Spindle Tower?” Cain almost bursts into laughter. “I find that highly improbable. I'm betting you were never even snatched Geordie and this is some elaborate plan to -”

“Danny your leg!” Jordan exclaims over the top of Cain.

Danny holds up a hand. “It's cool. A flesh wound.”

“Flesh wound? Looks pretty deep from here.”

I giggle. “Everything's a flesh wound with Danny. He could have a spear impaling his chest or an axe lodged in his head and it'd be: It's a flesh wound.”

“Not funny. Seeing him fall was awful,” says Charlie.

“You'll fall a lot. I still fall now,” says Jordan.

“Falling's an occupational certainty, Charlie boy.”

“Wait one dang moment.” Cain pushes his way into our conversation. “What is this?”

“What is what?” says Jordan.

“You with them. Them with you. Why would you sound concerned about Team Geordie? You're being incredibly friendly as though more than passing acquaintances. I sense a rat. What have you five been up to fairly recently?”

“Nothing. It's in your head,” insists Jordan.

“Really? I'm wondering how they've managed to pull a rescue mission off today without coming close to finishing their training. You know survival statistics for new teams. The odds were against them before they started.” Cain watches Jordan closely for several seconds. “Duped. You weren't sneaking off to see a lady while I gave Ash some training.”

Me and Geordie burst into laughter as Jordan glows red.

“I should have known really Mister Socially Awkward.”

“Aww meanie.” I give Cain a prod then smile at Jordan. “There's still a Master Hugo in Cloud Association. Jordan's the best teacher ever.”

“I've told you not to go around comparing me to Master Hugo,” mumbles Jordan.

“Well you're just as good. You brought out the best of my style. Whenever I feel a panic attack coming on in a fight I clear my mind and focus on the immediate like you taught me.”

“This is all very sentimental but we have a security problem,” says Cain.

Jordan swerves his eyes round the grounds. “This is true.”

“Not here. At home. Remember when my blue shirt supposedly blew off the washing line? Well some cocky shrimp came waltzing up the garden path wearing it. He told me Thunders were invading Cloud Association then ran off before I could reach out to catch him,” says Cain.

“He must have been on our side if he was warning you about the attack,” says Jordan.

“I've never seen him before meaning he's not part of Cloud Association. He was wearing my shirt so has been around our place before.” Cain swerves on Geordie. “Do you know any youths who steal clothes off folk's washing lines?”

“Can't say I do. Whoever he was I'm glad he knew where to find you and chose to help. We'd have been fucked against Midnight with clerical waving pointy objects aimlessly about.”

I nudge close to Cain and whisper, “was it the real Corey or another of your thief friends?”

“I think I'd know my own associates. We'd better tell General Courtney, Team Geordie saved our base. That'll ruffle her." Cain calls to Ashley. "Go find the witch, Ash. Me and Jordan will make a start on the big clear up. You four stay where I can see you.”

"No." Geordie glares at Cain. "We've done our assignment for today."

Charlie steps up beside Geordie. "For a whole two weeks actually. Let Courtney know we need to take some leave because of recent unfortunate events."

"Vacation, he means vacation," says Geordie.

"Vacation?" says Cain perplexed.

"Yeah. We deserve it not had one yet. And if Court gotta problem with that then you can tell her to try find our camp and drag us outta it. " Geordie pushes Charlie away from Cain, hooks his arm round my neck, then makes his follow me gesture at the other two.

We walk to where we told Don to wait for us before we knew Thunders had broken into Cloud Association. He’s there laid flat on the ground staring at the clouds. Aww Sunshine's sat with him; gets up on seeing me, runs right over, purring. I make a fuss of him glad he's gotten over his panic in the attic.

“Where's Shade gone?” asks Geordie.

“Somewhere dark and terrifying I expect,” sighs Don. “He likes coves and caves. Don't get me wrong they're mysterious and full of adventure but it'd be swell to see warm inviting places every once in a while.”

“Get on.” Geordie inclines his head at Chunk which makes Chunk grumble in the back of his throat. “You'll behave after what you did to Danny's leg. Don needs a ride if he's coming to stay at ours.”

Don leaps up. “You mean you're going to show me the sun?”

“We can stay in dark clouds if you prefer,” says Geordie as he mounts a disgruntled Chunk who shifts about on purpose trying to make it difficult for Don to get on. His attempts fall flat.

“Sunlight please!” When he's seated Don bends down to pat Chunk's side. “Shade used to be wilder than you on our first flights together.”

When I first saw the real sky, I was an excited ball of energy. Don's much stiller. He rests his ear against Geordie's shoulder blade, watching with thoughtful eyes as he's engulfed in a bright orange yellow that lights the sky blue.

“Do you like what you see?” asks Geordie.

“I can't believe I'm here even though I've already been here in the moonlight. I always imagined what the sun would look like especially when I was locked away. From here the world is fresh and clear.”

We keep quiet, letting Don savour his first time in real sky. It's hard for me to imagine him being locked away in a dreary dungeon when he's so in-tune with the great outdoors.

When we land at home Don slips off Chunk, stares wide eyed at our handsome house. “I thought you lived in a tent. How'd you find this huge place?”

“We didn't find it. I bought it.” I sit Don on the veranda step. “There's something about myself I haven't been honest with you about.”

“Do you think it wise to tell him?” says Charlie. “The more people who know the higher risk of you being found out.”

“If he's going to be part of our team he should know. Tell him,” says Geordie.

“My name's not Corey West. I'm Al Harlington.”

Don blinks. “That doesn't mean anything to me.”

“He's a rich kid who ran away from home,” explains Geordie. “Only us and Team Cain know his true identity and it best stay that way get me?”

“Why does a rich kid run away from home?” Don watches Sunshine skipping round as he speaks. “Does it have something to do with your griffon glowing orange when you fly in the Cloud Barrier?”

Charlie watches Don watching Sunshine. “That's perceptive of you.”

“Not really. Grey griffons are extra special meaning Corey must be special too. Not much is known about them. Everyone knows red and black griffons originate from Japan. Yellows, browns, and greens from Euro Zone. Whites Greenland. Rare blues Aussieland. Rarer still are greys and no one knows where they come from. In a hundred years Sunshine is the only one known to be sighted. Does he glow orange often?”

“Only when chasing my soul.”

“Chasing your soul! Why's he do that?”

“Because I have the affliction. Sunshine keeps me from losing my mind by absorbing lost fragments of my soul and giving them back to me.”

Don turns to me staring. “But you're so shiny.” He laughs. “You have a sunshine coloured soul.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If Sunshine goes the colour of the sun when he's chasing your soul then that must be your soul's colour which makes perfect sense because you're a bright warm person.”

“The orange yellow is my colour not Sunshine's?”

“You did say he absorbs your soul to give you.”

“It's a solid theory,” agrees Charlie.

“Don't let Midnight find out about your affliction. She'd experiment on the both of you.” Don shudders. “Then use the information against the world.”

“Only us five know. Unless you include Mister Hans, but he only knows half a story. Come on I'll show you round the house,” I say wanting to change the subject. It works. Don's up fast and follows me eagerly inside. Keeps a step behind me as I show him our lounge, bathroom, and kitchen. “Upstairs are our bedrooms.”

Don fiddles round with cutlery and an ink well which have been left on the kitchen table. “I won't be in the way, will I? You only have four chairs.”

“We can find a fifth chair easy. Until then I don't mind sitting on the unit.”

I push open the kitchen door and point to the room opposite. “That's supposed to be a dining room, but we never use it. Eating in the kitchen is easier. How about we turn the dining room into your room?”

“My very own room?”

“If you want it.”

Don slinks past me and goes into the dining room. There's no furniture whatsoever in here. Corners have started gathering dust. Don presses his nose against the window, staring out at one of the hills we're situated in-between. “I'll take it!” He grins on turning from the window then kneels down and unpacks his rucksack. He pulls out a blanket first and straightens it out on the floor.

“We'll try find you a mattress from somewhere. None of us have bed frames yet.”

“No mattress. I like sleeping on the ground. Couldn't sleep any place else.”


“Yep, yep. I tried a bed at an inn one time and ended up moving to the floor.”

Next some oddments of clothes come out Don's rucksack. He holds them out to me in a jumble. “Can you fold please?”

As I fold up Don's clothes he empties the rest of his rucksack which consists of a small cup, half eaten bread loaf, some odd slim packages, and a comb.

“What are these?” I prod a foil package.

“Hair dye from Mister Hans. I can change my hair colour for a couple of days. It washes in and out.”

“Cool. What colours do you have?”

“No idea until I put it on. Could be red, blond, brown, white. It's very useful for sneaking. I only use it in emergencies.” Don puts his foil packages inside his cup. “These might be the last ones I ever get hold of. Only two left.”

“Covering black hair must be hard.”

“Yes. Yours is light so you'd cover easy. I'm jealous.”

“Don't be. Black hair suits you. You've gotta mysterious don't mess with me thing going on, especially with Shade to compliment you.”

Don's grin merges into a cheeky smile. His expression is oddly familiar but no can't place it. “Does blue still suit me?”

“Definitely. Even more so.”

Don rolls up his sleeves and takes himself to the door. Clings hold of the frame as he watches everyone else in the kitchen.

I give him a nudge. “You can join them if you like. They don't bite. Well we've not tested Geordie for biting yet.”

“What’re they doing?”

“Playing a game. Poker.”

Don runs into the kitchen and pulls up a chair, grinning at everyone. “Teach! I've never played a game before.” He pulls his chair closer to Charlie. “You're smart. I'll learn off you.” Resting his chin on the table, Don observes Charlie's deck. “Have you got the cards you need?”

“Sssh, you're supposed to be quiet. This is a game of deception.”

Don rolls his eyes. “Bossy. I'll learn off Geordie instead.”

I giggle. “If you think Charlie's bossy you'll have a hard time with Geordie.”

“I know! We'll play together, Corey West.” Don edges to the left of his chair and gives the right side a pat. “Share my chair. You're little, you'll fit.”

“Cheeky.” I flick his shoulder on sitting down. “You're littler than me.”

“Only for a couple more years I expect.” Don alters his expression to match Danny's. “You're looking shifty. Do you think you're winning?”

So our two weeks leave begins. Two weeks off! We have started with a game of poker. I wonder what else we will get up to.