Pretty Persona

After two days I have finally found an opening to slip off on my own. It's been quiet round the house. When I say quiet I mean no Thunders have tried to storm through the windows. We've even been on our patrol duties. Midnight must have bigger concerns than wanting to capture Geordie this week.

Casey's spent a lot of time shut away in his room. He doesn't seem to want much company. When I try to talk to him he ends up rambling on about how his life is over because his friends have ditched him. I suggested he go back to school; he refuses to go.

I push up my hood as I approach the skate park. Sunshine takes to the sky, so attention isn't drawn to us. I lean into the railings watching Frankie roll down slopes while Milo practises rail slides. The energy that used to be here feels as though it's been sucked away. They look bored as though skateboarding is a routine they are forced to do every day.

“I hope you're happy,” I call to them as I shake the railings.

Frankie drifts right over to me. “If Casey's sending you letters, Cloudy, don't blame me. I told him he was being a creepy stalker.”

“You told him what?!” I exclaim. Okay bring it back me. “No wonder he's stopped coming to school. Poor Case.”

“Come again?”

“I said poor Case.” I walk through the gate, invading their park. “I need to tell you something but if I do it cannot leave this skate park. You have to double pinkie swear you'll keep my secret.”

Milo comes over to us. “A Cloudy secret?”

“Of sorts. Will you keep it?”

“If it gets you to go away quicker and won't incriminate us or our safety in any way, we promise to keep your secret,” says Frankie.

I brush down my hood. “Casey Hillcrest does not tell lies.” I tuck my hair behind my ears. “It's my fault you fell out with him.”

“Blonde.” Frankie sniggers. “No wonder he's stalking you. He has a fetish for blonde boys.”

“Yes, I am aware he's physically attracted to blonde hair just like you can't keep me away from a naughty smile but that's not the point.”

Frankie isn't looking at me properly. All he sees is my hair. At least Milo is more observant. “Has a fetish for one blonde in particular.”

My serious face relaxes into a smile. “I hope so I really do. We made up. You'll be happy to know he's safe. We're living together which might be taking things fast but it's the best solution seen as his parents would never accept us. I wanted you to know I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm the liar not him.”

Frankie stares at me in shock. “Alex Harlington, right?”

I roll up my sleeves. Show them my wrists. “See I didn't get so depressed I slit my wrists. Neither was I kidnapped by Thunders.”

Milo pokes my cheek. “Bro, he's real.”

“You can't tell. Logistics would be furious. They spent a lot of their valuable time trying to locate me. Not that I'm here about me.” I look to Frankie. “Casey misses hanging out with you. You three are totes special together.”

“We miss him too,” says Milo.

“Shut up,” sneers Frankie.

“We do. Where are you living? I'll visit him.”

“It's quite a trek from the ground. I couldn't give you accurate directions.”

“Meaning he has no intentions of telling you where they are located.”

“It's a handsome house in the middle of Surrey behind two hills. You should visit. Please don't shut him out. He's having a difficult time. I bet he didn't mention he never made it to Bloomsbury. I found him suspended from the ceiling of a dilapidated tower block.”

“Suspended? He only told us he was mugged.” Frankie nudges his skateboard over to my feet. “Make sure Casey gets this. Tell him I want it back as soon as possible. If Casey's not boarding no one boards.”

Milo holds his board out to me. “Can you carry two?”

I take the board. “What are you two gonna do for fun?”

Frankie shrugs. “Smoke some pot.”

“Oh err, Frankie.” Time to put my plan into action. I have been going over and over in my head what I'll say. Making sure the question wouldn't lead to Casey's secret being found out. Lying's bad but betraying trust is worse. “I've totes forgot the address of where I need to be. I'm on a job. Was wondering if you could point me in the right direction please?”

“What sort of job?”

“One of Kensington's residents has gotten himself involved with Thunders. I need to detour them. The only problem is I've forgotten the address. Charlie left the details for me on a piece of paper. I've forgotten the paper.” I pat down my pockets. “I must have left it on the kitchen table.”

“That was dumb. What's his name?”

“Oh err… no idea.”

“Didn't you read the paper?”

“Nope, I was too excited about seeing you two. Thought I'd smooth things over with you guys first seen as my assignment is in Kensington.”

“Then we can't help you, can we?”

“There is something. Casey read the assignment; so nosey. I suppose assignments are all new to him. Said something about screwing around with this guy when he was thirteen. Started bragging, as he does, how it was his first time and he was amazing. Only he never told me who his first time was with. Do either of you know?”

“I do but I don't think he'd want me telling you.”

“Please, this is a life or death situation. Thunders are planning on raiding his house in minutes.”

“Then you should have read your assignment you dope.”

“Frankie, this is really important I wouldn't ask otherwise. I didn't think Casey's first time was such a big secret.”

“It was a bit. He went with an older boy you know? Imagine if his parents had found out?”

“I'm not a gossip. Only want to know where he lives. Sounds like you're the only one who can help me.”

“Fine. Only because it's life or death. It was Justin. You know Cameron's big brother?”

Justin. I must have gasped because Frankie's scowling at me. “But when Casey was thirteen Justin must have been a sixth former.”

“Like I said incriminating information. A lad could get in trouble for going with someone younger. And Casey insisted he did all the chasing. I know he did. You know what he's like. Can't help himself when he wants to be with someone.”

Trouble alright. Justin is in mighty big trouble for hurting and humiliating my lad to the point where he's bending the truth, telling his best friend he enjoyed his first time. That nasty big built jock. Casey wouldn't have stood a chance of getting away if he'd been forced. Abused in your own bedroom. I pull up my hood as I feel my face darken. “Does he still live at his parents' house?”

Frankie shakes his head. “Got his own pad. Nothing fancy. At the marketplace, above the music store.”

I hold both skateboards under my arms. So much for being super stealthy. “Thanks for the info. I expect I'll be seeing you again sometime.”

“I hope not.” Frankie goes to sit with Milo at the top of the highest ramp where they start rolling up joints. I wonder how long they have been smoking pot for and how much Casey smokes. I think they must be social smokers seen as I've never seen Casey smoking before.

Wow I didn't expect to get any information out of Frankie. He can be real narky. Can sense his eyes watching me as I leave the skate park. I hope he isn't as sharp as Charlie; someone like Charlie would read between the lines and know I wasn't on a Cloud Association mission.

It's growing proper dark. Maybe I should leave sorting Justin for another time. I mean he's almost as muscular as Geordie. Hitting him would be super scary. He is gonna knock my head off. Why couldn't Casey have gotten himself involved with a boy from the chess club? They're not usually athletically built. Okay if I dither, leave sorting him for another day, I'll lose my nerve. I don't have any nerve. Gonna get my head kicked in. Even still my feet take me towards Kensington Market Place. I simply must try and make Justin know what he did was disgustingly wrong.

Sunshine glides down to walk beside me. I want to give him a pat to reassure myself; the skateboards prevent me from moving my arms. So uncomfortable. “Be ready to take me to the medical centre. I believe I may end up with two black eyes and several cracked ribs.”

How old is Justin now? I do a quick calculation as the path takes me towards the market where the quirky shops are located. He's four years older than Casey which would make him five years older than me. That'd mean he must be about twenty-two. My heart bams as I make my way towards the music shop where you can buy instruments, reeds, strings, and the odd record or music book. “Have you ever gotten into a fight with an older griffon before?”

Sunshine tilts his head from side to side.

“You've so so gotten in a fight with an older griffon before. I've never started a fight. I'm too much of a coward to do things like that.” I place the skateboards at the door of the music store. Must be getting late as the shops have closed for the day. “Look after these boards for me please.”

My hands shake as I slip round the side of the music shop looking for a way into the apartment above. There's a door. I look up. Light flickers in the window from an oil lamp. Deep breaths. As I push the door part of me really hopes it's locked, so I have an excuse to leave well alone and come back another day with an action plan. Damn the door opens. No excuses. Quietly I cross the threshold. Casey would do the same for me. I pad upstairs to the apartment. Get to the top of the stairs. Light comes from what must be the lounge. Holding my breath, I look at two more doors figuring the bigger room to be a bedroom. I guess right. There's a bed in here, wardrobe, cabinet, normal bedroom furniture. Fumbling around because it's dark I slowly make my way towards the window. Sit on the windowsill.

Madness. I adjust my hood trying to make myself appear like a mysterious stranger. Try to flex my arm muscle. So skimpy. No back up lads around. Maybe I should have brought Geordie along. He could beat Justin up easy like when he took down Max in the pond. Justin is Casey's Max. Getting abused in his bedroom was Casey's humiliating pond moment meaning I should be the one to step up and do something about it. Waiting is the worst. My hands get so shaky I end up clamping them together and sticking them in-between my knees.

Movement finally. Someone's coming; they're bringing their oil lamp with them. I give my hood another quick adjustment and rest my fists on my lap. My insides squirm. Any second now I'm gonna be smashed through the window by a big shot ex-basketball team captain. Fabulous.

“Who's there?” Justin stares at me threateningly from over by the door, holding out his oil lamp.

One breath in and I do my best to sound gruff like Geordie. My voice comes out sharp and venomous like how my mind sounds on seeing this muscular guy who thinks he's some big shot because he was on the basketball team and is probably still popular amongst his peers. “You hurt my lad.”

“What are you talking about? Get out of my apartment before I report you to neighbourhood watch.” He takes a step towards me.

Defiantly I remain seated on the windowsill. “Do you even remember him? He remembers you. Remembers how he said no but you did it anyway.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“Corey West. You hurt my lad.”

“I don't even know who your lad is or what you're talking about.”

“I know you were a jock but even you can't be that dumb you've forgotten how you went with someone much younger than yourself.”

Justin's face pales. “If you're talking about that Hillcrest boy, I was teaching him a lesson. You shouldn't flaunt yourself like he does.”

“So you thought you'd wound his soul?” I bunch up my fists. My anger ready to explode. “He was thirteen. Changed his mind. Said no but you did it anyway and you've still not said sorry or even think it by the sounds.” With a fist I tap my thigh once, slow. Then twice. Three times. “I'm waiting for a slither of regret on your part.”

“Casey Hillcrest is a horny show off. I'm not apologising for teaching him a lesson.”

I slide off the windowsill. “He was a thirteen-year-old kid you raped.” My arm swings. There must be some force behind my fist 'cause I hear Justin's perfect nose make a cracking noise. Ouch my fist hurts. “He's with me now.” I manage a snarl. Go me. I back Justin up into a wall. Pin him there with my hands pressed hard against his shoulders. He stares at me shocked. I hold the shakes in. “No means no. Casey's handsome and talented despite you conditioning him to think he's ugly.” I smack Justin in the eye. “He's with me and no one messes with him. You keep out of mine and his way forever.” I pound Justin in the eye then drag him over to an oval mirror. “No one is gonna know I did this to you 'cause you're gonna tell everyone a Thunder beat you up. We can't have everyone knowing about Casey's secret. But you'll know why I broke your nose.”

“Why's that?” rasps Justin.

“Why so every time you look in the mirror you'll know your nose is off centre because you raped Casey Hillcrest. You best not abuse anyone else ever again because it won't be your nose broken next time." I glance at his crotch. "'Kay?”

Justin gives a sort of half nod. I shove him to the floor and flee the apartment as shakes take over. I scoop up the skateboards and keep running away from the marketplace. Run to a quiet street corner where I deposit the skateboards and lean my hands into my knees as my chest gets ever so tight. Most breaths won't come out. The ones that do are abnormal. Sunshine nuzzles my back as I try to calm myself down. I think I need to go home. Deep breaths, deep, deep breaths. Remembering to take the skateboards with me I get on Sunshine. Rest the boards across my lap.

“Fly slow please.”

Flying slow, star gazing, helps my heart rate calm down. I hope I never have to punch someone ever again. I'm surprised Justin didn't fight back. I must have come across more threatening than I felt.

We land between the two hills. I brush down my hood. Flick my hair into place. Try to look normal. At least the shakes have passed. All I have to do is sound like me and not panicked me, then I should get away with what I've been up to. I approach the house slowly. Geordie's outside pumping iron.

“Where have you been?”

“Out flying.”

“At this time. You do know how dangerous flying at night is by yourself?”

“Yes, yes. I flew out too far. Lost track of time. Before I knew it the moon was out.”

I hurry up the veranda steps before he can ask any more questions. Put down the skateboards and hang up my cloak with everyone else's.

Charlie pops his head round the lounge door; book to hand. “I hope you know you missed dinner.”

“Did Casey have some?”

“A little. He pushed food round his plate mostly.”

Ot-oh. I hope he isn't feeling fat today. I want to take off to my room but end up checking on Casey instead. He sits cross legged in the middle of a double bed. Lanterns are lit, posted in various places round his room. “This looks cosy. You've been busy while we've been on our patrols.”

“Yes, fetched the furniture from my old bedroom.”

Seen as he's spoken to me, I step into his domain, go for a wander round. Have a peek inside his wardrobe, bursting full with fashionable clothes. “Were your parents alright with you?”

“They let me fetch my stuff without saying much. I expect they'll end up storing fabric in my room.”

“I'm jealous of your clothes collection.” I run my hand along a silky sleeve. “Would you like to play card games with me and Geordie tonight? Must get dull sitting in here by yourself.” I close the wardrobe.

“What has happened to your hand?”

I stare at my hand which is rested against the wardrobe door. My knuckles are red raw with broken skin. “I grazed it.”

Casey looms over me. “On what someone's face?”

“Err well...”

“Dude, I'm joking. What are you looking shifty for?” Casey grabs my hand before I can snatch it out of sight. “You have hit someone.” He sounds concerned as he inspects my hand. “Who's been knocking you about?”

“I'm fine. It's just my hand.”

Casey ushers me onto his bed. “Tell me who and I swear down they won't be able to talk tomorrow.”

“No one's hurt me.” With my good hand I gesture at my face.

“What has happened? You're scaring me.”

Someone needed roughing up, okay?”

“Roughing up by you. Who?”

“Some smug bastard with a broken nose and black eye.”

“Alex Harlington, language! Those words do not come out of my pretty boy's mouth. What has gotten into you? Are you on acid?”

I blink back water pricking at my eyes. “His nose will never straighten out. Every time he looks in the mirror will be reminded of what he did.” I stare down at my scuffed-up hand.

“You mean Jus-him?”

“Sorry if you wanted me to leave well alone. I couldn't block out what you told me. What he did to thirteen-year-old you was unforgivable. I had to make sure he paid in some way.”

Cold eyes stare at me. “How did you find out who he was?”

“Don't worry no one's gonna find out about your secret traumatic experience. I was discreet. I scared him into keeping quiet. He thinks I'll cut his balls off if he fails to tell people, who ask, Thunders beat him up. I'd never compromise your privacy. Frankie gave me the information. He thinks I was on a Cloudy assignment to stop a Thunder raiding Justin's house.” I blink away tears, scared I did the wrong thing.

“You broke his nose?”

“It certainly went crunch.” I wince as Casey leaves the room. I think I've blown us apart by punching his past. A moment later he's back with a cloth and bowl of water.

“No one has ever roughed up a guy for me before.” He starts cleaning my hand, being ever so gentle. “I can tell this is your first time hitting someone. You punched wrong. There's a way to punch so your hand won't get so messed up.”

I sit in silence watching blood spots on my hand getting washed away. When my hand is clean, I raise my eyes to Casey. He taps my nose. "Thank you."

“No one hurts my lad and gets away with it.”

He taps my nose again. “You're the best boyfriend in the universe Al.”

Boyfriend, he's never called me that before. My eyes get so wet I'm in fear of leaking.

“I wanted to mash him up myself but was scared I'd freak out. Knowing he's suffered in some way for taking advantage of younger me makes me well... I guess...” Casey can't find an ending to his sentence but looks happy so it's okay.

“If anyone ever calls you out for being emotional you go ahead and ignore them.” Puts his arms round me and hugs me tight. “No more fisticuffs. Hitting numskulls isn't in your nature. I can tell you've shaken yourself up.” He rubs my back until I'm considerably calmer. “If you want me to I will play cards with you and your friends tonight.”

Before we get to play cards, he's kissing me all over. We have a long make out session which ends up with our clothes being scattered throughout the room. It's weird that when we're done he doesn't bound off through a window. We lay together talking about our different life experiences. Me in Cloud High, him in Kensington Palace. He's forever playing with my hair and admits to being super attracted by it.

“Sooo what did you first notice about me?” Casey asks when he's finished raving on about my hair.

“Your naughty smile of course.” I trace over his smiling lips with my little finger. “I've missed having a proper bed.”

“We'll have to find your room, and the rest of the house, proper furniture. I have contacts. Until then you are welcome to share my bed.”

“Won't you get crowded?”

“Maybe. As long as you refrain from being touchy feely, I should manage for a couple of nights.”

“If you start feeling uncomfortable let me know.”

“Sorry I need my space sometimes.”

“It's okay. I understand.”

Casey pulls on his clothes then teases his fringe with a comb while waiting for me to get dressed.

Out in the hallway there is a loud bang as though someone has face smashed into the floor. The bang is shortly followed by a, “Hillcrest!”

“What have you done now?” I straighten out my scarf as I peek out into the hallway. Casey peers over my shoulder. I giggle at Geordie who's on the floor with his weights.

Geordie glares at Casey. “Put your dumb skateboards away properly.”

“Skateboards? I only own one.”

“My bad.” I run over and collect the boards before Geordie can think about destroying them.

“What are you doing with Frankie's and Mi's boards?” Casey flashes me his naughty smile. “Did you steal them because they have been such ghastly pigs?”

“They gave them me. Frankie said if you don't board no one does.” I hold the skateboards out to him. “He wants them returned as soon as possible.”

“Frankie said that?”

“Yeah they're really bored without you so bored they've resorted to smoking pot.”

“Dude, you serious?”

“Is true. Mi was rolling a joint.”

“Your lads smoke that shit?” Geordie leaves his weights where they fell. He sort of sounds impressed. “You don't seem the type. Who do you get it off?”

“I have my contacts.” Casey takes the skateboards into his room, returns to us holding a satchel in their place.

The three of us go into the lounge. Me and Geordie, join Danny beside the fire. Casey settles himself on the floor, leaning into the side of the armchair, which Charlie is sat on reading. Casey pours the contents of his satchel onto the floor. Picks up a book, flips it to the page he needs. “I'm behind,” he complains.

“With what?” Charlie glances away from his book to see what Casey's reading.

“My philosophy class. Al's distracted me.”

“May I see your essay question?”

“Boring.” Geordie flings cards at me and Danny. “Who cares about what a bunch of dead toffs thought?”

I flick a card at Casey's head doing my best to distract him from his schoolwork. “You said you'd play cards.”

“That was before you mentioned Frankie missed me and is ready to apologise.”

“I didn't say you'd get an apology.”

“Does this mean you'll be moving on soon?” asks Geordie.

“I doubt it,” says Charlie. “He's brought a bed, mirror, and wardrobe with him.”


“Prince helped. I dismantled my bed then put it back together. The wardrobe was a struggle. Prince nearly keeled over. Took us two days to move my bedroom.”

“You do know you have to contribute to the jar.”

“What is the jar?”

“We have a big jar, and everyone puts in money to fund our living expenses.”

“It's just assignment money. We're paid in commission,” says Charlie.

“Are you sucking up to Hillcrest? asks Geordie. “I can argue with you both at once. Don't think for one sec you can use him as a shield.”

Casey snaps his book shut. “You can't use me full stop. The nerve.” With swift strokes he adds a new paragraph to a half-finished essay. “To think I was going to let you have my books when I was done with them. You'll have to make do with your propaganda infested Cloudy library.”

“That's alright.” Charlie places his thick volume on the chair then sits himself in our card playing circle. “I've already read Plato's Republic.”

Casey approaches our circle. Dangles his essay in Charlie's face. “Would you like to come up with a conclusion by way of apology, for trying to use me as a shield?”


“Then give Hackney a punch on the nose. He'll soon shut up.”

“I've tried that. He barrelled me into a wall.”

“The fist is mightier than the book,” says Geordie.

Slam. “Unless the book in question happens to be a hardback.”

I giggle as Geordie rubs at his head where Casey smacked him playfully with a hardback. Now he's grabbed hold of the cards and deals them round the five of us. “Right tomorrow at four o'clock you ought to come to the skate park. It's where the cool crowd hang out. My lads will teach you how to play basketball.”

“We'll practise here.”

“Just because you're Cloudys doesn't mean you ought to cut yourself off from the rest of society. You're missing out. That training camp you went to has made you shun society. I don't care what you believe, they've made you cut yourselves off. Al was only there two years and they've gotten into his head.”

“We got Spindle Tower to take care of. Basketball isn't important,” says Danny as he surveys his cards.

“It's important. This game is to defend your honour. You can't let Cameron have Lucy without a fight. I say basketball game before Spindle Tower. Be yourselves like you were at Lucy's birthday party. If you were so smitten on taking that tower wouldn't you have done it by now?”

“Tomorrow a half hour before sunset we'll take Spindle Tower.” Geordie looks round us all. “We'll most likely not survive so we'll have one normal afternoon without issues yeah? Unless of course the majority wanna retract our plot.”

“We'll most likely die by their hands whatever we do so I'm still in.” Charlie discards a two of hearts.

Danny nods as he casts away a queen of spades.

Unsure of how this game is going to flow for me I pick up queenie because she's a high scoring card. Get rid of a boring old four of clubs. “You know I think an attack is for the best.”

“The majority has decided.” Geordie watches what Casey does with his cards. “Out of interest would you have been in or out?”

“I think you're all bonkers however I'm also in. There's no way I'm leaving Al to run around setting fires with you three. Someone is going to get singed and it won't be him. Prince and I will do our best to detour skeletal riders getting close to Spindle Tower.”