I remember the first time we huddled into General Courtney's office. We were frightened by her then. Now we find the process much more tedious. I hop from foot to foot so bored of being stood here while she clacks her nails against her desk which is way too big for the office. Her sharp yet cool gaze focuses on the person she is addressing.
"Your team failed to show up for an assignment yesterday."
Geordie opens his mouth to explain but Courtney holds up a hand.
"Silence I am still speaking. Quite frankly I do not care what you were getting up to. I have no desire to know where you were. As far as I am concerned General Midnight took a tumble from her ridiculous platform at the top of Spindle Tower."
Hazel eyes shift onto Casey. "Whatever happened to your head? It's very red."
"A combat training accident. I tripped over Geordie's fat legs."
"I do not have fat legs."
"Let's not go off on a tangent. I am very busy today. Hackney is being ransacked by Thunders."