A Set Up

“What have you done to yourself?” I stand over Kay who is sprawled on the floor a long side the rail of death, with a hand cupped under her nose, catching blood.

“Gave the rail a try.”

“Frankie can’t even manage the rail,” chips in Mi.

“Shut up. You only did it because you were high,” snaps Frankie.

“I was on a come down.”

Kay moves to sit on her board. Laughs. “This blood will stain.”

“Roll up your sleeves,” I say.

“I can’t. My hands are full of blood.”

I roll Kay’s sleeves up for her. “Dear me however are you going to pull off a seduction covered in blood?”

“Seduction.” Kay sits up straighter on her board, to look me in the eye. “I’m not a whore.”

“No, you’re a Pig and I need to get Anderson to talk to us. I’d do the deed myself if he were homosexual.”

“I expect you could turn him easy. Or are you all talk?”

Frankie snickers as he fist bumps Kay’s shoulder. “A challenge I would appreciate seeing.”