Prince Charming

10 years ago

"Iliana! Iliana! Iliana, my dear! Please come back inside. It is too late for you to run about like this." A middle-aged woman pleaded with an exasperated look on her face as she tried to chase after the little girl running out of her room.

"No Sugar Plum Aunt, I'm not coming back inside. I heard the gates being opened. I think they're back." Iliana answered as she dashed out of the sitting room's door and fondled with the mansion's main door handle.

The door burst open, revealing two adults and five helpers carrying what she felt were her parents' belongings. As her father picked her up, Iliana beamed with joy. "Welcome father, welcome mother," she said, kissing his cheek. "I missed you both very much."

"Oh my little, we missed you too dart." Her father responded.

"Don't lie to me; did you even notice I was gone? Where's my kiss?" Her mother grumbled with feigned anger.

"Mum, I really did miss you a lot. We have so much to talk about." She said emphasizing her last statement after giving her mum a kiss on her cheek as well.

"Okay, my hands are hurting from little Lia's weight. Please let's all go inside." Her father grumbled while her mother and Iliana burst out laughing.

When they entered, the workers formed two straight lines in the grand sitting room, with an elderly woman in the middle of the line. Bowing their heads they said in unison, "Welcome master, welcome mistress."

"Thank you very much. I trust that you all took your duties seriously while we were away and that Iliana did not lack anything."

"Yes sir"

"Thank you. You can go back to your duty posts now."

"Father, Sugar Plum Aunt made me eat too much, and now look at me, I am so fat that you cannot even carry me for up to twenty minutes without grumbling," Iliana said with a pout while rubbing her belly.

"I'm sure she only meant the best for you, right?" Her father said with a mischievous smile while turning to face Housekeeper Sonam.

"Yes, Mr. Williams." Housekeeper Sonam replied while trying to hold her laughter.

"Oh please, I thought we were past these formalities. Call me Adam."

"Thank you very much for taking care of Lia for us Sonam." Mrs. Williams said while hugging Housekeeper Sonam.

"You are welcome, Brenda."

"Dinner is ready." A helper announced interrupting their reunion moment.

They all walked towards the dining room. The dining room's table was so long that it could contain twenty guests if not more. The table was made of glass, taped with pure white gold designs at the edges. Her father sat at the head of the table and her mother sat on the seat next to his while Iliana sat opposite her mother.

"Lia, pray." Her father said.

"In Jesus' name. Father bless this food. Bless those who cooked the food and those who provided for it. Bless those who do not have anything to eat and provide for them. Do not let father and mother ever leave me alone again. Amen"

"Amen" Her parents chorused.

"Lia dear, we promise to always come back for you every time we leave. And after we leave for the last time, we won't be going anywhere again. We will always stay with you till you get tired of us. Okay?" Her parents said smiling.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

Brenda felt sorry for her little dart and hoped that their last mission would be successful and they wouldn't have to leave their little Lia ever again.

A few minutes later, they were all through with their dinner and settled in front of the television in the luxurious sitting room to watch their favorite show. The show was about young and successful people around the world. The show was interesting and anyone could watch it because the guests were allowed to bring their children along and the hosts usually asked them hilarious questions. Presently, a famous and beautiful female artist was being interviewed along with her cute daughter.

"Mum, Dad, one day, I'll be on this show as well and you'll be here to witness it."

"Of course, I trust my little dart will work hard enough to appear on this show."

"Thanks, mama," Iliana said sighing satisfactorily in her mother's embrace while her father smiled.

A couple of hours later, the couple carried an already tired Iliana into her room. After tucking her in and covering her with the comforter, Iliana spoke.

"I want a bedtime story mother."

"Your father will read one to you. Adam, please read our little dart a bedtime story." Brenda said as both Iliana and Brenda made puppy faces at Adam.

"You know I can't refuse you both when you make such faces," Adam said as Brenda and Iliana started laughing.

"Okay, okay, be quiet and let this amazing father tell you both an amazing bedtime story."

"Yes, show us what you've got!" Iliana cheered.

"Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess."

"Was she as beautiful as me?"

"Hmm," He sighed pretending to be deep in thought.

"no, no one can compare to Iliana's beauty."

"Okay," Iliana giggled gleefully.

"Everything was alright for her when she lost her kingdom to her enemies."

"Uhn? That isn't fair"

"You are right Lia," Brenda said as she hugged Iliana and made a sad face at her while giving Adam a pointed gaze to signal him to make the story a happy one immediately while Adam smiled nervously in response.

"She was left with nothing because the King and the Queen who were her parents were killed in the war. Her father's relatives that had been eyeing the throne took it from her as they claimed she was incapable of handling such a vast, wealthy and huge kingdom. They said it was too much responsibility even though she was quite of age to run it with the help of the right people."

"They are so cruel. I wish I could hug the poor princess right now. She must have felt very sad and unhappy. Why did her parents have to die?" Iliana said with downcast eyes.

"Iliana, can I go on?" Her father asked, obviously tired of being interrupted.

"Yes daddy."

"Okay, she was thrown out of the palace for trying to poison the new king which was a lie. Therefore, she became a beggar in her own kingdom."

"Life must have been very hard for her."

"I'm sure she had a happy ending Iliana. Right, Adam?" Brenda said gritting her teeth at the last part while Adam shivered in fear of his wife's wrath.

"You know what, I will just go on. A prince came visiting her town one day and upon sighting him at the Kingdom's gate, she informed him of the new king's evil intentions to kill him which she overheard before she was thrown out of the palace. Taken by her kindness, he took her with him to his Kingdom."

"Phew! Thank God for that prince. Did she end up marrying him?"

"We won't know until the story ends right?" Her father asked.


"She grew stronger and more beautiful every day that he couldn't help but fall in love with her outstanding beauty. He helped her to get her kingdom back and they both got married and lived happily ever after."

"Hurray," Iliana mumbled half asleep as she tried to clap her hands together in happiness at the story's ending.

"Will I ever meet my prince charming one day mama?"

"Yes you will dart, you will. Goodnight. We both love you." Her parents whispered as they left the room.

"I love you too"


Author's note :

Iliana: "Winter, when will I meet my prince charming?"

Winter: "Don't be too Anxious my dear Lia. It is gonna take a long while."

Unknown voice: "That is not fair Winter, I really want to meet the queen of my life already. I dream about her every day. Besides how long is this wait going to take?"

Winter: "Uhh, it should take up to like 15 chapters. If not double... "*grins widely*

Unknown voice: "Winter, come here right now and make it earlier, or else, I will disband my troops against you."

Winter: *laughs evilly* "In case you have forgotten, I created them all."

Iliana: "Winter, I don't wanna be here anymore. How could you do this to me? And who is the owner of that sweet voice that you are talking to?"

Winter: "Hehehe, never mind. It is some new parrot I bought." *quickly gags the source of the voice*

Unknown voice: "Noooo!"

Iliana: "...."