Fifty Strokes of Pain

A sad look crossed Mark's face as he announced, "She also went with them. Her belongings were found on the plane."

"Daddy! Please bring Iliana back. I really miss her." A nine year old girl cried with her face wet with tears while her brother shook his head from the corner he stood and soon everyone's attention was diverted on her.

"Poor girl, she must be heart broken that she won't ever see her cousin again"

"They must have been very close."

"The Ronald family is so selfless. They left their house and everything just so that everything the deceased left behind would not perish."

"Not even a real brother might do that for their own brother."

On hearing their whispers, Mark said "We are still in grief and as you can see my wife isn't feeling too well so we won't be accepting any other questions. Cole, Xander please escort them outside and give them refreshments as well."

"Yes sir!"

"Thank you for coming. Goodbye"

After all the reporters had left, the family of four went back into the mansion as Melina clinged to her father's side.

"Did I act well father? I want to be an actress in the future."

"You did very well. Don't worry, I will make sure every of your dreams come true." Mark said while patting her head.

"But father, why are we doing this? This isn't right."

"If I hear another word from you Nechel, you will regret ever coming to this world."

Nechel sighed and lowered his head while Melina stuck out her tongue at him.

"Cole! Xander! Get all my men here and employ new helpers in the mansion immediately.

Juliana, get Lina something to eat. I'm sure she must be tired and hungry."

While Mark was speaking, thumps could be heard from the floor beneath them.

"What's that noise honey?"

"Let's go and check what's wrong. Lina, stay here and eat."

"Ok father."

"Nechel, watch over your sister."

"Yes father."

The noise was traced to the basement and a tired and miserable looking Iliana could be seen banging on the door.

"Please let me out! please open the door. This place is so dark and I am really scared. Please open the door. Uncle Mark! Aunt Juliana! please! mother! father!"

Her screams reverberated through the whole house, and frustrated, Mark said,

"Nicholas, open the door."

Nicholas was the guard assigned to stand watch at the door. He pitied the poor girl and wished he could open the door to let her out but his own life and that of his family were at risk. He stepped forward to open the door and a pitiful looking Iliana crawled out.

Her vibrant pink dress was now dirty and torn from sitting on the floor. Her eyes were swollen and her face was red from crying, her knuckles were wounded due to her continuous hitting on the heavy metal door.

"You bastardized idiot! Do you want to disturb Lina with your screams? Just look at yourself." Juliana said irritated.

"I'm sorry aunt. I was so scared in there. Please don't let them take me back there. I want my parents back." Iliana whimpered.

"You are never getting your parents back my dear. They are gone forever. The earlier you accept that fact, the better for you. Nicholas carry her to the sitting room."

"Yes sir" Nicholas said as he picked Iliana up and took her to the sitting room and returned to his duty post.

"Cory, get me a whip."

"W..w....whi..whip??!?" Iliana stammered in fear while Melina who was watching the scene unfold laughed uncontrollably as Nechel ran forward to stop his father but ended up being shoved away.

"Here it is sir."

"Now lay her down on the table."

Pak!Pak!Pak! echoed in the sitting room as Iliana screamed in pain.

After Mark was done venting his anger on her, Iliana was left exhausted. Her throat was sore from all her screaming. If someone had told her that she would go through this much pain and suffering yesterday, she would have probably thought that they were insane.


"Yes boss."

"Prepare a room for Melina. She must be extremely tired and exhausted. Prepare a neat room for Nechel as well. As for this piece of trash here, take her to any of the helper's room downstairs or any room you feel like taking her to."

"Yes boss!"

Clara carried an unconscious Iliana down the stairs and took her into her room instead. She cleaned her wounds and bathed the girl. Three hours later, Iliana woke up.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

"Water...water" She whispered.

"Here you go."

After she was completely awake, Iliana sat up on the bed with a pain filled expression on her face as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"Little girl, I don't know you. But I am sure you do not deserve any of this. I may be an assassin but I have a heart as well. You will stay here with me from now on."

"Thank you Barbie" Iliana said as she sat up despite the immense pain flowing through her veins to give her a hug.

"Barbie? You seem to love giving people nicknames don't you?" Clara said pinching her cheeks.

"Yes and it suits you. You are cute and you have blonde hair with beautiful sky blue eyes just like Barbie, my favorite cartoon character. Thank you very much Barbie."

"You are welcome my sweet." The sixteen year old replied.

"Now go to bed. Your new friend has work to do."

"Goodnight Barbie"

"Goodnight Iliana"