You snatched my heart away

Iliana tried to shield her eyes from the morning sun with her palm. She abruptly lifted her upper body and glanced at the clock. It was 7:00am and she was scheduled to be at work for the morning shift soon. When a sudden wave of nausea and pain from her forehead hit her, she had to get up. She jumped to her feet and dashed to the restroom. Clara had been awakened by the commotion and was looking at Iliana with a grin on her face.

"Precaution 1: Keep Iliana away from that which starts with an A."

"What do you mean, Clara?"

"A for alcohol, stupid. Take a good look at yourself. Are you able to recall anything that happened last night at all?"

"Of course, I do. We went to the ball, and then I...I..we....he... look I can't do this right now. I have a severe headache."

"All right, take this." She said while stretching her opened her palm to show the pills inside.

"Thank you," Iliana said as she drank some water and swallowed the tablets.