
Chapter 34

"Get up and leave." Michael said calmly. “From now on, you don't work here anymore!”

“Fuck off, Michael.” Carl muttered, sipping his beer from the bottle. “Save the stupid jokes for another occasion.” Carl still thought that it was just another ’crazy act’ of his friend.

“You're fired, you don't work here anymore! Do you understand?” Michael announced with great satisfaction. “Do I have to call the police to check how much you've already drunk?”

Hearing this Carl felt completely confused. He didn't know what to do. Should he get up? Get out? Ignore Michael completely? Or maybe he is not joking?

“Do you need my help to get up?” Michael didn’t give up.

Carl, seeing that his friend was probably not joking, got up and calmly went to his work desk, i.e. to the reportage section, located next to the newsroom.

Michael was right behind him.

When Carl wanted to sit down at the computer to correct his article, his friend pushed his chair back and didn’t let him sit down.