
Chapter 64

He was driving in the left-hand lane and could not turn into the right, because the cars were on a string. His car was right behind the car ahead and so on, thus it was impossible to squeeze anywhere. With no other option, he began to apply the brake hard. He slowed down with difficulty.

He heard the horns of the cars behind them. Somehow, he avoided the bump. His legs trembled with fear at the mere thought of what would have happened if the cars behind him had not kept the proper distance and had not slowed down in time. He breathed a sigh of relief and was silent.

He waited to hear Alice saying ‘I told you so’, but she said nothing.

"I won't be surprised if one day I hear the news that famous Mr. Johnson tragically died in a car accident." She said in a completely calm tone without a trace of anger.

Then, with a sneering smile, she added: "And breaking the rules is my private business. I don’t meddle in your affairs and expect the same.”