I was trying to get away from them as soon as possible because I was running out of time and I didn't want to receive another beating from my family. Before I could leave, the same man came back and told me that his boss wanted to see me. I was not comfortable with the idea at all. Not only because I was running late, but also because I did not know who they were. And with my experience with everything that happened to me because of a man I had nothing with, I was even more scared. Any wrong move, they would skin me alive!
After several failed attempts to push the man away, I finally went with him and was bewildered seeing the man that caused me a lifetime torment and shame in my home. It was the same arrogant and rude man I encountered the day before. I was really surprised seeing the man there and I began to think about so many bad things that could happen to me if caught right there with that same man. I couldn't imagine more. It was painful enough imagining it.