Jian Ying eyed Chen Lijuan and said to her with his deep voice...
"So, you are now close with that sneaky old man, huh?! You are not allowed to do that!"
"You must get close to me first!"
He was getting possessive at first meeting.
"But...but sir…, I…"
"No buts!"
"I'm your husband and you are my wife! I have every right to decide anything I so fit for you!"
"One more warning! Don't you dare call me sir again! It will be the last time I tell you!"
He said to her without any emotions on his face. He could not be read, at all!
"Ss...I mean, um...I don't know your name and besides, it won't be nice calling who is obviously older than me, by his name"
"Please reconsider..."
Chen Lijuan spoke to Jian Ying with a very low voice and her cheeks were now red like an apple.
"We are husband and wife! So we don't have to act like strangers to each other! I'm not your boss!"