How To Become A Strong Woman

Jian Qiao could not believe his father. He was dazzled.

"Stop saying bad things with your mouth son!"

Old master Jian raised his voice at his son.

"Princess might even be pregnant as we speak! I know how strong my grandson is and I know he's working very hard right now! In fact, I need doctor Yong Zihao in the mansion starting tomorrow! I need him to run a text on princess everyday until we are clear!"

His voice was strong.

"Father, princess can't get pregnant that easily. Nobody does. But father...ok, if you want to do that, it won't be right for princess to pass through that everyday. I would suggest he comes in like twice in a week. She can be doing the simple text at home without his assistance". Jian Ehuang said to old master Jian, hoping he would listen to them.

"Ok! Get in touch with doctor Yong Zihao and inform him of the arrangements!"

"Ok father"

Jian Qiao replied to his father.

"That settled! Now, let's go back to the baby names!"

"......" Silence!