The Hot News Girl

They went through the secret entrance, right there in the Airport. Da D,wei preferred using it, for convenience sake. They would be boarding a private jet. They always used private jet travel. They got in and right there, it was time to part ways. Bai Zhen could not look at the man's face and all through, her head was lowered to the floor. She was crying silently.

Da D,wei didn't know what else to do. He brought out his clean handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped Bai Zhen's tears off with it. He lifted her head with his finger and then gave her a passionate kiss. He touched her cheeks lovingly with his palms and said to her.

"You go back to the apartment, yeah? I have prepared everything for my very baby there. In our room, you will see a premium card on the bedside table. You can use it to get anything you want. Anything at all, ok? And make sure you buy a lot with it, yeah. I want to be able to see good results!"

He smiled at Bai Zhen. Trying to clear the air.