So Full Of Life!

Dong Yue was all gloomy all through their trip back home. Da Genji dropped her off at the Da mansion and she ran inside immediately. Her parents were not home at that very hour. She entered her room and slammed the door, almost pulling it down.

She was fuming and her face became red. She had never felt such embarrassment before in her life. She became even more determined to harm Bai Zhen. Her first mission was to locate Bai Zhen's address.

"How dare a low life like you, fight with me over my candy!! You just wait and see!"


"Poor girl!"

"When I thought that everything would go smoothly, now that my stubborn son had left her alone in the cage with lions and then this trip came. This is so wrong!"

"Such a sweet opportunity. Well, let me go and relieve myself from this headache first and then come back fully prepared, to finish up!"