"War? Were being attacked?" I inquired.

"Yes Zini we are" she explained calmly. Noticing her calm mood I said.

"Isn't that bad, War I mean" I asked.

She smiled and winked before answering "We have troops to spare".

Was that a joke?

"Zini, I have to go now the meeting is starting soon," she said.

"Can I come"

"I would love that but you wouldn't know the latest news and I can't bear to let the table mock you"

"Ok... fine I guess" I sighed, what a disappointment I could have strolled outside. Even though I can probably go out now, I don't feel comfortable without Clarise


She studied my reaction before giving a sigh of her own. "You can come darling, but we are going to have to do a crash course for 2 straight hours, starting right now".

2 hours went by ever so slowly, I think I discovered something new...I hate studying.

It seems like there is an unknown number of planets with an unknown number of lifeforms, only 195 races are sapient with the rest low IQ animals.

Of the 123 colonized planets 37 are monopolized by 36 different races each, while the other 96 are shared by multiple species.

10 Races are known as Major Galactic super-powers: Dragons, elfs, dwarves, humans, Zanith, demons, beastmen, Arachne, Lizardmen, and The Green kind Respectively.

Due to having no Queen, in Recent times the Zanith have dwindled to the 17th ranking, seeing us weak and vulnerable, others are slowly pushing at our borders. Zanith's backup Nest's stationed out of orbit on different planets are being destroyed with one excuse or another.

The enemy makes its intention clear enough; our silence would mean a green signal.

But how is a Queen so important? I'll have to ask her.

After having the brief lesson I walked side by side with Clarise, our heights were the same, even with her being a Arachne...I must be really tall.

We reached a huge door with handles made of large tusks, they weren't ugly, no they were polished to the extreme. Animalistic and beautiful

Pushing the door open Clarise strolled inside I quietly followed her. The first information to collect is the councilmen's personality and average mood.

I looked around the room at the councilmen...they were not like Clarise, they faintly resembled me, but they were hardly humanoid like myself.

But even with strange shapes and sizes I instinctively knew one thing...they were all females.

As I was studying them, the mysterious screen popped up again.


[Name]: Nest Queen Arjeen

[Age]: 1247

[Title]: Nest Queen of Norid

[Spark]: Bio Evolution

[Strength]: 7

[Defense]: 58

[Agility]: 9

[Stamina]: 39

[Luck]: 17


{Skills} {Active}

[Ferocious bite] [Zanith claws] [Heal] [Dig] [Spit Acid] [Spawn Rajers] [Egg Implantation] [Egg boost] [Egg multiplier] [Spawn Quadriple Slizers] [Zanith Bezerk] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--]

{Skills} {Passive}

[Regenration] [Burrow] [Induce Fear] [Camoflauge scent] [Silence sound] [Organic dash] [Organic enchancement] [Greater Defense] [The One Who Remains] [Increasing Evolution] [Greater foresight] [Greater Vitality] [Greater Army Inspiration] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--] [--]


{Racial traits}

{Show more}[------------------------------]

Arjeen was a bit different from the other Nest Queens, although she was covered in carapace like any other, her face looked beautiful, she had a maroon carapace covering her humanoid body, with a thick and giant tail poking from her butt.

The other Nest Queens were hardly humanoid, some had 4 legs others 6, their faces were hinged in different directions, some had tails, others had weird skull structures, one even had a tusk sticking out of her skull.

I didn't feel the same attraction towards Arjeen that I did towards Clarise but Arjeen was pretty nonetheless.

After the screen opened revealing her information I read it thoroughly, it seems the Nest Queen Arjeen is an egg mommy. Almost all of her skills are concerned with increasing numbers and power.

I stopped myself from thinking of opening racial traits, It would serve me well to not get distracted in this upcoming conversation.

"Greeting Nest Queens before we begin I will introduce to you our Queen, for all to know" Clarise Announced.

High pitched voices welcomed me one by one.

When everyone had said their greetings, it was Arjeen's turn. Instead of greeting me like the others, she stayed still and silent, not so much as glancing towards me.

Clarise coughed but said nothing, leaning forward she took a seat out for me to sit, I complied unknowingly sitting at the head of the table, Clarise sat near my right hand.

"Let us begin the meeting, today the Queen will only observe, as she is new to these matters" Clarise stated, eyeing everyone in the room, challenging anyone to revoke her.

No one did. So the meeting began. They talked about the lesser factions taking Zanith lands under false pretenses. Whenever the issue of the military came up, everyone would stare at me.

From what I gathered a race similar to humans named higards is taking our lands. This race is exactly the same as the humans but possesses supernatural abilities similar to our sparks.

The reason humanity surpassed them is that even without having any supernatural powers humanity had ingenuity and higher birth rates. While Humans rely on mechs and huge armadas, higards use technology to enhance their equipment and bodies.

Higards don't own a planet of their own but have bases on multiple planets. The Zanith will start sending scouts to these bases under Nest Queen Trhen. While Nest Queen Ivhi will organize and send patrols to our galactic nests for protection and evidence.

Nest Queen Arjeen will spawn an additional army, to strengthen the home planet Norid.

With this, the meeting concluded.

The meeting had a total of 5 Nest queen, this means the Zanith race has only 5 leaders except for the Queen. A whole race is coordinated under 5 beings, even if one is killed the consequences will be staggering.

As we took our leave I was dragged in the corner by Clarise and kissed thoroughly.

She broke away and sighed against my forehead. "This is such a burden, why do you make me do this," She said licking my lips, tempting them to open for her once more.

I gave her a chaste kiss on her lips before asking "What do you mean? Clarise, wasn't I born a year ago?"

"I'm just babbling ignore it, Darling, I think the stress is getting to me" She replied quickly.

".... Anyways I've been curious to ask, don't Arachne have 8 eyes? where are the other 6?"

"I never had them, I'm an Arachne princess I was born with 2, the higher the rank the lesser the eyes, only spiderlings have 8 eyes"

"The other thing I want to ask is... are other species allowed to come to Norid?"

"Unless they want to become Slizer feed, No"

" come your safe and in a seemingly a high position of power?"

She groaned at that "Don't remind me...It's...It's a story for another time?" She replied. Her eyes were pleading as if saying "If you ask I will tell you everything but don't make me say it".

I let it go, that sad expression was making my heartthrob.

"Nevermind, it wasn't important anyway, my body aches from the growth factor, I think I'll sleep for now" I announced and stalked towards my room.

Crashing on the bed I closed my eyes. But the bed soon dipped on my right side.

"Who is it?" I inquired.

"Your wifey!" Clarise beamed from above.

"Your sleeping with me?" I asked, sleeping thinking her as my mommy was totally a different realm to sleeping thinking of her as my wife. It made me want to do forbidden things.

"Of course! we've slept together before!" She announced.

"You-That...It was different!" I pointed out. Going red thinking of her letting me do anything other than sleeping.

"Don't be a pervert Darling!, you're thinking naughty things arent you?" She raised an eyebrow. making me go redder.

"Relax I won't do anything, besides you need your rest and we have time. I won't let go of you again. Never again" She climbed on the bed her clacking spider legs climbing up slowly. She raised me on her chest. I rested on top of her stomach and the underside of the spider body. Her breast were really good pillows.

And thus I fell asleep with Clarise ruffling and kissing my hair.