CHAPTER 6 (R-18)

My body hurts, what happened? Ah...I was killed, wasn't I?

Then...why is Clarise sucking my blood? Is that Clarise?

"Clar..see" My voice sounds dry and hoarse.

"Darling your awake! Welcome back! I'm really really sorry for biting you"

"W-why...then? Speaking is hard, this takes too much effort.

"You'll know, open your status, it's a screen about your information," She says smiling.

"You...know about-t...that?"

"Everyone does, it was your next subject"

"Is that so? how do I open it?" I ask, what was worth all this pain? she's smiling whereas I'm mentally scarred.

"Think about yourself, think about who you are" She explains emphasizing hand gestures.

Who am I?... I am the Queen Of Zanith, Spouse of Clarise and sister of...? sister? why did I think that?

Nevertheless, the screen opened.


[Name]: Veqty Quantzhui

[Age]: 1001

[Title]: Queen of the Zanith Race.

[Spark]: Thunder

[Spark 2]: -------

[Strength]: 179

[Defense]: 202

[Agility]: 87

[Stamina]: 56

[Luck]: 45


{Skills} (Active)

[Ferocious bite] [Zanith claws] [Heal] [Dig] [Dash] [Climb] [Venom Claws]

{Skills} (Passive)

[Regenerate] [Burrow] [Queen's knowledge] [Spider's Mark] [Poisen Immunity] [++Longevity] [Greater strength] [Greater defense] [Greater agility] [Greater stamina] [Bounded] [Greater Arousal] [Induce Fear] [Intimidation] [Beautification] [Flawless body]


{Racial Traits}

[Queen's legacy]

: Strong control over all race creatures (can be broken).

: User can make Queen Nest.

: User can Fly.

: Passive skill Queen's knowledge acquired.

[Queen's power]: The user can utilize the ancient power of its ancestors.


: User gets one extra spark slot.

: User can use the library spirit Talgarth.

: User can make Nest Queens.

: User can make Swarm Queens.

: User can make Champions.

: Users can make Lords.

[Queen's Love]: 3x to all stats.

{Lover}: Clarise Quantzhui; All compatible skills received.

: Lover can now get pregnant regardless of race.

: Greater Arousal received; Effects 5x greater near lover.

: Stats now vary on lover's mood.

: Spark pledge with lover detected; Spark attacks are 10x stronger.

[Queen's Wrath]: ----------

[Queen's Despair]: ------------

[Quantzhui's Curse]: ----------

[Zanith Traits]: All the basic Racial traits of Zanith Race.

(Effects): User can dig and burrow.

: User can Regenerate and Heal.

: User can use Zanith claws.

: User can use Ferocious bite.


I had grown tremendously if what this screen showed me was true, were all racial skills so strong? or maybe Queen's love is a cheat skill.

Did I unlock Queen's love because I fell in love? but...if this skill 'Queen's love' is because I fell in love... I glance at Clarise, she's still smiling I can feel her excitement, why did she bite me?

"Clarise why did you bite me? It was painful and I thought I was going to die" I wouldn't benefit myself by being quiet so might as well ask.

"...well...Ummm, To give you my Mark" She replied.

"That skill...Spider's Mark? was it worth all my pain though?" I counter glaring at her. She seemed confused at the word pain.

" and read its description, you'll realize why I'm excited"

Opening my status I think about spider mark's description. The screen went blank at first, then red words slowly appeared, one letter at a time.

But soon enough the whole description had formed.


{Skill Description}{Spider's Mark}

A Rare Passive skill only possessed by 2% of the Arachne royalty, Being rarely used it dies untouched within the body. It is not useable on one's self and only grants benefits if gifted to another, a firm bond is required for the exchange to complete.


-A Spider Mark Imprinted between shoulder blades.

-Psyche connection established with Clarise Tarantula.

-User is granted Skill Greater Arousal.

-User is bonded to Clarise Tarantula; Skill Two way Summon granted.

-Spider's Mark will protect the host.

-Spider's Mark Spawns Shade spiderlings.


I don't know half this shit... Clarise seems really happy though. I want to let it go, but I'm still angry.

"Clarise this doesn't make up for it" I give her the stink eye.

"It's still not done yet..." She says looking at me expectantly, what? she expects me to go through that again? No never!

Noticing my panic she hurridly corrects her self "Don't worry I won't bite, it's your turn"

What did she mean by that? Do I have to bite her? well...I would like some revenge, but I reject inflicting the same pain I felt, onto her.

"What do you mean, isn't it over? I have the mark"

"Yea you do, but the two-way summon skill requires both partners to bite each other, I got too excited and went ahead."

"Righttttt, you got too excited to kill me..."

"I'm really sorry about that, I promise you were never in any danger, your body wasn't in was your mind, it somehow started fighting the spider. I didn't even know you had felt pain till you told me." She reveals softly, her eyes sad and guilty.

I'll let her off...for now.

"Okay then I'll bite you, you won't feel pain will you?" I asked slowly standing up, dizzy was a gentle word for what I felt. Making my way to Clarise I sat on her lap successfully straddling her.

I slowly brought my mouth to her neck, kissing and licking, she moaned when I lightly nibbled her skin, Greater Arousal is really effective, I'm already near orgasm with mere moans.

If only I could have her head between my legs, smash my pussy on her face...Stop it! You're not a sex freak!

Okay, let us finish this, it's only a bite...

Just a bite they said... As I sunk my teeth in her soft skin, using ferocious bite for a clean attack. She spasmed! I tried to take my mouth off of her but it was stuck, I wasn't drinking her was playing with it, brewing her blood with my tongue...why was I doing this? why couldn't I stop?

The delirious shouting and non-stop orgasms continued, her pussy continuously squirted, wetting my exposed stomach, one would think she was peeing but I knew better.

With every squirt spray her body jerked, spider legs twitching mid-air while her bottom dripped molten web.

When she bit me did I look like this? mad with untamed pleasure? I feel disappointed that I felt pain rather than this pleasure.

After 5 frustrating minutes I finally removed my mouth, Clarise was unconscious.

She's definitely too erotic for my health, those half-lidded eyes, her twitching legs, and a sexy lolled-out tongue. I can't control myself, it's all Greater Arousal's fault.

I took her left arm and rubbed my pussy along the skin, it wasn't what I desired but it did help take off the edge. I fantasied about her unconscious body while masturbating on her arm, my orgasm was near; moaning her name out I came furiously before collapsing on the bed my butt facing her.

"That was a great show Darling" A voice spoke from behind me, making my butt twitch.

Did she see me masturbate using her arm? this is so embarrassing, I feel like I was caught doing something wrong.

"Sor-sorry Clarise I didn't mean t- Eep!" Before I could say more she spanked my butt, Earlier I had shifted Carapace from my butt thus they were back to their original bubbly form.

"It was hot...use me when you want sex. Whenever, wherever.

"Sheesh fine, don't bully my poor butt," I tell her puffing my cheeks, which made her laugh.

"Zini I have to tell you something..."

"What is it?" She looked conflicted as if she was against the idea.

"War with the Higards has started recently...and it's taken a turn for the worst, a faction of greenkind sub-species recently joined the war against us, there rushing for the Queen Nest."

"But aren't the Zanith really strong, we have so many troops, I still remember the army points you made me learn, if they were based on our real forces, shouldn't we be doing fine," I ask. The Zanith have been alive for hundreds and thousands of years, why would there be a problem now?

"The Zanith have fought 57 wars throughout the No-Queen Era, while the enemy learned from each attack, compensating their weaknesses with knowledge, we had nothing, the Swarm Nest's produce no eggs, Evolution parasites do not work, the Zanith guardians refuse to respond."

"Why?" I ask, the way she speaks is as if Zanith as a race is dying.

"Because they have no Queen"