
You were watching Reiji move Ayato's bones back in place as Ayato grunted in discomfort, you gave him a light smile of reassurance. You wrapped his hand with the help of the second eldest. He then left leaving you with the redhead. "Thank you, Y/N" The redhead mumbled with his eyes closed, his head resting on your stomach as you as well were sprawled on the white sheets. Your slender fingers raked through his tangled locks, you sighed and started to wonder where Kanato went after you ran off.

You looked down met with an angelic face. Ayato's eyes were closed all of his facial muscles were relaxed. His pale skin seemed to glow in the room, for once in your eyes he looked attractive. You shook off the thoughts as his bright green eyes slightly opened. "Whacha thinkin' about doc?"

"Everything..." You replied curtly. "...about my relationship with Kou...Kanato....and you"

He blinked then sat up, his back faced you for a few seconds before facing you with his brilliant eyes. "Me? Why me?" He questioned carefully.

"I don't know, I think we could both tell we're more than just friends..." I whispered staring into his eyes.

His eyes snapped away, "yeah we're best friends, nice joke."

You frowned, "You know what I mean Ayato, don't do me like this."

He sighed and looked towards me with saddened eyes, "I kinda have to, you love Kanato."

You felt conflicted with emotions, a surge of guilt and anger rushed in. "'re right." You then got up and left the room. You went to the dining room and saw Shu with his eyes closed sitting at his usual spot when he's forced to sit and "eat".

"Y/N, do me a favor..." The blonde pointed to the window indicating he wanted it covered. You walked over to the window and pulled the curtains shut.

"Anything else almighty king," You asked in a sarcastic matter.

"Sit down and have a conversation with your king." He mumbled quietly, he watched you sigh as you sat next to him. "What's wrong now, was it one of my idiotic siblings?"

You nodded and closed your eyes, leaning on the long chair. "Ayato and I aren't on good terms and I still haven't seen Kanato...."

He chuckled, "you youngsters got drama, ever checked outside the mansion?"

Your eyes shot open, "I'm aloud to leave this place!?"

He shrugged "ask Reiji..."

You smiled and got off the chair running towards Reiji's office, but slammed into a tall slim figure in the process. You fell back and rubbed your nose muttering curse words, as the pain faded your eyes darted upwards, met with a smirking redhead with a black fedora on his messy but well-kept hair. "Laito are you fucking with me right now" You got up and smacked his stone-hard chest.

"Sorry, Kitsu-chan I didn't see you there," He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, "Why my brothers? I want to be included too~" He then lightly kissed your cheek tracing his fangs on your delicate skin. "Oh and how I wish I was fucking with you, sadly you don't find me...attractive."

You pulled your wrist from his grasp, "You're creepy mother-

He cut you off by shushing you and wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you into a hug. "Where's Subaru I need to speak with him, he might know where Kanato is?"

"What if I know where my baby brother is." His green eyes gazing at your chest, a loud whack was heard throughout the quiet mansion.

Laito whined and rubbed the back of his head, "Keep your eyes above her shoulders pervert."

Subaru just the guy I was looking for

"Little brat respect your older brother!" Laito walked off after picking up his fedora, which flew off from the impact of the powerful strike.

"Ugh that disgusting-... I can't believe we're brothers...." Subaru then faced you with his sharp eyes. "Come on I know where Kanato is."

He walked through the corridor to a room you've passed many times but never dared to enter, you followed him like a lost puppy looking for its owner. He opened the door to reveal a very dark and dusty room, he walked in, and inside was furniture covered in white sheets, there was another door in the room which he opened and entered as well. Confused you followed closing the door behind, there were stairs kinda like a tower to a castle, you climbed them following the quiet boy. When you both reached the top he opened the closed wooden door that creaked as it opened. The room reeked of candles and oldness, there was very little light since the window was covered by a sheet, barely enough to see around the room.

"Kanato?" You whispered softly shooting an anxious look at Subaru, he nodded then left leaving you in the strange room.

"Y/N what are you doing here?"