Chapter 2

In the bustling city of Seoul, on the side of the main road in an empty alley, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

He had plump cheeks with handsome facial features, in short, a Handsome face with long black hair which made him look cute. One can say that he will become a Lady-Killer after growing up.

He was wearing a yellow-colored Half-sleeved shirt and black trousers. Suddenly, He opened his light-blue eyes which made his face look even more Cute and Handsome.

"So, I'm here", Alex mumbled as he checked his surroundings.

He was in an empty alley on the side of the main road. He checked his body to find that his body has become small.

He decided to walk around the city and gather all the information about this world. But before he could take a step, a mechanical voice rang in his mind.


[Transmigration Successful]

[Host has received a Welcome Gift. Do you want to open it]

Alex was surprised as the system has already given a huge gift to him by giving him the second chance but now he also got a Welcome Gift.

He was excited to see what would he get in the gift. He answered the system to open the gift.

[Welcome Gift opened]

-You have received 10000 dollars( Simple in this world there are only one currency 'DOLLARS')

-You have received an Identity Card and some necessary documents

-You have received basic knowledge about this world

The money and documents are stored in inventory and the basic knowledge about this world will be transferred to the Host in 3 2 1 and Go]

Suddenly Alex started feeling a lot of pain all over his head. He felt like a thousand needles are piercing his brain. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

Information about this world started pouring into his mind, After 10 minutes of pain, all the information got stored in his mind, and his suffering came to an end. He wiped off the sweat on his face.

He then started registering all the knowledge he had got. The current year is 2014 and he was surprised as all the countries and cities' names were exactly similar to his world-like system said.

The one thing that was changed in this world is names like some bug personalities from his world, for example, The Rock was present here and he was also a Hollywood actor like in reality but only his name was changed. In this world, his name was Bob Mikaelson.

Similar cases were with all of the celebrities, their appearances were the same but their names were different.

The other thing that was changed is that movies, songs, or dramas from his world are not existing here. He found out songs and movies from the information he has received but all of them were unfamiliar to him.

This was such a big plus point for Alex and he knew about it. The absence of various super hit songs and movies made Alex happy as fuck.

He was familiar with many songs, movies and dramas and this world lacked those things what he had, he just got sudden enlightenment that he has a treasure trove with him.

He shook his head and remembered that he was currently standing in an alley, He exited from there and started roaming around the city to search for more information. He walked around the city and it was pretty much the same.

He decided to do some shopping first and then make a detailed plan on what to do next. as remembered that the system has given him 10000 dollars.

He went to the mall to buy a new mobile and sim card and some clothes for himself. He bought himself some daily necessities he needs.

He then checked in a hotel and then took a bath and he saw his new face for the first time after transmigrating and nodded his head in satisfaction. His face was handsome and a little bit cute also. He then closed his eyes and with a pure heart, said "Hail Lord V". He then ordered the dinner and went to sleep.

The next morning, Alex was currently drinking coffee while watching the city from the gallery.

While enjoying the view he said," System what should I do next?"

The same mechanical voice rang in his mind and said,

[Host I will give you quests related to important moments of your life and Rest, I will advise you whenever you will need my help]

"So, Are there any quests for me?" Alex asked the system.

[ Yes Host, I didn't give you the quest yesterday as you were getting familiar with everything. So Now do you want me to display the quests] To which Alex confirmed the system to show the quests.

The interface screen appeared in front of Alex.


[Quest No. 1- Report in the Huiwen High School tomorrow and Graduate from it with at least 90% marks] [Time Limit- 3 years]

Reward - 10 stat points

[Quest No. 2- Join as a Trainee in any Big entertainment company.] [Time Limit - 1 year.]

Reward - 5 stat points


Alex read all of the Quests and got annoyed by the First quest.

" System I don't like studying, I get a headache just after opening the books. I will not be able to do the first quest," Alex said to the system.

[ Host, If you want to be a Prodigy then you will have to study. Pay attention in the classes or study by tuition, your wish, but you will have to complete the Quest. Rest, I have a solution by which you will be able to study with the whole heart. Wait a minute ]

[Quest Updated]


[Quest No. 1- Report in the Huiwen High School tomorrow and Graduate from it with at least 90% marks] [Time Limit- 3 years]

[Reward - 5 stat points]

[Penalty - You will Die]

[Quest No. 2- Join as a Trainee in any Big entertainment company.] [Time Limit - 1 year]

[Reward - 5 stat points]

[Penalty - You will die]


Alex after reading all of this was at the loss of words, He didn't know what to say anymore.

He just got another chance at life to achieve his dream once again and now he will die if he will not fucking study.

He wanted to curse the system, but he knew that System has done the right thing. Currently, his second life is most precious to him and the system has threatened him with it, which left Alex with no choice.

"I will just have to study hard, I can do it, I will become a Star this time. These Bloody books cannot stop me" Alex thought to himself and became determined to study hard.

He then thought about the second Quest. This quest is also very important to Alex.

Joining a big company early on for training will be beneficial for him and will also give him a good start.

He then remembered about the reward of these quests and asked the system about it, "System, What are the Stat points given as rewards?".




Hello Guys,

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I will try to release the next chapter today also.

This Novel is Participating in Competition. SO, your votes and power-stones will be very helpful.

Bye Guys Take Care,

Celestial Prime.