Chapter 10

After saying goodbye to Grandma and Simon, Grandpa and Alex sat in the car and started driving towards the company.

Alex was looking outside of the window while thinking about Tsuyu's sudden kiss, he was thinking of how to persuade her to stop her feelings for him and find someone else who will love her back.

Suddenly system voice rang in his mind, waking him up from his thinking session.


[Quest Updated]

[Quest No. 2 - Train hard and Impress all of the Mentors in Yearly Evaluations]

[Rewards - 5 Stat points]

[Penalty- Denied access to use Singer mode and Dancer mode for 1 year]


Alex was happy after reading the new quest given by the system.

Impressing the Mentors was something that Alex has planned from the starting.

Mentors are a very important person to a Trainee, They are the ones who tell upper authorities if a Trainee is eligible to Debut or not.

He has learned from his past life that you should always listen to your mentors, even if they shout at you unnecessarily, Just let them do what they want.

If anyone gets on the nerve of a mentor, then clearly understand one thing that your career is over without even starting.

Even if you do well, they will not recommend you and you will always remain a Trainee.

So, maintaining a good relationship with your mentors is something that every trainee should do. Otherwise, be ready for consequences.

Alex was now boosted up to work hard and perform well after getting the quest.

He read the penalty given by the system but he ignored it and didn't take it seriously because he was confident in himself.


After driving for approx. half an hour more, Alex finally reached his destination.

They both got out of the car and started walking towards the Entrance.

When Alex and Grandpa were going to enter the Company, they were stopped by the Security guard.

The Security Gaurd looked towards Grandpa and said, "Sir, You cannot enter, The Higher-ups have ordered that the only children coming for training are allowed to enter."

Grandpa after listening to him lightly nodded and then looked towards Alex and said, " Goodbye Little Champ, Don't overwork yourself and If you'll get a chance, you must come to visit us, Okay."

"Okay, Grandpa. Take care of yourself, Grandma and Simon also." Alex then said Goodbye to Grandpa and entered the building.

Alex was currently inside the building, he looked around to find a lady in working attire sitting at the counter gesturing him to come here.

"Good morning, Can I know your name," She said to Alex.

"Good morning, My name is Alex"

She then started scrolling in the Computer screen and after some time she took out a Key from the desk and handed it to Alex and said

"Alex you will have to report on the 5th floor in the auditorium, Leave your luggage here it will be sent to your room, Your apartment no. is 13," she said to Alex.

Alex did as she asked him to do, he left the luggage to her and then took a lift and arrived on the 5th floor.

He was welcomed by some workers which showed him the way towards the Auditorium.

He arrived at the door of the auditorium, he opened the door and entered inside it but suddenly a girl bumped into him and fell on the floor while Alex was standing still because of his well-developed body.

"I'm sorry, I should have checked, I was in hurry so...." she said to Alex without looking at him but when she looked at his face, no words came out of her mouth but unconsciously she muttered a word, " handsome.."

Alex listened to her words and smiled internally but then he snapped his fingers and brought her back to reality.

She came back to her senses and realized what she has said, she instantly became embarrassed.

" It's alright, no need to apologize, but be careful next time otherwise you might get yourself hurt". he said to her while offering his hand to help her to stand up.

She stood up and to hide her embarrassment, she asked him, " Are you a Trainee."

"Yes, I am starting from tomorrow," Alex replied.

"Oh, Good luck, I'm Park sou yoong by the way, What's yours," she said.

"My name is Alex, Nice to meet you!" I answered.

"Nice to meet you too Alex but currently I'm in a hurry, So we'll talk later if we get a chance," she said to him in a hurried tone and then again started running.

Alex was very happy by this sudden incident and meeting because she had a similar appearance to a member of Red Velvet in his world.

She was similar to Red Velvet's Joy, and by meeting with her he thought that if she is present here then Irene will also be present here, Rest, he was not sure, it was just a possibility.

He saw that the lady who took his audition was sitting on a chair, while in front of her 7 chairs were set up on which 4 boys of his age were sitting while clutching their hands together as all of them were nervous.

Alex thought to himself as to why there are only seven chairs set up, but he didn't dwell on it further because he knew that he will know about it soon.

He then went to the lady and greeted her and then he also sat on one of the chairs while waiting for the others to come.

After some time the other two boys also came and then the lady stood up from her chair and said to all of us, " You all are probably thinking as to why only seven chairs are set up?"

All of us nodded to her question.

She then started explaining the reason, " Actually there are only seven chairs here because only seven of you are invited today."

This answer made each one of us more confused but Alex was calm as he has already guessed the current situation a little.

She smiled and then said," Actually, we had decided to make a comparison between the children who passed the auditions this time, We have made two sections- S and A.

" S section is for those who performed extremely well in the auditions in both singing and dancing."

" A section is for those who have talent and just need practice and enough time to bloom"

"This is done to motivate the trainees and save our resources also."

" Let me explain how-

We have decided to give opportunities to debut only to those trainees who are in the S section.

Those who are in A section will have to work hard and then get qualified enough to take a test for their promotion and when they will be promoted to S section they also will have more chance to debut."

"Those who will fail to promote in S section in three years, their contract will be terminated."

" But this doesn't mean that S section will be safe heaven to you all. You all will have monthly evaluations, and if your result will be not good then you will also be demoted to the A section. So, all of you work hard and don't let our expectations from you down."

" Now let me tell you about the salary and perks of you being in S section or A section"

" In A section you will get 2000 dollars a month as salary and will have to share a room with one other trainee. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be all on the Company. You will be having your training sessions 6 days a week, Sunday will be a holiday."

" In S section you will get 5000 dollars a month as salary and you all will be given different apartments to live in which contains one bedroom, kitchen, and washroom. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be at the company. Training Regime is similar to A section."




Hello Guys,

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I will try to release the next chapter today also.

This Novel is Participating in Competition. SO, your votes and power-stones will be very helpful.

Bye Guys Take Care,

Celestial Prime.