Chapter 17

"That's good for you all, But I think you should have debut this year,"Alex said to her.

"Nah.. This year is not possible for us as Suuho's group is going to debut soon, Our chance will probably be next year" Joyy said to him with a downcast face but before they could speak more, Alex talked to her as he has already reached his destination.

"Well, Good luck to you all, My stop has come, Fighting," Alex greeted them with a smile on his face and then left towards his training room.

(Here, the oldest member in Red Velvvet is Joyy whole Ireene is 18 years old, 1 year old than Alex)

When Alex left, Ireene's temperament changed instantly, Instead of cold and ruthless look there was curiosity on her face.

"Unnie(Big Sister), Who was that, A high official or something," Ireene asked Seeulgi beside her.

All of the girls leaked a laugh at her words, but did not kept her in the dark and explained.

"Well, he is not an official. He is a Trainee just like us," Joyy said to her.

Ireene was now more curious about Alex, because she has never seen her group members behaving this much respectful to a male trainee.

Joyy watched Ireene's face and she knew what their youngest member was thinking.

"You want to know the reason for our behaviour to him," Joyy asked Ireene to which she nodded.

"Let me fill your curiosity, Actually whenever we meet with a male trainee, their mind is always filled with lustful thoughts and they usually glance on our body like they are going to eat it.

But Alex is different, he always respect us likewise the members of Suuho's team also respect us and usually help us whenever we need.

So, in short we usually respect Alex and Suuho's team.

And moreover Alex is a Perfect trainee, He is the most handsome boy, his singing is very soulful but the most impactful is his dancing. I can say for sure that he and Kaai are the best dancers in our company.

When we had seen him performing in previous yearly evaluations, we became a fan of him. Don't tell him, okay.

It was like an Idol performing in front of you, we were deeply motivated by his performance.

And last but not least,

And the thing that we like about him is His muscles... Oh my God.... He never shows his body that much but one day in the joint session of training. Kaai accidently teared his shirt but Let me tell you Ireene, that accident was a blessing to all the girls

His body is like sculpted by a GrandMaster. If you not believe me ask them, after seeing his body we were on the verge of nosebleeds."

To her words Ireene started looking at her members and all of them nodded their heads while there was a little blush on their faces.

Ireene was dumbfounded by her members behavior but when she recalled Alex's face and their little eye contact, her face also blushed.

But she recovered instantly and her face showed her signature cold look.

Then her members started talking about him and Ireene had to listen the greatness of Alex.

Meanwhile Alex was very happy when he left the lift.

He met her in real life, he cannot explain how much happiness he was feeling.

Now he has a target to achieve and conquer but the problem is the target is very ruthless, Conquering her will take very much time.

But no problem, Alex has an eternity to win her favor.

From, then on Alex met her two-three times but their was nothing to start a conversation with her and their talk was only bounded with greetings and little eye contacts only.


Currently Alex was sitting in front of the CEO of MS entertainment.

He was quite tensed up and nervous which was obviously seen by the CEO.

"Relax Alex, No need to be nervous. Today we are just going to talk about yourself," she said to Alex in a comforting manner.

Alex also relaxed a lot after hearing her tone and then did his best to maintain his calm.

After seeing that Alex was now comfortable, she picked up the trainee report from the table and said, " I have read your report Alex, you are clearly an outstanding Trainee and According to coaches, you have already reached the level where you can debut, So I just called you here to talk about this."

After listening to her words, Alex was quite surprised because he didn't expected that mentors will recommend him this early.

"Now, Let's start. Alex from the mentors I have learned that you recommend to debut and perform as a single artist and not as a group, Why?" she asked to Alex while gazing at him like a predator.

Alex knew this question would be asked to him in the future as it is very risky for an entertainment company to debut a Solo Artist.

As big companies like MS, PJY and more don't give opportunity to Trainees to debut as a Solo Artist, because there is a huge risk in Kpop Industry to debut as a Solo Artist.

In current time, Public usually welcomes a Kpop group more favorably than a Soloist.

And big companies like MS and PJY don't like to take the risk of spending their time and resources on an Artist who have a very less chance of gaining popularity and money after debut.

Alex took a deep breath and said, "Actually, Mam I know myself much better than anyone else and I know that I won't be able to give my best while debuting as a group artist.

I know it is very risky for companies to invest their resources on Solo Artists but that's the reason why I have given my best until today and always practiced hard. So, that I get a chance to debut as a Solo Artist."

She heard the reason Alex wanted to debut as a Solo Artist and from the reports to his personal visuals.

There is not a major problem to make his wish come true but still as a CEO she knows that debuting in a group will be more profitable to Alex. So, she decided to persuade him one last time.

"How about it Alex, You debut in a group for starting your career and then if you feel that you are still uncomfortable, you can debut as a Solo later on."

"Sorry Mam, but I still want to debut as a Solo Artist." Alex said to her in a determined tone.

She fell in some thoughts and then gazed at Alex and said, "Okay, Alex you are clearly an outstanding Artist and I don't want to lose such an artist So, I have decided to give a chance to you to make your wish come true, Will you accept it?"

After listening to her words, Alex thought for one last time and then took a resolve in his heart and said with a determined face.

"Yes Mam, I accept the chance."

She smiled after hearing his determined answer and said, "One week later, our Company is sending Three Trainees who have high chances of debuting soon to a reality show, So I have decided to give one spot to you.

Your task is to impress all of the person's present on that reality show and make yourself popular while maintaining your image.

You can reveal that you are going to debut Solo and I have also learned that there are two songs that you have written by yourself. You can even sing one of them or show your dancing skills.

I just want that after that show streams out, there should be a little popularity of you on social media, Can you do it Alex?"

After hearing to her words, Alex felt like he was the luckiest man in this world, Well he is.

He cannot find any much better opportunity than this to gain popularity and some starting fans.

He was hundred percent sure that with this face and voice, it is very easy to gain starting fans for him. So, this opportunity to him was like a God's blessing.

But still he didn't took it easy going as it is clearly unpredictable what are the MC's going to make you do in the show.

So it is better to be prepared.

He then smiled a little and said, " Yes Man, I can do it. Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I'll try my best to compete according to your expectations."

She smiled after hearing his answer and then bade farewell to him.




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Celestial Prime