[15] Welcome to Zonax

Since I found out that Traiser has a pure virgin soul, my main goal is to find the portal and bring him to Zonax. That way, my mission will be considered successful. But as I stand here, staring at the fascinating ruin placements of large stones, different emotions rush inside me.

I feel glad because this is my sole purpose. Once we enter the portal, I am one step forward to finishing this mission, yet I feel somehow scared.

As I came to realize my feelings for Traiser, everything suddenly changed. I want to protect him. I want to be with him peacefully. However, that's basically impossible. If the king finds out that I betray my kind, they would hunt us down. Treason is one of the biggest crimes to commit in Zonax.

I have pulled away from my thoughts when loud growls echoed behind us.

I read my whole body. Sensing my surrounding, wherein my mind occurred there are predators will attack.

Staying here on Earth will only be dangerous for Traiser because the deities are hunting him. Besides, I have no choice.

"Beasts!" the dwarves shouted.

I turned around, facing the growling creatures. They are plenty for numbers. I thought they'd gone extinct? Why are they here, looking so hungry and ready to swallow us? I pulled Traiser, keeping him behind. He seemed so shocked by the enormous creatures. Although he'd seen different creatures trying to get him along our journey, it came to no surprise when he's scared.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you" I whispered.

There are three beasts in front of us, on the other side, the dwarves already have their weapons in hand. At the same time, I unleashed my tails and pulled out my daggers beneath my skin.

One beast jumps and closes our distance, trying to snatch Traiser from my back. Quickly, I slashed its arm, then dark bluish blood oozes out. The beast growls louder, seemed furious, and so am I.

"Don't ever move away from me!" I shout at Traiser, blocking the beast in front of us. He immediately grasps one of my tails, clutching as if his life depends on it.

The dwarves are handling two beasts. It's three versus one at my face, I say dwarves' sizes coupling is enough to face two.

Beasts facing me, attacks with their hands, their nails are quite long, firmly solid like metal, and capable of slicing a human into pieces.

I move my tails to protect Traiser, while I deal with these beasts. Their nails almost got me, fortunately, I hardened my skin all over my body, which thankfully works.

My third eye analyzes its body composition, finding its weakness, later on, spotting fragility in its crotch. What a spot.

I admit I struggle to throw my dagger towards the weak point, nonetheless, one knife flew straight to its crotch. Just as I about to celebrate its vanishing moment, it came back to its feet. The two did the same. What on Earth is happening?

Both dwarves and I look at each other. We had one thought; these beasts are immortal - probably, they regenerate quickly or they really have deities' blessings. They are supposedly extinct, but here they are being immortal.


I stand on my ground, the dwarves move their feet and stand beside me. Together, we take the beasts head-on. Cutting their nails off by my sword, then their heads, however, they still pop up, my efforts are in vain.

"These are the new generation of beasts! We need to kill their pulse point, at the same time!" one dwarf yelled.

I yelled back. "Pulse point? You mean at their crotch??"

The other dwarf managed to chuckle, while the latter gave serious glares to the former.

"You really think it's in there?" the dwarf asks doubtfully.

"Yes. Absolutely. I can see it." I answer in the middle of punching the beast's face. Yet, still pops up, easily.

As if on cue, the dwarves and I put a lot of strength to hit the pulse point. I throw my knife to my left, thrusting my sword in front, and piercing with my tail in right.

Slowly, they became ashes on the ground. But, they still regenerating bits by bits of their blood veins. We're witnessing how their veins crawl up, forming the framework for muscles.

With my improved hearing senses, I can hear the thumping of the ground. The dwarves also seem to know as their eyes are widening.

"Open the portal now before they reach us!" one dwarf shouted with urgency. I nodded at them and mumbled 'thanks' before turning my back.

My tails carry Traiser as I ran and find the portal. I feel and sense a strong aura of portal somewhere. "Sampaguita trails!" Traiser exclaimed. I saw several white flowers lining up, and leading further to the ruin.

My mind viewed memory of Vanlito mentioning the Sampaguita trails. He's awfully right. In the end, a bunch of flowers greets, they smell pretty hypnotizing. Nevertheless, I spoken the verification words needed for opening the portal.

"Blood of Zonax,

Open thy gates,

calling forth thy guardians,

let us walk to the


endes veradtis"

The thumping of the ground became louder, seems like a pack of beasts are getting closer to us. I entrusted the dwarves to prevent beasts from getting closer.

A reflective type portal, swirls, and opens. The view of the Portal Hall is blurry as the portal waving. Both my legs hop inside to the murderous traveling vehicle.

My whole body feels like a blob, squishy while going through the portal. I almost forgot of Traiser wrapped around my tails. I knew we both had a nauseous sensation.

The portal closes, and that's when I felt the need to breathe heavily. Traiser, on the other hand, still seemed shocked.

I felt my body ready to pass out. Most pain resides in my legs, pale, and suffers several cuts. I'm stupid to let my legs go first when supposedly my horns go first.

Traiser also seemed to notice my condition. While he looks so fine with portal travel. That's the pure soul for.

"Let's heal you first" he speaks after a while. His face is filled with genuine concern.

He kneeled beside me, pulling out a water bottle from his bag. He brings out his handkerchief and wet it with water, gently cleaning my wounds. I stiffen at his actions. My hearts started to beat fast, ridiculous. I just looked at him as he carefully finishes the cleansing.

"Do you still have your potion?" he looks up at me, and I was startled a bit.

"Uhhh. Ah, yes" I ramage through my bag and handed him the potion.

He smiled. "It's a great relief that you got this" he mumbles, as he applies it all over my legs with utter care.

He stands up afterward, handing the potion back to me. Then he looked around, realizing that we're not on Earth anymore.

"Where are we, by the way?" he asked, curious. I looked around before answering him.

"Northside of Zonax." I breathe. I let myself be pathetic, lying on the floor for the meantime. Surprisingly, my clothes are in a good shape so does Traiser's.

I added. "Portal Hall of the North. This is the only portal that exists in Zonax."

"Northern Portal Hall, I see. This looks like from Greece." Traiser said while walking around.

I pulled out a cloth from my bag and gave it to Traiser. "Wrap this on yourself. It's risky if they find out about you" He nods.

"Like this?" He wraps the cloth on his body. I weakly laugh at him. "On your head, dumb face. So, other demons will just suspect that I have a unique client, whose horns won't need to display."

"Client? You do work here too?"

I nod. "Aside from our family inheritance job, I always do part-time, some are risky."

"Like this."

A moment later, two guardians came before us. They stood tall and massive, with strong, hard, and dark skin, multiple eyes covering their face and all of them are each staring at us, three large horns forming a triangular shape, and scary muscular four arms; that can crush my skull with one hand.

Another thing, they don't have hairs, and if they have four arms, they only have two legs, but way too enormous than mine.

"Great achievement, Binibining Panah. You may rest in the Waiting Room, while you wait for your given ride."

One arm grabs my body, the other one as well to Traiser. We look at each other, I smile at him just telling it's-fine-let-the-guardian-carry-us.

I've drink gumamela juice, the overall healing potion of demon when surviving the portal.

Traiser helps himself by sitting down beside me. "Those demons look so strong. Why don't they go to Earth and fight the deities?"

I shook my head. "They aren't suitable for that"

"Is that so? Then, you're way too cool than them. Imagine, you already went to Earth and got back in your home. Pretty amazing."

I went silent as I don't know what to say. He's getting more compliments, flattery rather. And, it's so silly for working.

My heart and head flutter.


"This ride will bring you to the Equator, from there, you'll know what to do" the Guardian gestures us towards the Bola vehicle, round metallic floating up in the air. I let Traiser inside first.

"The King has been waiting for your return." An East demon is the driver and happens to be one of my neighbors.

Just seconds, I get inside, closing the door. The vehicle works with an alchemy engine, the driver controls its directions and speed. The passenger seats are small but enough for two. Only East demons have the privilege to ride this thing, that's what I've heard back on our place.

"What's the plan when we get off?" Traiser queries while looking outside, observing the place we pass. His seat is facing me.

I was taken aback to answer. I'm sure that there are demons waiting for us at the Equator.

In the first place, I should just go with the flow, like how the water in a river does. But, I feel so restrained.

Something pulling me to say that I'll give him to the King so my mission will be complete. Inside of me, tells another story. I wanted just to take him, instead of giving him. I've already learned what these feelings are. And, I'm beyond surprised that a diablae like me can feel this way.

"What do you think?" I ask back. He looks confused for a while.

"I don't know. Go to your place, and live peacefully, like what you told me" he smiled, breaking my heart in a million pieces.

That's was a lie. I lied to him. But it's not too late to turn that into reality, right? No. I am foolish. No. I should not think this way. No. I should discard this.

"Traiser, do you believe in fate? How everything is already written?" My tongue acts on its own. Like how my eyes do too, avoiding his stares.

"Maybe? But I also believe that we write our own fate" his voice is filled with positivity.

"Haven't you ever thought, that what if we were just told to believe we make our own destiny by our decisions, but actually, everything is already set, in the first place? It's like giving us false hope."

"It is. But have you heard about the story of a man with two sons, where he invited a fortune-teller?" I turn my attention to him, shaking my head, signaling him to continue.

"The fortune-teller read the palms of the two siblings. The older is told to be rich in the future, while the younger is told to be unfortunate. Hearing this, the older one decided to live his life carelessly, just going with the flow because he believed that whatever happens, he's still fated to be rich. Meanwhile, the younger one decided to work hard. After years, the older was jobless, he barely had bread to eat, while his sibling has his own farm, as if their fate have switched. Great story, isn't it?" he finishes his story with a question.

I pondered on his words. Is it really possible to break away from my fate and write my own one? I found myself responding. "Yes, it is."

"I didn't know that the place we call underworld is like this" he subtly changes the topic, to lift my mood up. I pursed my lips, smiling at him.

"Yes, it's far different from Earth. Trees are rare, and there are mostly rocks, volcanoes, poisonous gases as the view. But it's a great place. No wars, no chaos, no crimes."

"I rather live here even if there are no trees or beautiful views like on Earth, as long as I'm with you" he smiled sweetly.

"What makes you think that I'll live with you?" I scoff, making him creased his forehead

"Jokes on you. I followed you here because of you! I won't allow it if you'll leave me alone somewhere. I barely know the place!" he whines.

That's cute. Suppressing my adoration over him, I rolled my eyes.

"Ah! You mention that you're living alone, right?"

I nodded at him."It's like a curse. No, perhaps it is a curse. Only one demon is left in our clan. Whenever they fail to find a virgin soul, they die. There's no strong reason at all"

His face softens at my response.

"And, where did you live?"

"East Region. The busiest region ever. I've gone education, training, and jobs. I also did research on my own, and where I found myself helping others through my skills."

"What are those?"

"Not to flaunt off, but I am good at analyzing, arithmetic, science, philosophy, arts, craftsmanship, weaponry, languages, alchemy, cooking, experimenting, and finding lost demons or objects."

He hanged his mouth. "Too many to mention, huh."

I chuckle. "I'm also great at spell casting. Reading zui-"

"Hold up! My brains going to explode at your excellency." He raised his arms as if surrendering.

Then, he did raise a question. "Wait, you said science, philosophy, arts, arithmetic, right?"

I nod. While his brows are knitted. "That sounds like Earth subjects."

"Are they?"

He nods. "Yes. What science particular you have knowledge of?"

"Hmm, science."


"Does it even have specifications?"

"Oh, I get it. You have your own science."

"Sort of. Why?"

"Nothing." then, a mischievous grin appears. "How about Science of Love?"

I squinted my eyes. "Science of Love? Is that a thing?"

"Yes. Thing we already have."


He was suddenly flustered. "Huh? What?"

"I'm asking as well, Traiser"

He smiled so wide. "Ah, I wanna meet your friends. Will they show up?"

"You're avoiding my question. Whatever. What friends?" I roll my eyes at him.


I shake my head. "Friends, you mean someone committed of loyalty to me? If it's that, no one. I've got none."

Somehow, he weirdly forms a short smile.

"What are you smiling for?" I ask.

He seems startled, then closes his mouth. "Na-ah" he says despite his mouth closed.

I wanted to complain about how he ruined my mind on thinking of this weird expression. Wait, why would I ever tell him that?

Our vehicle stops at track. That's so fast, we don't even notice the time. I slide right-side the peeking bar of the vehicle, for communication to the driver.

"Thank-" My words got stuck when I see no demon driving. "Where are you?!" I raise my voice, enough loudness to hear from outside.

"Limdi? What's going on?"

I turn and face Traiser. "Don't step out. I'll check outside if we're in Equator."

He nervously gave me a nod.

I armed myself with my weapon. As I open the door, fragments of glittering potions got absorbed by my body.

Unable to move. Nor to speak.


I just hear Traiser's cry for help.