[17] Old Family Journal

I nod. "Thanks" mutter I, which surprised the knights and even myself. I just ignore what I've said and their reactions, I help myself to get in the vehicle.

In Zonax, demons do not have certain attitudes but we do have different characteristics. On the other hand, we have never ever been gentle or kind to each other. That's why I suffered a lot of culture shock on Earth, you can't blame anyone.

I think, no, perhaps I conclude that I really change. Speaking of change, the East region seems to have the busiest tide as of now. Desert, ice, mud, and volcanic geography arrange themselves and interact in unusual ways here.

We have one continent, more than twenty peninsulas, and three Capital Points. I landed safely in the Phynx Capital at their Vehicle Port.

I live on the small island in the southeast of Phynx Capital, called Tatlong Hari which is said to be the founder of the island. Every land in this region has the same environment, as I said about the four geography designs.

Our main capital point is Dagitab, second is Phynx and the last is Lualhati, all had an equal and fair number of places bound.

The continent is where Dagitab, while the islands are both held by Phynx and Lualhati. What separate islands is the freshwater sea which is filled with murderous fishes, unknown creatures, and thankfully no mermaids.

There's one ride available in this sea, massive and long Sea Serpent. It was tamed by the Phynx Capital Datu, Kulem Layag, an old diablo with light-colored skin and bald shining head. He got a cool job since he's the datu, he observes the whole capital while riding the serpent. He even named it 'Matya', because he likely fell in love with the creature.

"Panah! It's a great sign to see you alive. I've never gotten used to seeing your family surviving the portal. Now, you even conquered it! As expected from the Panah!" as soon as he noticed my figure, he yelled.

He seems to be an admirer of the Panah Family. My father and he were alliances and had a good relationship.

I frown at him. "Datu Layag, don't you ever had shame? Geez, stop making a fuss."

He snorts, then laughs as loud as hell. "LIMDI! I thought you'll be a goner! Your father is right, you'll achieve more than his. In the meantime, your ride with Matya is FREE!"

"Datu, it is always free. How come I don't pay you a single token? You're making me feel tokenless." I bicker.

"Is it? lssh, I don't know, Limdi. Just come on, here. Matya is getting tired." He waves his hand and smiles. I didn't demand more, sit comfortably on the skin of the serpent.

He looks at me with a mocking face. "Have you met any human dudes there?"

I shake my head. "Why would I waste my time on meeting dude?"

He snorts again. "You are similar to Bulan! He always reasoned out his job. Anyways, I've heard the news. You've succeeded, huh. Nice job!"

"Yes, kinda..." I turn to look at the view of the sea and islands nearby. There are the little spots of lands with trees and the last island where my father and I spent together the Humot Island.

"You appear to level up right now, lssh. You got a hard time dealing with those cursed creatures. Limdi, you did your best. The Phynx is proud of you."

I tried to curve my lips but I ended up, expressionless. "You don't have any idea how many troubles I've had. I've even dealt with a deity."

"Well, your father did have many encounters with deities, themselves."

I nod as I know that too. My father told me warnings about deities, whether how to identify one and who they are. He kept his memories down in this journal. My father also said that this journal means a greater value for our family. Inside, there is much knowledge written, and even peck of skin or hair attached; even nails were.

"I suggest you see your Island's Datu. He should tell you all."

I glance at Datu Layag, he's facing backward to me. My hearts suddenly race. "What does that mean? Is there something I don't know?" I asked but he stayed silent like he didn't hear my questions. I sighed and let him be, I guess I can't force him to talk but it only makes me curious.

I'm about to meet our Datu anyway, as a sign of respect, demons in his scope should visit him before living the island and, or arriving the island. He's like the chief of our place after all.

The serpent stopped at the docked, lowering its body carefully. I hopped down and patted it afterward, as I looked up to Datu Layag. I simply bowed at him to display my gratitude, and he nodded, smiling, as a response. Like I've said, it's not normal for us to be affectionate through words, that's why we express ourselves through actions.

"Take care, little Panah. Live your life in your own accord. Your journey has just begun." his smile shows millions of secrets behind it.

"You're mistaken. My journey has ended." I corrected him but he just shakes his head and swiftly let his dear serpent know that it's time to leave. Before I say another word, he was gone already. I was left there standing, thinking about the expression on his face. Why do I feel so stupid here? Like everyone else has a secret I don't know. It annoys me.

Frustrated, I run myself to our Datu's place. His house is the biggest one on the island, just like how the Ducis place is in the Perditus City. Maybe it's an unspoken rule that whoever the chief of the place is, should have the most eye-catching chamber.

I easily reached the place, where a large abode made of stone stands. It's simple yet noticeable. There is two demons guarding the house which seemed to catch my presence, as they bowed at me.

"Is Datu Gahid inside?" I asked whilst walking closer towards them. They both nodded their heads, one of them opening the door inside.

As I walk in, the fascinating little sculpted statues catch my attention. Datu Gahid who's sitting by his stoned desk turns his head at me, meeting my eyes and instantly standing up with his wide smile reaching his ears.

"Little Panah!" He beamed to which I almost rolled my eyes. Literally, almost every old diablos and diablaes call me 'Little Panah', when I'm clearly an adult. I don't know if they see me as a child or the silly nickname had just stuck on their mind.

I bowed at him but he pulls me into a loose hug. Even if demons are not used with gestures like these, I've become used to it with our Datu. He's almost a father figure to me.

"I'm proud of you, child!" he lightly taps my back then he pulls away. "I knew you'll succeed" he added, still smiling like he had won a war.

"I am beyond grateful to you, for trusting me, although my chances of completing the mission were nearly impossible." he gestures for me to sit down as we continue to talk

"How was your journey? Any notable experiences?" his face displays genuine curiosity and interest.

"Nothing much, but humans are notably fascinating beings. Their mind is intricate and well, they have this technology and such. The wonderful sights are also one of those moments I will remember." I tell him with excitement, he's intently listening to me.

"How about the pure virgin soul?" I was frozen for a moment, then I avert my gaze.

"He's in his right place already" I forced a smile, ignoring the tiny throb on my chest.

"You're really brave and strong, Limdi. You are the only one in your clan that has successfully come back"

"I would be a hypocrite if I tell you I wasn't scared. Knowing the mysterious curse of our clan, made me anxious that I might die." his smile falters, as a serious expression appears on his face.

"Limdi, there's something you have to know" he breathes deeply before standing up, walking to his one sculpted statue. I watched how he lifts it up, acquiring an old book beneath.

"This belongs to you," he handed the book which turns out to be an old journal. I carefully accept it whilst examining the journal, trying to understand what it is for.

"You already gave me a journal, Datu Gahid. You might be mistaken" I looked at him confused but he shakes his head.

"That belongs to your grandfather. The supposed to be 'King' of Zonax" he slowly said, letting me process his words. Confucion etches in my face.

"W-what? Datu Gahid, please refrain from this kind of joke. It's not funny." I know him as someone who pulls pranks on his citizens, even I, was a victim of his silly jokes, but his face says otherwise.

"I know this is quite surprising and difficult to digest, but this journal will make you understand everything. I'll be outside if you have queries." he holds my hands which are lightly shaking while tightly holding the journal as if giving me strength. Then he stood up, giving me space and time to breathe, digesting everything.

My eyes landed on the journal I'm holding. With shaking hands, I flipped the pages, the rusty old smell fills up my nose.

The first page reads "Diurno" the ink is almost fading. Below, the name of my grandfather is written.

"Devicus Panah," I mumbled, caressing the letters on the journal.

I flipped the page, reading its content.

'With father's lead, demons in Zonax are living in tranquility. Father has mentioned the living feud between our kind and deities. Fortunately, it has long been decided that we won't take part in the feud anymore.'

My eyes widen at the first paragraph. What does this mean? I continued reading, unfortunately, some parts have been erased already by time.

'The serenity that I've been cherishing has vanished in one snap. Rebels are breaking havoc in every region. Everyone seemed to be alarmed and alert for any possible attacks.'

'Rebels had infiltrated the palace. Each and every one of us are fighting to survive. They have taken the crown from father who fell down from the throne, lifeless.'

'With no way out, the new king arises from the throne. The 13 Maharlika have also visited my place, offering me a great deal. Should I accept it?'

My breathing starts to get heavy. How? How is this true? I can also feel the fear of my grandfather from his words.

'They allowed us to live. Sacrifices are needed to be done. I claimed the task of finding pure soul. I was threatened that they would kill my siblings. I have no choice but to comply'

'It's been a while since I wrote here. Going back and forth on Earth became my routine for so long, but I haven't find the pure soul yet. Would I be wrong if I say I'm glad I fail every time I tried? The innocent humans who hold the pure soul within them should never be in the hands of the new King'

'I came back in Zonax, finally meeting my newborn son. The two members of Maharlika have visited me once again, reminding me about the task. I am in fear regarding my family'

The notes ended there. I am still confused. What happened next? I need answers, but I should rest first.

With confusion swallowing me, I went outside. There, Datu Gahid is standing, his back facing me. I walk towards him, which he noticed at once.

"I don't understand. The journal, rebels, throne, pure soul. I—what?" unable to make up a complete sentence, I threw him my confused look.

"What you read was the truth, Limdi. Your clan was the real owner of the throne. Your grandfather was next in line, to lead the whole Zonax. But rebels had brought great chaos. They wouldn't stop until they rule." he retells, his expression is distorted as if he went back to what happened before.

"They wanted to erase your clan. However, your grandfather made a deal with them, claiming the task to go back and forth from Earth to Zonax just to find the pure soul which would bring power to the King." his face is serious.

"Why him?" I ask, trying to understand his words

"Because no one can leave the portal. Many dared to, but they all end up burning to ashes."

I was utterly shocked and speechless by what he said. I was only told that only chosen demons can use the portal, but I didn't know that no one can actually leave the portal. Seeing my reaction, he continued on explaining.

"When demons decided to leave Earth, not a single demon was able to come back anymore so no one would be able to start an unnecessary war. You already knew that demons stopped participating in the feud, neither in finding the pure soul. We lived peacefully. Your clan, however, has the only power to enter the portal and leave Zonax."

"But why us? My grandfather sure had siblings!"

"As the eldest, he decided to accept the task, as they were supposed to get killed."

"What happened next? The notes in the journal just ended when my father was born. Grandfather, he died, right?"

"He was killed, Limdi." another blow, his words were like a slap to me, leaving my jaw hanging.

"The curse wasn't true. As your father was born, your grandfather was killed because, for the King, he holds no purpose anymore. The king didn't want your family to grow, because he was afraid that you'll take the throne from him." Realization dawns on me that I can't properly breathe.

"Y-you mean, f-father was also killed" I feel a tight tug in my chest, giving me a harder time to take in some air.

My body weakens, as he nodded to respond to my question.

"If I had failed, I would have been killed too..." I muttered to myself

"But you succeeded!" He tried to cheer me up, however, it doesn't change anything.

"But Datu! Succeeding only means that I fed our greedy King! He had the pure soul in his hands now. He could bring great war against the deities! And that was exactly what my grandfather was avoiding." I feel so stupid. I could have just let myself fail, then sacrifice the good of every demon in Zonax and Traiser.

Datu Gahid held my arm to help me. I almost feel as my legs felt weak. Without any further words, I run as fast as I can, my body had enough exhausting experiences, and these sudden revelations.

I reached my place in a few seconds, resting on my chair while breathing heavily from my quick sprint. My chest still feels tight and my eyesight is getting blurry from the tears tempting to come out.

Everything is just too much.

I slowly walk myself to my bed, to lie down. With my eyes feeling heavy, and my strength leaving my body, I slowly let myself fall into a deep slumber.