The easiest way will always be tricky.

-Yu Mansion-

"Welcome home, My lady." Mr Yu welcomed Yuxi and Niao as they entered the mansion.

Yuxi, who was about to walk to her room, noticed something and turned to Mr Yu.

Mr Yu nodded his head as he responded respectfully "Miss Xu Rei is in the guest room. She came here an hour ago."

Niao flinched in surprise. 'She really did? I wonder how Master made someone like Xu Rei come here.'

The first thing I did was to be expected to be in this is not an easy way.

"Shall I notify her of your arrival?" Mr Yu asked.

"No, Not yet. Don't disturb her. I will see her later. Prepare some tea for us."

"Yes, My lady."

Yuxi sat on the sofa, folded her legs and rested her face on her chin.

'So, she gave in at last. It's only best for her.' She sighed.

She then gazed at Niao who was just standing there.

"Something up in your mind?"

Niao pursed her lips, a little reluctant to reply "M-Master, Am I being useful?"