
Satisfying meal.

Kaylee perused through the driveway to MC NUGGETS, a lot of cars were parked. A lot of teenagers roaming and wandering about the fast-food restaurant. She looked at her watch and saw that it was 5;50. Ten minutes till she met up with Maya. She looked around again and noticed a few people from her school, girls and boys dressed in different attires. Cars parked in a straight line leading to the restaurant. She gently pushed the huge wooden creaking door while making an entrance. No one seemed to be minding who was entering and who was leaving hence she directed herself to an empty table.

The tiled floor was neat except for little specks of dirt here and there. The tables were spaciously kept such that a few people could pass through the tables without making a scene. There were enormous windows on three sides of the restaurant and all of them were made of see-through glass. A few of the windows had drawings of fried chicken on them. The waiters and waitresses wore black clothes with aprons and had a very neat and clean look which proved quite good for first-time customers. They were talking calmly and looked composed even while cleaning dirty residue from tables and scrubbing the floor.

She waited for a few minutes before a female waitress came to her and asked if wanted a menu. Kaylee replied that she was waiting for someone and removed a small storybook from her bag to keep her occupied. A few pages from the introduction, Maya sat down across her. She wore a cute striped yellow t-shirt with the words 'Gorgeous written on it a pair of green trousers. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail and kept flicking it from time to time. Kaylee gently kept a bookmark between two pages and closed it tightly then kept it on the right side of the table. They both had a lot to talk about and started their conversation after a long awkward silence.

"So, when did it start?" Kaylee asked.

"Last month. I guess. What about you? When did yours start?

"Last week. Was it weird for you? You know..... when you got it for the first time."

"Yeah terribly. I saw my mom's past for the first time I got my abilities. I have seen her crying before but not the way I saw it that day. Nothing surprising though. I just saw her cooking in tears when we were having breakfast. Then after breakfast, I learned that she was crying because of my dad.

"Oh, so you realised it the first time?"

"No, it actually took three times before realising I could see things. It was terrible when I realised it. At first, I thought it was a blessing in disguise but seeing people's past of them being hit and being dragged around or seeing someone kill another guy is simply terrible. I was so scared after I saw someone getting murdered the other day hence I started researching about it."

"You saw someone getting murdered?"

"Yeah, I was walking and came really close with this guy who had covered half his face with a mask. Then I saw it. I saw him killing someone with a knife in a dark room. I couldn't even go to the police because I was scared that they would ask too many questions."

"Yeah, that is probably for the best," Kaylee answered with her hand caressing the salt bottle in the middle of the table.

Suddenly a female waitress interrupted them and asked in a low voice," would you like to order now?"

"Yeah" they both answered at the same time.

They took some time looking at the menu before ordering the same thing for both of them. Chicken and french fries for the both of them with two bottles of soda and a salad. Kaylee then stared at Maya as the waitress walked away. Maya noticed the staring and smiled helplessly as Kaylee also smirked.

"What? why are you smiling?"

"Because you look so skinny, I thought you would only eat a salad. But I guess you proved me wrong," she answered with a wide smile.

Maya laughed loudly before mumbling, "You think am one of those fancy kids."

"Yeah......I actually do think that. You know you look really fancy."

"Shut up!.... Are you just messing around arent you? You know you have a really good smile you should smile more often."

They both looked at each other with sincerity in their eyes. THye were both genuinely happy to have met someone who finally understood their position. As they both smiled and looked at one another Kaylee got another episode.

"Would you move this way for a bit?" Kaylee lamented while shaking her hand from side to side to indicate to Maya.

"Why? Is everything okay?" Maya inquired.

"Yeah. It's just that... you see that waitress over there." Kaylee continued with her eyes looking towards a waitress with his hands full of dishes as he added more to the bunch he had."He is going to pass this way and drop a glass of mango juice on your pretty dress."

"Pretty....? Wait... Sooooo you think am pretty? "

"You are literally going out of topic right now? The deal was him dropping the glass. And yes. You are really pretty."

"Thanks, you know you're pretty too. And nice although you seem like the hardcore style. Don't worry I like that."

The waiter passed through them and dropped the glass he was meant to drop as Kaylee and Maya looked at each trying to assist the waiter. A few minutes later their food was delivered and they started eating their meals with a lot of anticipation. They looked around and saw that most people had gone away. And after finishing their food they continued with the serious talks and ordered another plate of nuggets for munching on them.

"Maya. Do you know that the abilities that we have actually came from our ancestors? It has always been like this since a long time ago. I don't know exactly when it started but I know our ancestors had it."

"How come's am the only one in the family who got it? I don't know if other people from my family got it..... but maybe they did and they are too scared to admit, like me."

"There are many others that we probably don't know. My grandmother knew of her grandmother that someone, probably her mother had abilities like me. and she wasn't alone they were many others like her. But people felt threatened that they existed. After a long period of peace, people started chasing them and calling them witches. A lot of them ran away as they started getting murdered one by one until a few remained. So they made medicine to suppress these abilities even for future generation to come. So if only one woman had it all the children she gave birth to and their children did not have any abilities. Although it was said that the abilities would eventually wear off and the girls from the generations to come would have the abilities."

"wait why only girls? Don't boys get these abilities?"

"No. well, From what I know it only affects the girls."

"Wow.....People were monsters back then, weren't they? Normal people not the ones with abilities. And why didn't they just hide it like what we are doing right now?"

"I don't know. Maybe they couldn't. Sometimes when you see something you can feel people's emotions too. Maybe they could not withstand it anymore and told people to stop doing the bad things they were doing."

Maya sighed as she thought of her future with the powers she had. Was it going to kill her? Was it good? Was it bad? She did not know, And she could not know that unless she lived her life to witness it all. But what she knew for certain was that no one would be better to her if they knew she had abilities than Kaylee. She wanted to trust Kaylee and believe in her. And she did.

They finished their talk and bid goodbye to each other. Each one of them turned to different paths and walked home. A lot went through their minds but they kept their differences aside and decide to focus focused on one day at a time. What they did not know was that Justus's father Tyler had already found out about Kaylee and he was planning to make her life miserable in the next few weeks. He would eventually destroy everything that Kaylee valued while thinking she was working with his enemies.

Kaylee returned home happy and talked to her sweet grandmother who was at this time gasping for breath and could not believe that her granddaughter just met with a friend. She wanted to know who was it and even suggested if it was a boy she met. But Kaylee just smiled and looked forward to the next week to meet again with Maya on Saturday at the library.