Chapter Seven

Grumbling beneath my breath, I move further into the classroom and the door bangs close behind me. Those sliders sure aren't silent.

Their attention was on me the minute they heard the door close, but I ignore my nerves as my eyes focus on the only empty seats to the left, by the window.

Walking over, I settle my bag on the table and sit down. "Hi, am Sang Bora." The girl in front of me introduces herself and I raise my head with a smile.

I admire her copper bronze hair up in a French braid ponytail and her porcelain skin. "Hi."

"One question," She holds up a finger. "Are you lost?"

"I… highly doubt that." I frown in confusion. "I'm new, the names Lana Kang."

"Any relation to Jayden Kang?" I look to the left and take notice of the two guys sitting right next to my desk.

Blinking a bit, am surprised to notice they're identical twins with the same shade of dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and strawberry pink lips.

One of them has his hair in waves with the sides trimmed into a low bald fade while the other has a mid-fade and thick medium length hair that's styled into a comb-over pompadour hairstyle.

It seems almost criminal not to stare at them, I mean they're so hot it's too good to be true. But when someone clears her throat pointedly, I'm startled from my drooling thoughts.

"A-and you two are?" I stutter, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Min Byung-ho and Min Daejung, twins in case you haven't noticed." The taller of the two joked while indicating between him and his brother.

"Well, Jayden Kang is my twin brother."


It's lunch time and with my tray of food, I look around the noisy, crowded, cafeteria with a hopeless expression as I wonder where to sit and eat. I can't find an empty table anywhere.

Staring at the large crowd of students I have no idea why we came to school today when we did absolutely nothing throughout, my classmates had just been goofing around the entire time so I played with my phone instead.

"Hey, Lana!" I turn sharply to see the girl who'd introduced herself as Sang Bora and the twins waving me over to their table. "Come sit with us!" She yells, drawing a few eyes.

With a relieved smile I head in their direction and settle next to Bora. "Thanks for calling me over, I thought I'd have to eat standing."

"It's no problem." She smiles. "We noticed you looking a little pitiful so we decided to call you over."

Resting his elbows on the table, I think the one named Daejung stares at me with a speculative frown. "So, are you really Jayden's sister?"


"Why haven't we heard about you before, pretty much everyone here frequents your dad's popular restaurant so we should have seen you at least once right?"

"I lived abroad up until a month ago," I respond.

Perking up, Bora leans closer. "Really, where?"

"New York City."

"That's so cool, I've always wanted to visit New York. It's on the list of my top 20 most favourite countries."

I offer a smile in response but want to ask… why? I mean sure the city has great tourist sites, and it's buzzing with so many interesting places. But it's also crowded, smelly, noisy, and the traffic is a horrific mess. And let's not even get started on the people who live there.

I don't tell her that though, instead, I nod my head and say. "You should go there when you have the chance, it's a great place."

For the rest of lunch, I stay silent and listen to the three of them talk, with the twins occasionally making jokes that has my stomach cramped due to laughter. The three of them seem cool and down to earth, and for once I wonder if maybe it's safe enough to have friends here.

After lunch, the rest of the day went by fast and when school ended I stood outside the gates waiting for Jayden.

Bora and the twins decided to wait with me just to keep me company before they head home. They all live in the same neighbourhood.

The twins were talking about some local rock concert at a bar on Hongdae street when Bora turns to me. "So, after school what are you up to?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Well, there's this mall the guys and I usually hang out in and I was wondering if you were interested in meeting us there. We usually meet up at a cafe called Kai's before watching a movie and then heading over to the arcade."

"What mall is that?"

"Dream-Mall," Daejung responds before Bora can and we turn to see the two of them staring at the both of us. "We always meet up there so it'll be cool if you came."

Hesitating, I contemplate refusing, feeling a little sceptical about whether or not it's wise of me to make friends with three people I just met and barely know anything about. But instead of declining, I found myself nodding. God, I hope I don't regret this. "Sure, I'll love to come."

"Awesome, we'll see you there. I see your brother coming so we should get going." Byung-ho says, and I rise on my toes to see Jay heading our way over his broad shoulders.