"What the hell were you trying to prove by deliberately mentioning you are going to pick representations for the show!" I practically scream as soon as I was reassured everyone had put some distance between them and the meeting room.

Shrugging, Kevin smiles in amusement due to my anger. Enraged, I'm about to unleash hell on the ass-hat when Dae-Hong interrupts before I could say anything.

I forgot he was still there.

"We had to, if we had simply picked you out of everyone else to stand beside Cameron and other mentors then that would have raised questions… questions you do not want to be asked."

"You told him?"

"He had too," Dae-Hong replies, again. "We have a lot riding on this show and if things get out of control I don't want to be left clueless of anything. With the way you stomped out of the office I knew he used some kind of threat to convince you and I threatened him to tell me what it was."

The thought of him having some hold over Kevin made me grin, my anger completely forgotten. "By any chance, are you going to tell me what you have on him?"

Kevin glares at Dae-Hong with a threatening look and he gives him a side grin, pausing long enough to answer my question just to agitate him. "Sorry, but no. I like the thought of you being in the show too much to give you that leverage."

Rolling my eyes, I lean back up and cross my arms beneath my chest. "How exactly are you going to explain how I was picked?"

"We'll make you guys play spin the wheel or something," Kevin responds dismissively, and I snort at the dumbass idea. "The entire point is," He glares at me. "We'll make sure your position isn't questioned so you don't have to worry."

"Oh, I wasn't worried," I grunt. "I was praying for the opposite."

I turn on my heels to head towards the door when Kevin calls after me. "Lana, wait a minute!"

Pausing with a hand on the handle, I tilt my head back to stare at him over my shoulder. "You might want to talk to your C.E.O about your schedule, I already told him it'll be best to send me a copy so we can match our schedules when the Masked Queen officially comes out."

Nodding in surprise, I left.

Tracing my way back to Mr Yoonwoo's office I bow in respect to the secretary and she smiles in greeting, silently motioning me in.

Smiling gratefully, I open the glass doors and was surprised to see him and a few other men going through some papers in his office.

Hesitant, I walk in further and felt like I was intruding. "I was told you have something for me?" I ask, bowing politely in greeting the other men.

Mr Yoonwoo smiles at me in acknowledgement before he turns to the other men with a gentle dismissal. "We're done here."

Nodding their heads, they stood to leave and when they walked past me they blatantly stared in curiosity. When the doors closed softly behind them, Mr Yoonwoo responds to my question as I settle on the couch to his left.

"I wanted to hand this over."

He held out a blue folder and I slowly grasped it. "We've organized your schedule for the next two months after the competition begins. I felt it'll be better we take our time preparing for your new debut rather than rush into it, and with how busy you'll be with the show I figured this move would be better."

"When did you even prepare this, we only met a few hours ago?" I ask in shock.

"I have a very efficient staff." He winks.

Flipping through the schedule, I'm a little surprised to see how packed it is with press conferences, photoshoots, parties, movie premiers, and a few other guest appearances to some events and entertainment shows.

"So, what do you think about the show?"

His question surprises me and it takes me a full minute before I answer.

"Sincerely?" I cross one leg over the other, fixing my gaze on his, and he nods. "I think the shows a good opportunity for everyone there, if I didn't have something to hide I'd probably be more excited about it. When Kevin first told me it will be a hit, I just thought he was overconfident. But thinking about it now, he might just be right."

"Unfortunately," He sighs, easing into his seat in a relaxed pose. "You are correct. Things will be a lot harder when you make your debut so be on your toes. A single mistake could have your identity leaked."

Agreeing, I took his advice seriously and turn my attention back to the schedule. "Your intending to keep me busy aren't you?"

"We have to, it's going to be your first time stepping into the limelight since you arrived in Seoul. Besides, we need to gain back your popularity before it fades from everyone's mind."

Impressed, I turn to him with a grin. "You've thought of everything."

He inclines his head in appreciation, looking pleased that I'm agreeable with his decisions. "I have to, you are after all going to be my number one priority."

I can't help my frown as that last comment brings back unwanted memories, and he notices. Giving me a meaningful look, he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"Look, at some point, you're going to need to trust me Lana. Has much as you may be a means to further my company, you are also my talent, and I make sure to treat my talents like my family. I won't lie, there will be decisions I will make concerning your career that will be for the benefit of the company. But first and foremost I will have your consent, and I won't try to force my decisions on you like your last agency. I hate other people trying to lead my life and I have no desire to do the same for anyone else."

Smiling, I relax and nod with a grateful smile. "Thank you… for being honest with me and for telling me I have my options. Not many agencies will give you that, no matter how famous you are or how much money you bring in."

"You're welcome." He winks in response. I stand to my feet while folding the schedule into my bag and he stands after me, holding his hand out for a handshake. "Be back here tomorrow after school so we can officially sign your contract. Also, Sam is downstairs with your new Van, he'll drive you home."

"Alright," I clasp his hand and squeeze. "Thanks, Mr Yoonwoo."

"Your welcome, and please," He releases me with a chuckle. "Call me Yoonwoo, everyone does."

Offering a salute, I make my way out of his office. Riding the elevator down to the underground parking lot I got out and looked around for Sam, only to find him leaning against a brand new white Van, taking selfies with his phone. Cute.

Shaking my head, I walk over and tap him on the shoulder. "Is this the vehicle that's going to be logging me around?"

"I will only be using it to take you home today, from tomorrow onward you will need to get a bike or something and come here on your own."

"What, why?"

"It would be dangerous if anyone saw me picking you up with the van used for the Masked Queen, even if you only get to use it two months later."

Grumbling my disappointment, I slip into the van when he slides the door open for me. In the driver's seat, a black, slightly chubby older guy who looks to be in his early 20's smiles at me over his shoulder and I turn to Sam for an answer.

After twenty seconds spent admiring his pictures, Sam's gaze finally leaves his phone long enough to notice my questioning look and introduces us.

"This is Ibrahim, he's going to be your driver from now on. Don't worry about him though, Yoonwoo already made him sign a confidentiality contract." He reassures.

"Just how many people are we telling again?"

"You don't need to worry Miss Lana," Ibrahim responds, starting the van with a smile. "I've been in this business for three years now and I know to keep my mouth shut, your situation has already been explained to me and I will make sure to keep your identity a secret."

Sighing, I settle into the plush leather seat and raise my hands in surrender.

"Fine, whatever." I shrug, the decision has already been made so there's no use arguing about it. "But if we're going to work together you have to learn to call me by my name, Lana."