Chapter Twenty-Two

One of my most common dreams is me and my mother eating together. Her name's Béta. And she was a villain. A villain Who wanted her daughter to follow a hero path. Sadly, she was killed by heroes she believed in. And I couldn't fulfill her dream for me. I started despising the hero since then. And Dred helped me recover from the lost. At the same time, Electra started living me in my house. So she never knew why my family was never home.. Because they were already gone.

"You staring at the wall gives me the chill.. You talked with that girl??"

"Yes, Dred. And it went good.."

"I know it didn't.. Don't forget my power.. I just saw what happened. Why did you let her strangle you!? Are you crazy!!? You want to die for nothing and sully your mother's will!!?"

"Dred, I know what I need to do... Don't worry."

I'm not lying when I tell her that I've got things under control.. Well, almost. When Electra strangled me, I didn't know if I was gonna die or not.. Electra changed, and it's because of me.

Well, her life became a mess because of me. My first smile had lies in them. I faked my family's death and it really happened. I lied about my identity and she nearly died because of it. The little girl I met on the beach was like a prey to me. And yet, now, I feel like I'm the one being hunted...

I created a monster.

"Wait!! Your girl was here for a while.. She said she was lost, but she's been here for hours. I can see her standing and looking around. Don't tell me she was searching for the weakest point in our defense... Ohh no!! It's a trap!!----


I understand now. Electra couldn't have thought about that.. something must have happened to her... And I feel like it's a witch's work.

"Don't mingle with that thought. It won't do you good.. Anyway, what a pair!! Mind, The Future Seeker and Fit, The Past Seeker. I present myself as the the Representative of my kind, Hydra. But you can keep calling, Electra. It sounds almost the same, so it doesn't bother me. Almost two years since you betrayed the original holder of this body. You destroyed her. And when she was at the lowest, I just had to pick the leftovers. And here I am, a new body and new choices.. But sadly, I can't be happy. Because of this body's link with you, Mind. Fortunately, I found you and I will kill you."

It indeed is a witch... But, the queen. We are in serious problem.... I'm sorry Electra.. I killed you. I killed you!![Sobbing]!!! I'm sorry.

"Apologizing is futile, Nash. I wanted to kill you earlier, but this body rejected that thought. It seems that the Real Electra loved you to the end."

---I'm so sorry....I---

When suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere. Instinctively, I gabbed onto Dred's hand and found ourselves teleported in the hero agency. Dred safe. There was also Electra's new girl, Karin and a masked woman in black.

"What's happening?? Why are we here??!"

"Dred asked a question, weird woman.. What is happening!?"

"Is that a way to treat your mother??"


"Mother.. But I thought she was dead. I saw you died.."

"Then, your power's defective. Thanks to Karin, your lives were saved. She told me Electra was going to go on a rampage. Well, if that was still Electra.."

"It isn't. I already told Karin. And she ignored my calls. Now, the Hero Agency isn't anymore because Electra spent a year hunting them all. And even the villain association is gone by now.... The next target will be this city.."

"Sandra, those kids are not at fault. It's us, adults who failed them.. I have things to do. Karin, I will need you with me. Sandra, keep an eye on your daughter and your daughter's beloved, it would seem."

I don't get everything but, I won't let anyone hurt Electra. I'm sure She can be saved... We just need to try. I just need to try. I created a monster out of her, I will free her of that monster..