Chapter Forty-Eight

She's duller than I thought. Forgetting soneone like me. It's not the first time we see each other. And it won't be the last. I changed my decision. I won't kill any assassin. I won't kill Daisy Family. Not yet. It'll be more fun when we will be on equal footing. Well, they think they'll be. But hey! Hopes doesn't kill...

Sunday 24th..[11 Months 29 Days Before The 54th Great War Of Assassins]

"...Your dog is glaring at me, Dred.."

"I'm Gregogaria Michelin, not a dog!! Bitch..!"

"She's taunting you Greg. Forget her.. She's clearly having fun.. Don't you have something better to do than playing with Greg?"

"We are in a plane stuck together for a whole day cycle. So, no. I'm bored. I am trying to build a realtionship with your dog. We'll be together for a year. Let's be BFFS!!"

"You are right, Lady Dred. I was stupid to fall for such petty tricks.."

"Good, Do--Greg! Good job, Greg.."

So, Dred, how is it to be the daughter of Daisy Ash?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Why not? Come on, Andrea Daisy.. How does it feel to be a Daisy? When you could have been Queen of the underworld.. Your royal fate just missed you. Now, you are not that important. Your Father, the king died. The Underworld is gone like dust. And there's a freak coming for your family. How does it feel? Is it scary? Do you Fear??"

"Hey, shut your trap!!--"

"It's okay, Greg. Fear, I don't know where you come from and I don't give a sincere fuck. So, don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't spare me any attention. That year will be long and tiresome. I would rather die than stay that close to you.."

That hurts. And here I thought I was doing well with her. Almost dropping some fake news on Instragrax. Too bad, now, I can't say I befriended Andrea Daisy.. That sucks a bit(Not At All)to be honest...