Chapter Fifty-Five

Did you know that my mother's the Antagonist of the story? If she's, what Am I? Only a few knew of my existence, and they all died..(Not necessarily by me)...I am Electra's Daughter, Fleur Rose and I am her forever dying will. Take over everything and control it. Even I don't know why mother told me that and seriously, I don't really give a fuck. She died. I am Alive. So, as long as, I take over the world.. It Is I who did it. My name shall be Fear and It shall be heard everywhere after The World Is Mine.

"Psst!! Psst!!"

"What do you want, New?"

"Is it alright for me to touch you? I heard women don't like being---"

"I'm too old for that shit."

"You are a beautiful woman and in the near future, you will prolly date me. So, it is an urgent matter to know your needs..."

"You should stop talking like that, dude.. Making me shiver.. Don't worry. I'm not a woman. And don't assume I will go out with you.. You don't read future. And even if you did, you wouldn't be able to."

"You Are A Woman. I know that much. You have breast and a vagina. You have XX Chromosomes while man holds XY. You are sexy..and..cute too."

"New, you win. Just stop.. My future boyfriend can touch me..."

"Anyway, why aren't we in the Gratte-Ciel? Adam's in there.."

"Because it's too cold outside. So, for now, we keep ourself warm by body contact and drink infused tea I brought at the War Shop."

"Okay.. Then, excuse my penis if it is too cumbersome.. I did not realize it was that big.."

"Ohh, I don't mind... For a long time, I saw small dicks and smaller ones as time passed. So, it's not that cumversome to feel yours. I'm tempted to grab it. But! I still don't trust you. I can tell you are stronger than me. So, I'm waiting for you to open your heart..."

"I do not understand. I already told you my thoughts."

"Stop the acting, New. I know you are the same as me. An Inmortal, I mean.."

"How? When?"

"Haha!! You are the strongest warrior and yet, you have no scars. Your skin is perfect. You have no stench. White teeth. Pretty easy to tell. I'm the same. And you don't mind getting hurt.. Which was a big clue. An another Immortal. An immortal obeying orders. You. Care to explain how's that possible?"

"I'm not the only one if you are wondering. The Immortal is everywhere. And They are watching."

"Watching... Even right now?"

"No. The South is too cold for them. Immortal hates cold.. Not that it is our weakness. But who loves cold?"

"Apparently, You. Your dick is all erect."

"I apologize.."

"It's okay... Anyway, Let's go! I've had enough of waiting."