Chapter Ninety-Nine

"Hello Mother.. I can see that you are having fun with your new powers."

"Fleur.. I am having fun... And who's your new friend?"

"Lily Parker. About her, where's Ben? I need him to make Lily an Immortal."

"Ahh! He died with Odyssey. Sorry, daughter."

"Shit! Do you know another way to make her..?"

"My Bloomed Fleur. I may have something for you.. Why don't you find B.E.T.A? The inferior version of C.Y.P.H.E.R. A failed product Odyssey tried to do by replicating The system. Bad move from her side, but good for you.."

"Okay.. Looks like we got another solution for you, babe.."


"Yup. She's mine.. Are you happy for me?"

"As long as she respects you, I will never say no. So, I've got a lot to do.. You children have fun now that our enemies aren't here anymore.. See you later, Daughter."



" am I supposed to move across the space? I'm no Superman..."

"Flo, you can warp now.."

"...Right. still not used to it.. Ready to become an Immortal?"

"With you, I'll go anywhere."