Incident In Viridian




[Pokemon Speech]


Both Kayden and Nate could currently be seen sitting down at a fancy wooden table as they were calmly eating the food that was prepared, with Kayden consuming human food instead of pokemon food. Kayden didn't exactly like the idea of eating food that looked like dog food, even if it proves to be really good.

As they were eating, a woman in her mid-thirties could be seen sitting down as well at the table also eating. The woman had long neat black hair that reached down to her waist, along with a pair of hazel eyes. While she wasn't, her eyes did appear to have a constant tired droopy look.

This woman was Nate's new mother in this life, her name was Allira.

"Where's dad, mum?"

w"He's still working. He called and said that he was busy out in the field." Nate's mother had responded with a smile as Nate nodded his head in understanding. "You said you wanted to go and get your pokemon checked at the center, correct? Just make sure to come back and get some sleep for tomorrow."

"I know. Don't worry, mum." Nate smiled as he took another bite of his food. Nate had spent some time in Route 1 training both Kayden as well as Wimpod, mostly Wimpod though. It was still daylight out at that time, so he wanted to get some training in. When they got back, it was already decently late. "Thanks for the food, mum. I'll be back later."

"Be careful now! Tell Leaf that I said hi if you run into her!"

Nate just nodded his head as Kayden quickly finished his own food before hopping onto Nate's shoulder as the boy ran out of the house. He was pretty sure Leaf must have gotten through the forest at this point, it wasn't an incredibly long path.


Nate was now jogging down the path towards the pokemon center as Kayden decided to run as well as they both could now see the pokemon center just up ahead, it was quite a massive one at that. They had lived in Viridian City for their entire lives in this life, so seeing it wasn't surprising.

They were amazed by its size the first time though.


"O-Oh, Leaf!" Nate exclaimed in pleasant surprise as he skidded to a stop as both him and Kayden turned around to see Leaf running over towards them while waving. They waited for her to catch up as they continued walking. "When did you arrive?"

"I actually just managed to get out of the forest... I kind of got sidetracked with a pokemon I was chasing after in the forest." Leaf sheepishly responded as Nate gave a small chuckle. "So, did you catch any pokemon while getting back here to Viridian?"

"One actually. It's a pretty unique little."

"Really?! Can I see it?"

"Maybe later, we should head into the pokemon center for now." Nate rolled his eyes slightly as Leaf just pouted slightly as they soon arrived at the front door. Which automatically opened for them as they made their way inside. "Ah~, air conditioning. It was already pretty cold outside, but this feels nicer."

[Yo, Nate. I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up when ya need me] Kayden yawned as he jumped up onto Nate's shoulder before laying down as he somehow fell to sleep instantly, somehow not falling off as Nate walked.

Nate just deadpanned at his friend as Leaf gave a giggle in amusement as she saw Kayden's antics.

"Hey, Nate. Over there..." Nate looked towards the direction that Leaf pointed towards and saw three individuals, three of whom he immediately recognised. It was none other than the Nurse Joy of this pokemon center, Misty of the Cerulean City Gym, and also the main protagonist of the anime series, Ash Ketchum. "I think that's Ash..."

"You met him?"

"Only a few times, we never really talked to one another as he was kind of immature if I'm honest. Scratch that, very immature..." Leaf said with a blunt tone as Nate sweatdropped. He figured since they were older, Ash would be more mature than in the show, but perhaps not... "Look, they're looking over a pikachu!"

Nate just silently watched as the three of them were looking at the injured pikachu that was laying down on the hospital bed. If he remembered correctly, Ash and his pikachu were attacked by a huge flock or spearow. Though, it was kind of Ash's fault if he recalled.

It didn't take long at all before Nurse Joy noticed their presence as she gave a smile and began walking over towards them, stopping in front of them before giving a small bow as she then voiced. "Hello, welcome to the pokemon center. How can I help the both of you?"

"Hi, I was hoping you could give a quick check-up on my pokemon." Nate asked as he held out Wimpod's pokeball. Nurse Joy nodded her head with a smile, Kayden didn't get hurt at all so he didn't really need to be looked on.

"Oh, I'd like for you to do the same for my pokemon as well!" Leaf then took out two pokeballs, one that obviously held her bulbasaur inside while the other held the pokemon that contained her newly caught pokemon. "Can I also rent a room for the night?"

"Certainly. I'll prepare you one shortly after I take care of your pokemon." Both Leaf and Nate nodded their heads as Nurse Joy walked off into the back. Nate would ahve been worried about Wimpod running away, though the guy showed a personality that no other Wimpod would probably ever be seen having.

So, it wasn't a worry.

Also, he would have offered Leaf to stay over at his place for the night instead of needing to rent a room. However, he decided ultimately against it since the only rooms they had were his own, his parents bedroom, and the other main rooms that didn't have a bed.

His family could buy a new and bigger home, but they never really saw the point in doing so. Since their family was pretty small with Nate being the only child, there was no need to have a bigger house or more bedrooms.

Considering how busy Nurse Joy already was, he made sure to keep a note to ask her to register him for the pokemon league tomorrow morning. The league wasn't due until a number of months from now, so he still had plenty of time to get the badges and train.

"I'm going to check to see if that pikachu of theirs is okay."

"Alright then, I'll be there in a second. I want to make a call." Nate responded as Leaf nodded her head in understanding as she walked towards where Ash and Misty were. Nate then headed towards the computers as he took a seat. He then soon booted it up after placing Kayden on the space beside him, the dude still sleeping.





"Hi, Professor Oak. I wanted to give you a call after I got back to Viridian City"

{Ah~, Nate! How've you been? Have you caught any new pokemon?}

"I'm doing fine, so is Kayden. We got back to Viridian a couple of hours ago." Nate smiled as he also held up the snoring form of Kayden to the camera as Oak gave a small laugh. "I did catch a new pokemon as well. It's currently being taken care of by Nurse Joy."

{Oh~? What is it?}

"It's a wimpod, I caught it by the river on Route 1."

{Wait, a wimpod?! How in the world did you encounter that in the wild, my boy?! If I'm not mistaken, it's only found in Alola and Galar, are they not?} Oak voiced in surprise. Nate didn't really seem surprised by Oak's knowledge. The dude knew about a lot of pokemon out there. He was also pretty sure that he remembered hearing something about him having a cousin in Alola or whatever. {That is incredibly rare, if not impossible, to find in Kanto}

"I guess I got lucky." Nate shrugged with a small chuckle. He really did. He never expected to find such a pokemon residing here in Kanto, maybe there were other foreign region pokemon here hiding in Kanto as well. "Also, Professor. I was hoping if you could do me a favor."

{Hm? How can I help you?}

"You know how wimpod are pokemon that reside outside of Kanto, right?" Professor Oak gave a simple nod of his head in response to the question. "I was wondering if you could update my pokedex into a national pokedex. I'm unable to check on everything about wimpod without it."

{Ah~, I see. Of course I can. Just insert your pokedex into the slot on the machine and I'll do the rest} Nate looked at the controls before seeing a rectangular space, which he inserted his pokedex into as it gave a small beep. He then heard Professor Oak typing a few things before another beep was heard. {Alright, that should do it!}

"Thanks a lot, professor!"

{Don't worry about it, my boy. I look forward to hearing from you again. Also, if you end up coming on by to Pallet Town, I'd like to take a look at that wimpod of yours. I have never really been able to look at one up close due to their nature and the fact that I've only seen them once before}

"No problem, professor. I'll make sure to come by when I can."

{Very good! I'll talk to you later then, my boy!}

"See ya, professor." Nate smiled as he ended the call, to which the screen turned black as Nate took out his pokedex and checked it. He smiled as he saw that the screen interface had updated and more. Satisfied, he pocketed his pokedex before standing up. "He's still sleeping..."

Nate sighed as he looked at Kayden, who was still snoring like a pig.

Nate just picked him up before carrying him along with him over towards where Leaf was talking with both Ash and Misty. It seems that Pikachu had already been taken away back into the back room to continue healing as they were talking. He still felt weird carrying around Kayden like this, knowing that he was mentally the same age as him.

"So, is that pikachu doing okay?" Nate decided to ask as he stopped and stood with the group. They all turned towards him as he walked on over. The one that answered him was Ash as he looked at Nate.

"Y-Yeah, Nurse Joy said that he'll be okay after a bit of rest." Ash voiced as Nate nodded his head in understanding. Ash then noticed Kayden, who was also still sleeping in Nate's arms. "Woah, you have a pikachu too... Your name is Nate, right?"

"It's actually Nathan, but you can call me Nate. I don't really mind." Nate assured as both Misty and Ash nodded their heads with a smile. Nate then gestured at Kayden. "This here is Kayden. He's one of my pokemon."

"I see. Nice to meet you, Nate. My name is Ash Ketchum." Ash smiled as he shook hands with Nate, who then looked at Misty, who smiled before she introduced herself. "My name is Misty, it's nice to meet you as well, Nate."

"Mm, it's my pleasure. I hope that your pikachu gets better as soon as possible." Ash nodded his head in thanks to the statement. Nate then decided to lighten the mood a bit more. "So, Ash. Are you going to take on the gyms to compete in the league?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm going to be a Pokemon Master in the future!" Ash declared with a big smile as both Leaf and Nate gave an amused laugh as Misty seemed to roll her eyes. While Nathan hasn't watched the anime too much, he knew that Ash was still a far way off at this point in time. The current him and his goal were so distant that it was comparable to the distance between Heaven and Hell.

"That's a bit goal. I wish you luck then."

They continued talking for a bit, along with Nurse Joy who had soon come out of the backroom and handed back the pokeballs belonging to both Leaf and Nate. She had also given Leaf a keycard that had the number of the room that the girl would be staying in. When she was about to go continue her work on Ash's pikachu, a big loud bang was heard.

[W-Woah...!] Unfortunately, the loud bang startled Kayden quite a bit as he flailed around in Nate's arms before somehow squirming out of his grip and falling to the ground on his butt. [Ow! What the hell was all that noise?!]

All of them were surprised, with Nate being the calmest as he only slightly widened his eyes as the part of the roof that was made of glass suddenly shattered as the shards dropped to the ground. Luckily, no one was standing underneath it.

Nate narrowed his eyes as he saw a koffing along with an ekans emerge from two pokeballs, with the koffing releasing a smokescreen that covered the building. They all held covered their mouths due to the smoke as they saw two silhouettes forming in he smoke.

"Wh-Who are they?" Ash was the one that stuttered this.

"Don't be frightened, little boy!"

"Allow us to introduce ourselves."

'Oh god... I think I know who we're dealing with.' Nate deadpanned as he still covered his mouth. The group they were now being attacked by were what he called 'The Reject Rockets', Kayden also calling them the same. They were the comical anime villain team of the anime series that constantly cause trouble for the protagonist, being Ash.

Compared to the Team Rocket that was in the games and also the manga, the Team Rocket in the anime world wasn't exactly the most malicious or terrifying group of people. Nor were they as dangerous and merciless compared to the teams from the games and manga.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"

[Shut up before I punch you in the face with a huge ass glove! Screw off!]

"Oh my god, shut up! We don't wanna hear your motto!" Nate twitched his eyebrows in annoyance. The others sweatdropped at the two, and despite not understanding what Kayden said, they had a feeling it wasn't exactly nice. "Your Team Rocket, right? A group of pokemon thieves if I'm not mistaken."

"What a rude brat! Interrupting us!"

"Though, he does seem to know who we are, Jessie."

"That's true. I knew we were famous."

"It seems so!" A third voice sounded as the pokemon who Nate easily knew as a meowth had appeared along with the three. Nate and Kayden were both unsurprised by the sudden human speech by the pokemon, though the same couldn't be said for the others.

"Famous, my ass. You're a group of damn rocket misfits." Nate deadpanned as he stared at the group, who easily reacted with hostility as they glared at him due to the comment. He wasn't at all affected though. "Kayden, kick their asses into another timezone!"

Meowth scoffed as he looked at Kayden, who had glowing red eyes of anger. "What is that little electric rat going to do? I doubt it'll be much of a threa-!"

[Alright, assholes!] Kayden shouted before rushing up to them with a Quick Attack, catching them all off guard, including the ekans and koffing with them. Kayden then released a bunch of electricity before firing off a powerful Thunderbolt. [This is what you get for waking me up!]

"Ahhh~!" The entire group ended up twitching into different positions as they found themselves being shocked by many volts of electricity. Kayden was standing at the center of them as he continued releasing the electricity. "H-Have mercy!"

[Mother fuckers!]

The group, aside from Nate, all sweatdropped at the comical scene as the Rocket Members were soon blasted off through the roof of the building. Flying off into the stars as they could soon be heard shouting in the distance. "Team Rocket's blasting off~!"

"Huh, they didn't say 'again'... Well, I guess it wouldn't have made sense if they did."

"Uh... Nate?"

"Hm?" Nate turned his head around as soon as he heard Leaf's voice call out to him. When he did, he saw them staring at him with dumbfounded looks on their faces as if they had seen some kind of monster. Kayden just calmly walked back on over before flopping face-first onto the ground and instantly started snoring again. "What?"



It was now the next morning as Leaf, Ash, and also Nate had quickly gotten themselves registered for the league. Nate had to remind Ash since he saw that he was going to leave without even registering, that would have been a terrible mistake if no one told him about registration beforehand.

Nate and Kayden had quickly said goodbye to Allira, Nate's mum, as the two had quickly made their way back towards the pokemon center in the morning to meet up with the others before he left. Leaf asked to go with him, but he politely declined, much to her disappointment.

He did tell her that maybe in the future they can travel together, which seemed to brighten her mood greatly afterward. Nate kind of wanted to travel alone, along with Kayden of course, since that would allow him to train at his own pace and not need to concern himself with the other individual's pace.

He wasn't sure if Leaf was the slow or the rushing type when it came to traveling from place to place. For Nate and Kayden, they'd prefer a balance. Not too fast so they could train, and not too long to the point that they would take weeks to travel from city to city.

At this moment, the group were together and were about to go their separate ways.

However... there was a certain something that Nate didn't exactly pay much mind to since he had a lot of things he was occupied with last night. He didn't think about it due to everything he was doing, but now that it was calm, both Kayden and himself notice it...

"Bro, I forgot how freaking fat Pikachu was at the start..."

[No damn, holy god... what an absolute unit!]
