Kicking Fucki- Fu King's Butt!

Bit of a shorter chapter since I'm a bit busy at the moment.




[Pokemon Speech]


"Hold on, are you REALLY serious about your name being Fu King?"

"Yes, I already answered that question!"




"Yes, for the hundredth time! My name holds great honour and value!" Fucki- I mean Fu, shouted while being completely livid as he stomped his foot against the ground in a fit. Both Kayden and Nate standing a few meters across from him, both being ready for the upcoming battle... massacre.

Even though they were going to battle, Nate couldn't help but keep asking for confirmation on the guy's name. When Nate first heard the guy's last name, he thought it was a pretty arrogant one, though it was more of an insult now considering the guy's full name. He honestly felt pity for the guy at this point.

Even more so when everyone else that was watching were snickering and laughing as they heard Nate constantly asking the question. They seemed to all see the ridiculousness of the guy's name as well, it was kind of hard not to.

"Let's just get this battle underway!" Fu growled as he pointed forwards, causing his machoke to stomp forwards onto the field as it crossed its arms. The machoke glared towards Nate and Kayden, though neither one of them were intimidated in the slightest.

"You want to deal with this guy, Kayden?"

[Sure. Do kinda want to put this arrogant prick where he belongs] Kayden nodded his head before jumping off of Nate's shoulder and onto the field. Kayden calmly stood on his back legs as he stared with a bored expression towards the towering form of the machoke.

"Kick his butt, Nate!"

"Rita, calm down..." Both Rita and Chloe were watching from directly behind Nate as Chloe had to calm Rita down as the girl was cheering loudly for Nate. Chloe, while silent about it, was also cheering for Nate as she watched the battle intently. While she didn't have much interest in battles, she didn't mind seeing Fu get his butt kicked.

Hopefully, that's what she'll be seeing soon.

"You're using that little runt? Pathetic. I'm amazed you're even brave enough to challenge gyms with such a weak little pokemon." Fu laughed as the crowd just frowned at him. Kayden twitched his eyebrow and glanced back at Nate, who nodded his head.

Being friends with one another for so long honestly came with some perks, it kind of felt like they could understand one another through simple eye contact. Of course, it wasn't anything psychic or supernatural. Just a gut feeling. However, they understood each other very well right now.

'No mercy!' [No mercy!]

"How about we make a bet?" Nate just rose an eyebrow as Fu said this. Nate just blinked at him as the guy continued to speak without even waiting to hear what Nate would say in response. "If you lose this battle, then Chloe is all mine! She has to be my girlfriend. If you win, which you won't, then I'll stop going after her."

Nate just stared at the guy as if he was a total idiot... scratch that, he WAS an idiot! Literally, everyone else watching gave him the same looks, along with most of the females and males giving him disgusted looks. The ones who were the most appalled were Rita and, of course, Chloe.

"Nate, destroy this guy! He's treating Chloe like an object!"

"I wouldn't normally be like this, but.... you better win, understood?" Chloe glared at Nate as she demanded this. Nate just sweatdropped at her before nodding his head simply as he looked at Fu, who was smirking towards him.

"Let's get this started! Machoke, use Karate Chop!"

"Wow, not even waiting for me to agree or disagree to the bet..." Nate muttered with a small frown as he saw Fu give his command. Kayden watched calmly as Machoke's right hand glowed white as he quickly approached. "Dude, you know what to do."

[Yeah, yeah] Kayden calmly waited for Machoke to get close before easily jumping past him while dodging the chop, which connected with the ground, creating a small crater. Kayden just landed gracefully before looking back at Machoke. [Holy shit, you're slow]

The Machoke didn't appear at all happy as it glared at Kayden for the comment.

"Don't worry, Machoke! We of the King family aren't going to lose to such plebia-."

"Fucking shut up!"

"My name is Fu King damnit!" Fu shouted as Nate shouted towards him. Nate had enough of this dude's mouth, so he was going to end this battle very damn soon. "Alright, Machoke! Continue using Karate Chop, don't let that rat escape!"

"Kayden, just dodge." Nate commanded simply as Kayden just nodded before easily dodging every single chop sent his way. It got to the point that everyone was literally pitying both Fu and his Machoke, the pokemon already looked very damn tired.

"Stop moving damnit!"

"Alright, let's finish it... Kayden, let's Kenshiro him with an Iron Tail!"

[You got it, dude!] Kayden grinned as he looked at the machoke that was panting while holding its knees. Kayden soon disappeared from his spot before appearing quickly behind Machoke, smirking as his tail quickly turned into iron.

"Omae wa... mou shindeiru." [Omae wa... mou shindeiru]


Before Machoke could even react, Kayden slammed him across the head, sending him skidding across the ground a few meters towards its trainer's feet. Fu could only stare in disbelief as his Machoke was defeated with a single attack.

"Th-This can't be! How could I lose?!" Fu could only shout in disbelief as he stared at the unconscious form of Machoke. Everyone watching erupted into cheer, especially Rita as Chloe just smiled in relief. They were still pretty surprised to see Fu lose so easily though.

While the guy couldn't match up with the gym leader of the city, Fu was still considered a pretty decent trainer to some standards. However, that didn't seem to matter at all as Nate defeated his Machoke in a single attack. A small pikachu destroying a hulking mass of muscle.

[That was way too easy...]

"Did kind of expected a greater challenge...."

"Alright, great job, Nate!" Rita shouted as she jumped onto his back with a grin on her face. Nate was a bit surprised by her sudden action, though did manage to stay standing as she hopped off of him. "You really showed that guy who's boss!"

"Thank you, he's been a thorn in my side." Chloe smiled as she nodded at Nate.

"No worries, I kind of wanted to kick his ass before he even noticed me." Nate responded honestly, causing Rita to giggle at the comment as Kayden grinned. It was obvious the guy was thinking along the same lines as Nate.

"This... isn't over yet!" Everyone was surprised when Fu returned Machoke before throwing forwards three other pokeballs. Out came three very familiar pokemon, they were a primeape, pidgeot and a persian. Fu glared at Nate with hate as Nate just formed a small frown. "It's not going to end just like that!"

"You already lost! Stop being such a sore loser and accept it! Stop being such a cheater!" Rita shouted with contempt as the spectators also glared at Fu with hate. Losing a battle and then being dishonorable and sending multiple pokemon to attack at once was pitiful. It didn't even seem that Fu was going to allow Nate to get focused again as he gave his command.

"I don't care, Chloe is going to be mine! Attack him, boys!"

"This is such a pain..." Nate rubbed his forehead as he could swear this guy was giving him a damn migraine, a big one at that. Nate then glared coldly at Fu, making the boy shake from the look as Nate then gave his own command. "Kayden, let's deal with him once and for all. Let's do this with a big flash!"

[I'm all for it! This guy deserves even more than just an ass-kicking!]

"Alright! Kayden, finish them all off with Pika Papow!"

Hearing the command, everyone seemed majorly confused as they had never heard of this move before. They watched as Kayden ran up a few steps before jumping up, his body sparking with incredible electricity. It was then he gave a small shout as he shot lightning into the sky.

The lightning soon came down in the form of electric pillars that shocked Fu along with his three pokemon, finishing with a massive pillar of lightning at the end to finish it off. They jerked around under the countless volts of electricity, which after a few seconds, stopped as they soon fell to the ground with smoke coming off of them. They were all groaning in pain as sparks came off their bodies.

[That's how you do it, ladies and gentlemen]

"Nice job, dude."

[Thank you]
