Learning to memorize

Farrah was teaching me how to Memorize the Quran and the Dua plus the Hadith. She would take me to The corner where we usually make love and she would cuddle and learn how to say memorization and read the Koran properly as women. She was a very good teacher she she would have inner her religious was she instead opening up her own mosque. I was able to hear her stirring and beautiful voice every time she restarted the Quran to me to teach me how to recite it as well. The only thing worse is that I didn't have the best voice for in the first place. I wanted to impress her so badly.

"You have a beautiful voice for Quran recitation," she said. "Let me hear it". You didn't even decide to use foundation to avoid her scars this time she actually kept her natural beauty which one is it including the scars on her face. It's just one so I have a freezer on the left side where I was it had a major scarring. But she was still a beautifully lovely warren who want nothing more than the best for me. I don't know why but I think I was meant to go to Saudi Arabia to To meet her. It felt like I was being tugged to go there like As if a tugboat was yanking real long to her gently.

When Farrah Had said that she believed in reincarnation not just having a hell and heaven but also reincarnations and she was adamant that we were lovers in a past life as well as in this life. Are you sure it was the Prime Minister a past life and she said that she would said that she One of the great women of Islam who is in love with another woman. She said that right out of the blue.

During this time she actually slipped her hand under my skirt and proceeded to finger me and pleasure me in many ways that I have never been pleasured before. As she was fingering me she whispered in her ear is it she love me to the moon and back and then she was in love with me then started to kiss me on the neck.

"My gift from Allah,"She said. That I actually brought light into her life and that I was her Nur, light.

That was one we were found out as a lesbian couple. Someone walked in on us during this time and say was there were report us to the haram police.

That was when I last saw Farrah. As I ran away back to my house to the safety of my house in the more upper class Riyadh and I never thought to look back again. For the rest of the day that was. Then I went back in the night, Only to find a love letter/farewell letter. It was saying that she was being forced to be the king of Saudi Arabia's hair wrong and then she was never going to see me in our plans now what it came to to end. In her letter she also said that she was forced to be the king of Saudi Arabia's personal imam and lover.

Then I was afraid for her for sure that she was going to be in big trouble because I have heard nothing but horror stories about the king of Saudi Arabia who would go if you were an ass and if you felt like it or didn't do what you you were told. I had visions of her being tortured again and being forced to teach him what he was teaching me which was something special. I tore up the letter and laughed and I didn't think you were going back I just thought I don't know that they burn down in Mosque just I did have to think about the beauty that did her stirring sermons or what is in love with me.

What a part of me wanted to find out where she wise what happened to her if she was still alive or if she was dead and in a vat of acid.

The king of Saudi Arabia what is infamous for his tour tour tour with acid and he'll leave you in a vat of acid and then I said no. He was also known To have many love and had one wife and many lovers who may trade poorly. And then he tortured his imams. It was said that she he went through more in moms and he did birthdays and he was around 70. I started to cry for many days missing her touch and her love for me knowing that she was going to be used up and then dissolved in a vat of acid.

Rumour has it that the king was also the mouthpiece of Al-Qaeda what should I do even worse because she could've been sold into a Al- qaeda. Scared me to say that she was in that much trouble.

She was in a lot of trouble I thought and my suspicions were confirmed when I found out that she was wet rainy we letters from her cell and her don't get any. She kept saying that she was done to my seller and then she was always ring through another tournament he didn't have sex with a King. Well then she would be startled if she didn't teach him religious spiritual stuff. I was starting to really sad I had a 400 I didn't know where exactly were they can wear it in Riyadh but I wanted for us to go and look it up online the royal palace. He was wearing boots right smack in the middle of reality and I was going to go there to get my lover back.

That night I went to the palace to go and find her I knew she was in the shower of the palace you don't even like conditions. I was scared for my own safety that I would be part of his hair out or part of Al-Qaeda Harem as well. But I had to find her.