chapter 8

in five minutes I'm near New York. Yes I know, I took my time but I'm not in hurry. Then I start to think of what to do, in my opinion, I don't have many options if I go directly into full conquest and domination of something like Wakanda or Latveria even some others hidden country or kingdoms, there is a lot of them in the Marvel universe probably more now that this universe is a mix.

If I do this, Shield or some deity like Bast will meddle with my business and I'm not sure if I can take all they will throw at me upfront. For sure I can escape if needed, but a Queen didn't run away, I can't do this to my image and fame.

Thinking of what to do, I scan the city under me, and then I saw my salvation in hell's kitchen. A huge Japanese fortress stands in the middle of the district, 'Shadowland'.

I start to look through the building and I found the man I search for, A big meat bag on a throne surrounded by ninjas and some villains I recognize. That is good it is not Daredevil who manages here or I would have put a target for heroes on my back.

I land not too far from the Fortress "Regina, Bud come out, we will go meet some peoples"

they go out of me, Bud came next to me and Regina a little behind, we proceed going toward the entrance.

Good, the front is open, as we advance I use my telekinesis on the ninjas that guard the entrance to maintain them in place because they were ready to jump on us. we climb toward the throne room, at this moment I realized that Regina has vanished, she must have something to do, so I let her be and don't call for her through the mental link.

With Bud, we arrived at the closed door that separated us from the little group in it, probably speaking of some underworld activities.

I prepare for my entry: silver Suit? checked, my Royal cape that even Thor would be jealous of? checked, my hairstyle?hmm probably good enough maybe I will need to learn how to do one or maybe not I already know how to do a ponytail it is good enough, for the other one Regina will be happy to take care of it. ok, all good, 3,2,1 action!

I send a spartan kick in the closed-door, it was completely sent away, directly onto the hobgoblin next to the throne, that projected him in the wall behind them making it crack.

I look at them, put a finger on my lips and say like an airhead "Ooops, I did it again".

Kingpin on this throne stared angrily at me and growled "Have you a dead wish woman?"

"Woman? you can call me 'my Queen'! but not 'Woman' I'm more a dude than you meat-bag" I can see my audience starting to question my sanity.

Kingpin looked at the hobgoblin that has finished embedded in the wall then ordered toward me "Kill her!!" but nothing occurred.

Kingpin started to look around in search of his ninjas and he saw them stay up without moving "what are you doing? go kill her!!"

"We can't move Master"

"What??" asked Kingpin shocked then turn at me angrily "With your suit, you must be one of the Superheroes? you are here for arresting me?"

I giggled lightly "Of course not stupid meat-bag, my outfit is for the Royalty of Krypton, not some spandex suit for running around saving and protect peoples. So now I will let you one chance to answer correctly and the question is..." suddenly behind me I hear a high pitched tone "Miiisstreeess" shit she has her ways to interrupt me at the best time this one. I turn to discover a Regina with blood on her, hopping joyfully in my direction with a cup in her hand "Where were you dear?" she gives me a smile with a face full of blood " I went to make you a refreshment, Mistress, it was a little longer because they didn't want to show me the kitchen"

I chuckle " Thank you, Regina, you are a good girl!!" I take the cup, drink a little "So where was I? hmm aye, I was going to ask you something!!" I then look at them, my eyes starting to glow bright red intimidating the peoples in the room and I interrogated "Will you kneel, or will you die?? and for you big boy I also want your empire!! that will make a good start for my project".

Kingpin giggled madly " Muahahaha, as if I will give you anything and I will never kneel to anyone" I look sadly at him "Too bad, you would have made a good henchman, and I would have given you a good position in my kingdom, so I already have an answer, what the others will choose?" I look toward them and saw the hobgoblin glaring at me with hate maybe because he takes a door in the face, he spat "Never!!". I smile at him " Good, I didn't want you!" I then turn toward the two girls in the room, Lady Bullseye, and Typhoid Mary.[picture of the two here]

They look toward one other and nod to themselves, then turn toward me, kneel on one knee "we will follow you my Lady" they say at the same time, I nod to them "So it is real, girls are more clever than men *I really choose the good sides when I have taken my body I already feel more clever uhum* I would have preferred that you kneel on your two knees, and call me 'My Majesty' or 'My queen' but that will do for now. Rise my girls and come behind me "

I caress Bud next to me as the girls pass behind "Bud can you eat the green little shit for me??" Bud starts to growl and run in the direction of the hobgoblin who was already a bit feeble with the door who had nearly broken his skull. Bud jump at him, just for the hobgoblin to put his forearm in front of him for protection but it ends in the mouth of the hyena who shakes violently his head ripping off his arm, not letting him the time to regain his spirit, Bud drop the arm and directly jump at the throat plunging his teeth in it, killing him.

Kingpin gets out of his throne and starts to walk toward me with heavy steps, fuck this guy is enormous, I can feel the two girls behind me commencing to doubt their gambles on me.

"Sadly you didn't take this opportunity" the temperature in the room started to increase as my eyes glow brighter, the big guy send a heavy punch to my face but I just grabbed it with my hand, Pretty strong for a human without superpowers but that is all he is, a strong human, I shook my head a last time "I would have wished to keep you around!!" I look into his eyes, and I saw the worry in it, at understanding he may have underestimated me a little too much. I also saw myself in his eyes, a blonde Goddess with the eyes glowing red full of warth. Not bad at all, I almost intimidate myself.

I activate my heat vision that has now almost the temperature of the surface of the sun, two beams of heat shot toward Kingpin piercing through his eyes and brain leaving two holes in his skull, he didn't have any time to react and he is already dead, a pity he was just a strong human, nothing more, normal human are feeble. I don't even understand how he was not dethroned by a powerful mutant or something else probably thank to money, connection with high people, and the villain surrounding him but whatever I have taken care of him.

I release the ninjas that were held by my telekinesis, they immediately place themselves in front of me kneeling and pledging their allegiance to me, their new Master, I observe them and I'm pleased to see my new ninjas army, they will be useful. "Go gather all the ninjas of New York, I want to talk to them, and pass the message to the Daimyo of others countries that there is a new Leader and they will need to pledge their loyalty to me!" the 'shadows' scatter going to carry my orders.

I walk toward the throne, not a throne for someone of my standing but good enough for now. Bud put himself lying at my feet, I look toward the two girls "so what did you manage in this organization?" lady bullseye advance and drop on her knees 'good she learns rapidly'. " My Majesty, Typhoid Mary manages all the brothels of New York, as for me I'm the lawyer in my civil persona and are in charge to defend our criminals" I acquiesce toward them "Good, I want you to gather all the peoples that paid protection fee to the kingpin for being in his city and the one that works directly from him even the cops and say to them that a new Queen is in the City, as for those that will not come, I will go see them myself"

"Regina, I will need you for transferring all the assets of the Kingpin to me, do what you must do to accomplish it, hack, modify, create all you want even making me the daughter of this huge bag of meat I don't care!! tomorrow I want all that was him, be mine!!"