Chapter three

"father, do not worry. I have my ways of ensuring that god uncle will not get angry so there is not time to waste. If not, you will be late for the court meeting this morning." Xi Wang slightly shake his Chu Ying Xiong hands with big wet eyes looking at him.

Chu Ying Xiong sigh and bend down to carry his daughter into his embrace. As usual when facing with his daughter, he will be the first one to surrender. His daughter was so well behavior since young that Chu Ying Xiong will feel guilty at the idea that he had not be around for her childhood that he will always surrender.

And his daughter is also deserving of his loving treatment of her from the reports that his trusted subordinates had sent him regularly when he was not around. Maybe today Chu Ying Xiong was thinking that the emperor may turn a blind eye to his daughter since he decides to surrender his army powers today since mostly likely there will no no wars for at least a decade.

Since representatives for the Yuan and Qing and three main tribal countries will be coming to XuanYang for the signing of peace treaties very soon. Chu Ying Xiong still fear although he knew his godbrother the emperor, Ying Zhen is a wise emperor. In fact, most of the time Ying Zhen will always said to court officials that if the people knew Chu Ying Xiong more than they knew the emperor. It will be fine with him as long as the surrounding countries do not launch wars anymore that will harm his people.

Chu Ying Xiong deeply regrets that the empire could not afford further wars if not he will let his godbrother be the ruler of the whole world. after all, Chu Ying Xiong is the elder brother in the sect, and he is supposed to take care of other younger disciples like the emperor.

They were close even since young when they were learning skills of martial arts, and the heavens and had acknowledge each another as godbrothers when they grew slightly older. Chu Ying Xiong is also the one who help to push Ying Zhen to the throne as the previous emperor also trusted him when since young, he had displayed his general talents. To older court officials, they knew that the throne was given to Ying Zhen in the end and Chu Ying Xiong were one of the reasons.

Xi Wang knew that Chu Ying Xiong were stick extremely close to her when he is at home. so, Xi Wang just continue to let him hug her while she silently pats his back to console him, so he does not need to worry too much. Of course, Xi Wang also use another hand to open the curtains of the horse carriage so she could have a look at the streets of the ancient world.

As Chu Ying Xiong were the godbrother of the emperor, he was given the privilege of riding the horse carriage right up to the Erfang Palace where official court meetings were held. Xi Wang yawned; she was really tired as she was still not used to getting up so early. Xi Wang was thinking that if she could use transport, she really will since it saves time that could allow her to sleep more.

But Xi Wang knew that she could not do so as she was too young at the moment. Xi Wang need to phrase out the timing so that people will slowly get use to the fact that she has the talents to be the emperor teacher. Accordingly, to the information in her brain when she was young, she had already asked her teachers why the emperor teacher is called the emperor teacher. Chu Ying Xiong subordinates had told her it is because that they have skills of the gods. Geez, Xi Wang was thinking, she had already learned the skills in the first mythology world. what a pity, Xi Wang was thinking that her teachers at home could not be given praise in the court meeting today. They were the people that deserve the praise as they either lost their eyes, arms, or legs in previous wars.

Xi Wang knew that she needs to be a general in this world, so she needs to earn more karma points. If too much killing is done, karma points in the system will be cancel and once it goes down to zero, it means that she will be killed also. And to earn more karma points, Xi Wang knew that she needs to do more good deeds for the people of the Qin empire. And the modern technology she had in her brain will allow her to do so.

Xi Wang will introduce modern food technology today to the emperor and slowly introduce other ways. Xi Wang wanted to be treated as a genius by the emperor and not a devil after all. Just nice, Xi Wang believe that the modern food technology that she introduces will allow the emperor to be happy so that she could escape any punishments if there is when they meet. Of course, Xi Wang knew that she needs to go on regular trips to observe so that she could introduce suitable technologies.