Chapter Five 

When the end of the morning meeting was announced by the eunch, the officials left Erfang Place to a new knowledge that there was a new player on the market. And this player is to be feared as they have personally saw on how the emperor is patient with this little girl. This knowledge was further confirmed when the end of the morning meeting was announced, and they saw the emperor piggy backing the little girl back to the imperial study next to Erfang Palace.

Ying Zhen sat himself on the smaller throne in the imperial study while also positioning Ying Yong on his lap. Ying Zhen agrees when he saw his eunuch looking at him when Ying Yong gestured for the eunuch to go out of the imperial study. Ying Yong ignored her father, Ying Xiong who was standing sweating in front of the imperial study table.

Ying Zhen pinched Ying Yong nubile little nose and say cheerfully "you little rascal, I play with you already, so do not be cheeky and said what you have in your mind. Do not say sweet nothings to me. your level is still too low."

Haha, Ying Yong was thinking. Ying Zhen is truly a wise emperor who can smell the bullshit that she was sprouting. Ying Yong cheekily grinned and jumped down from Ying Zhen lap and kneel down in front of the imperial study table before saying. "God uncle. What I am saying is the truth. You are the son of the Jade emperor and your looks are also what I imagine what the Jade emperor looks like. That is why I know god uncle will not be angry when I play with you. My teachers always said you loved your citizens like your own children so that is why I wanted to play with you, and I will always say the truth to you. God uncle is really what I imagine what my future spouse looks will be like. Of course, I also need to give you these few things. This will be beneficial to the citizens of the empire."

Ying Yong immediately stands up and put potato tuber, rice paddy seeds and a plan for a greenhouse on the imperial study table. the capital, XuanYang is in winter season now, so a greenhouse is necessary for her to test on how to further introduce this crops that may potentially eliminate famine in the empire. Before thirty – five, she needed to be a general so there are many things that Ying Yong needed to do.

Luckily, Ying Yong was thinking that in the modern world, in her spare time, she like to design many things so there are many blueprints available in the system space. Because Ying Yong like history, so her design is always designed using a combination of modern and ancient technology.

Since a long time ago, Ying Yong has always been fascinated by the fact that ancient wood makers are rumored to be able to use wood to make a flying bird that can be flying in the air for three days. But alas, Ying Yong was thinking, up to now there was no success. Maybe now that she was in the ancient world, maybe Ying Yong was thinking she could find a wood maker of this time to see if she could really build a flying wooden bird.

Ying Zhen looks in puzzlement at the items on the imperial study table so he asked "first, why are you following the lowest sixth rank official bowing method when you should use the bowing method for women to the emperor. Second, would you like to have a look at my sons, maybe you like to be one of my son's wife in the future. Thirdly, what is the items that you put in the imperial study table?"

Ying Yong uses the sixth rank official bowing method to seriously bowed again before raising her head to reply. "God uncle, first, I use the lowest sixth rank official bowing method is because I wanted to go into the army and work my way from a soldier to take over my father place as general when he retired. Second, God uncle, although I believe your sons, the princes will be as handsome as you. But if in the future I have a spouse, I want him to be mine only. If he dares to have any other wife than me, I will help him to be a eunuch. And I believe the princes could not do what I requested so I regretfully decline."

Ying Yong then further explained in detail about the rice paddy seed, potato tuber and green house and how if it is properly carried out, it may reduce the rate of famine in the empire.

"Good, good" Ying Zhen heartily said while patting the table.

"Also, god uncle, I may have plans for other things. For my safety, I request two guards from your personal fleet of dark guards. Also, I need the royal gardeners and builders help so I can fully carry out my plan as I have a black finger instead of a green finger. I promise that you can introduce these crops to the public in time for next year's planting season. And for the year after crop season, you can be ensured of more crops as this crop can be introduce widely over the empire. God uncle, you mind letting me stay in one of the smaller royal palaces so I can keep up to date on my experiments as I could not build the greenhouse at my house as I have a black finger. Also, I need your help in temporarily keeping what I intend to do a secret, goduncle. Lastly, god uncle, I seek your permission for free access to the palaces and administration places so I may gather the necessary information that I needed in order for me to carry out other plans. Including the right to attend morning court meetings when I wanted so I can keep myself updated on the empire issues."