Chapter fifteen

Li Weizhong already went crazy when he saw the sudden mess killing happening to his family in front of him. But Li Weizhong could not struggle free and could only yelled at Ying Yong.

"You little devil, you will face your retribution very soon. Who you are to sent people to kill my family members and take over my wealth and lands?"

Ying Yong do not like to spend too much time talking especially when she could feel the constant burning in her heart. Ying Yong used the royal whip and pull Li Weizhong towards her.

"Why because the whip I have represent the emperor. And you really should not attempt a coup. Lastly, you really should not attempt to touch my father." Ying Yong took out a long heavy sword that was double of her current height and infused her zhen qi into it. Ying Yong with one swipe of her sword separate Li Weizhong head from his body.

Ying Yong took out her hanky and wipe off the blood spatters on her face and immediately signal for few of the dark guards to stay and ensured the prime minister residence is burned. Before using transport, Ying Yong infused the fire with her zhen qi to ensured that the fire will not spread to the nearby residences.

Ying Yong transport herself and the rest of the dark guards to the leader of the salt and rice association consecutively. Ying Yong time is ticking down so she could not be bothered about the fact that her abilities are make known. Light knew all the details of the wealth and lands that the prime minister, the leaders of the salt and rice association have. So once Ying Yong saw her nodding her head, she repeated her orders to kill and burn.

Of course, the leaders of the salt and rice association were left for her to kill, and Ying Yong will infuse the fire with her zhen qi to ensure the fire not spreading to other nearby residences. Ying Yong despite her tiredness wanted to personally kill the prime minister, the leaders of the salt and rice association is to send a warning.

A warning that she, Ying Yong is the new devil on scene and the sword of the emperor. Ying Yong could not give a fig care about her reputation despite knowing the importance of it in the ancient world. reputation could not fulfill her needs to protect herself and her family so Ying Yong rather her to be known as the devil.

Ying Yong did saw the crack of the faces on the soldiers and her dark guards. The soldiers and dark guards were weapons of killing themselves and to able their face to crack when they saw her, a seven-year-old girl killing. Thus, Ying Yong knew that the warning she intend will broadcast very soon. After all bad news spread easier than good news.

Ying Yong overestimates her abilities and with a darkening of the scene in front of her after they left the leader of the salt association residence. And Ying Yong attempt to transport herself and her dark guards back to the general residence. Ying Yong fainted into light's embrace after she feel herself seemingly coughing out her whole body's blood. Well, Ying Yong was thinking before she fainted, at least she knew Ying Xiong is fully cured and will just need sleep to recovered.