Chapter twenty-four 

The surrounding people were too used to Ying Yong display her talents until they also do not react when they saw that she was riding a thousand-mile pure bred horse. Of course, as usual Ying Shimin, Ying Zhen and Ying Xiong look at her with the usual proudness they feel for her.

The hunting started and Ying Yong dashed into the forest on thunder. Ying Yong took off her hair ornament and let her hair free to feel the wind rushing through her hair. Ying Yong do not intend to do any hunting as she do not like killing. Since she was forced to come, Ying Yong will just treat it as an opportunity for riding horses which is one of her favorite hobby.

Ying Yong suddenly felt danger creeping up on her when she notices how suddenly the environment of the forest has turn silent. Ying Yong pats thunder and spoke.

"My safety will depend on you now and I trust you to bring me to safety."

Ying Yong immediately jumped around and sat facing with her back to thunder while mooring herself on thunder using her legs. Ying Yong trust in her instinct that thunder will bring her to safety. One of Ying Yong's abilities is smell, so she could recognize where her dark guards are just by their smell. So, Ying Yong immediately surrounded the places where her dark guards are not at with killing sounds.

Interesting, Ying Yong said to herself when she saw that the killers that was sent to kill her have something covering their ears. Although the cover could not perfectly cover their ears as Ying Yong notice that their movements is still slower. It seems the killers were still affected by the music.

Ying Yong dark guards come into the battle when they notice how dangerous the killers were still are despite their movement were slow down by the music. Well, it seems that the someone who is really out to get her life is really smart. They had sent nearing to a troop of killers, but they were smart to get the killers to cover their ears.

Ying Yong keep her guzheng and took out her bow and her especially make arrows. Ying Yong popped few pills into her mouth as usual that will increase her zhen qi, strength and stop her nausea while protecting her heart. Luckily, the surrounding trees were quite thick, and Ying Yong estimate they could stand the strength of her arrows. Ha, well it seems they not only send killers, but they also sent archers. A thousand-mile pure bred horse is really quite fast as thunder speed allow it to escape from the few arrows that Ying Yong could not stop in time.

Ying Yong not only have an acute sense of smell, but her ears are also quite sharp. Based on the sounds she hears, Ying Yong shoots three arrows at one go through some of the killers' arms. The force of the arrow was so strong that the killers were moored on the trees through the arrows struck in their arms. Ying Yong immediately shoots her needles at these killers to ensure that they could not move and thus able to bite the poison capsule these killers will have in their mouth.

Ying Yong already achieved the aim of keeping some of the killers alive so she could question them on who sent them. And Ying Yong is sick of dancing around on thunder trying to escape from the arrows and blocking them also. Ying Yong based on the sound she hears, with all her fingers holding needles sent towards the direction where she estimates the killers and archers to be. Finally, the movement seems to have stopped when Ying Yong threw three rounds of needles.

But Ying Yong and her dark guards who followed behind her were faced with a sticky new situation when they came to a huge expense of land. Ying Xiong, Ying Shimin and some dark guards were standing in front of Ying Zhen trying to walk into the covered forest where they could hide better. Well, Ying Yong think that it seems nowadays killers are quite cheap, not only killers were sent after her, killers were also sent after Ying Zhen.