Chapter thirty-six

Previously in this world, the people used wood and silk to write on and in the previous eight years, Ying Yong had also successfully developed paper. Ying Yong after taking control of Shangan had already also research on finding another water source for Shangan as she still find river netherworld too dangerous. Dangerous in the sense to depend on one river for water supply of a state and the head of the river is in an enemy country.

Ying Yong issued orders to one of her dark guards, water who have been working with her on the issue of Shangan ever since she took control of Shangan. Ying Yong had already armed the armies of Shangan with bombs. So, Ying Yong wanted Water to finally carry out her plan to slowly bomb a path through the mountain that is located in the suburbs of Shangan to the city area of Shangan.

Like this another water supply will be found for Shangan. As for another state under Ying Yong control, Shenjing. Naturally there already exists two water supplies in the state. So, Ying Yong issue orders to a small troop of her dark guards. The orders are first to install a series of stones right up to Yanbei to let the people know that there is poison in the river and not to use the water. Since the river netherworld origins is well known to be in Yanbei, such order will naturally throw the face of the Qing and also to let any cities along the river to stop using poison.

Tuoba Xin is already the khan of the Xiongnu and Ying Yong based on her previous association with him. Could determine that Tuoba Xin have plenty of faults, but he is a clear person who really hate using dirty methods to win his enemies. That is why even without any evidence, Ying Yong suspicions lay in the Qing. As Ying Yong do not have any evidence, that is why she thought of the series of stones. As installing the stones, the Qing could not blame her for anything as she is just purely informing.

Of course, the second orders she issue to her dark guards is to provide the antidote for the Sakura flower snake poison freely to Yanbei, Yanjing and her own state Shenjing. Ying Yong gave official Wen the antiodoate to cure the people in Shangan that is suffering from the so-called plague.

Ying Yong as usual lay herself on her tiger while Ying Shimin walks beside her as they proceed back to the city master residence. But for Ying Shimin, there was an unpleasant surprise when they arrived back at the city master residence. Even it was eight years since Ying Shimin have seen Tuoba Xin, he will definitely still recognize him. After all, Tuoba Xin is the first person to beside him to bluntly said he wanted to kidnap Ying Yong back to be his wife. So even if Tuoba Xin was burn to ashes, Ying Shimin will also recognize him.

"My dear Ying Yong, long time no see, your beauty become even more striking. My offer to be my wife, the khatun still stands." Tuoba Xin said while he walks towards them.

Ying Yong just pats her tiger and ask her to growl at Tuoba Xin and succeed in stopping him from walking closer. Ying Shimin just stood aside and happily grinned at the fact that Ying Yong wanted to use her tiger to attack Tuoba Xin.

"Tuoba Xin, stop talking nonsense, why are you not in your capital being your Khan and here in Shangan." Ying Yong said.

"of course, I must come to see my future khatun, after all the position of my khatun is still free. I got one interesting news for you." Tuoba Xin said while pointing to a man that was tied up like a pig on the floor and kicking him.

And the man started to say who he is. Ying Yong whole body was so tense up when she heard what the man is saying until her tiger even started to growl slightly. Ying Yong console her tiger by softly patting it.

Ying Yong started to think about the true of what the man is saying. He was the spy of the Qing in Xiongnu and was tasked to work with the third prince and sibling of Tuoba Xin. Their main target was to attack Qin so they could create a distraction for the third princess, Ying Luo who will launch a coup in the capital. From the fact that Tuoba Xin threw the spy in front of her, Ying Yong knew that Xiongnu largely is not intended on working with Ying Luo.