Chapter Forty-one

Ying Yong finally reached Taifeng and used transport to appear near it to threw two bombs into the residence of the army guarding it. Ying Yong at the moment of throwing had already use transport to appear back on thunder. Ying Yong use far sight to see that Taifeng is fully destroyed. But Ying Yong also had missed something.

Taifeng were actually built like a small town and what Ying Yong had missed is the elite force that were guarding Taifeng a distance away. This elite force is estimated to be a one-hundred-member force. Ying Yong sigh when she saw the uniforms of the elite force. This is the top elite force of the Qing and was rumored that one person could bring down at least twenty enemies easily.

Ying Yong signal for her tiger to attack and she blindfold herself just in case. After Ying Shimin suggestion, this blindfold Ying Yong had tested and could let her see vaguely and still could block the colour of blood. Ying Yong popped her usual pills that she always uses before a battle. And started to use transport to appear near this elite force that was coming from all directions and throw her bombs when necessary.

This elite force is already too close to moon and star so Ying Yong could only use common bombs that was for use in the army. Ying Yong sigh at how elite this force is really elite when there is still ten members left even after the bombs were thrown and moon, star and her tiger had already attacked.

Ying Yong took out her guzheng and started to play with her zhen qi infused into the music. Ying Yong gathered moon, star and her tiger into the air in a healing bubble while use another hand to throw her more powerful bomb at the ten elite force. When Ying Yong use far sight to confirm that there were no living humans around Taifeng. Then Ying Yong stops playing her music and softly placed moon, star, and her tiger back on the ground. Ying Yong, moon, star, and her tiger began their half day journey back to their base. Ying Yong was in a hurry as she worries for the safety of her troops.

Finally, they reach back to see a scene that Ying Yong really hates to see. Ying Yong estimates at least a quarter of her light troops were wipe out. And Ying Yong saw that the rest of her troops were still fighting Qing troops. And from the troops uniform, Ying Yong sigh in relief. In her research of the path that Ying Yong had made through Taishan, there are Taifeng and another Qing city, TaiYing.

Ying Yong research had shown that TaiYing there were only a four thousand normal Qing troops guarding the city. And from the Qing troops that were attacking, Ying Yong estimates only to be two thousand. The Qing troops were too closely entwined with her light troops so Ying Yong could not use any bombs. But all of a sudden, Ying Yong before she could start playing her guzheng saw Mi Lan, one of her five assistants threw out all the bombs that she had on her. Ying Yong knew that she must end the battle soon if she wanted less victims from her light troops.

Ying Yong sent killing blows across the necks of each Qing troops with one swipe of her guzheng. Ying Yong bend down in pain when she feels pain ripping through her heart and at seeing her fallen light troops. The pain in Ying Yong heart knew that she was extremely near her body limits. And the pain also signals as based on what the irritating system had told her before that her karma points may be zero already. Well, Ying Yong knew if bad luck falls, it really falls. Ying Yong have not heard the system irritating sound for quite long and it really came online.

"Boss, system warning, system warning. Your karma points are at zero already and you will be killed in five minutes. System knew that your body is almost at its limit. But system regrets to inform you that if you played your guzheng and cure your still alive light troops. System could gather enough points to last until you have the opportunity to do new good deeds. Although your soul has been fully accepted into this new body. But in this situation if you used your guzheng to cure them. You will have only a twenty percent chance of survival."

Ying Yong ask one thing of the system "if I need to die, I wanted to die in Ying Shimin embrace. If I used guzheng to gather all the troops in a healing embrace while transporting them back to Shangan. Will it thus affect my survival rate in any way?"

System said "boss, as long as you cured them, system could gather enough points. And in this way, system will be able to help you slightly by ensuring that your survival rate will still be the same even if you use transport. Not only that, if you are still alive when you reach Shangan, system will be able to slowly help your body recover by knocking you into a coma."

Ying Yong immediately popped out a pill that she never ate before. This pill is used to protect her heart to ensure that no matter what happened, at least her body still have the slightest breath in it. Ying Yong policy is as long as one never died; anything is possible. Ying Yong took out her guzheng and start to slowly play it. Ying Yong gathered all of her light troops, moon, star and including the horses and her tiger in a healing embrace. With a final swipe of her guzheng, Ying Yong used the largest amount of zhen qi that she ever uses to transport them all back to Shangan. This will be the closest to death in all the worlds that Ying Yong is originally in or went to for doing missions.