Chapter Forty-four 

Ying Shimin carries Ying Yong towards a softly padded chair that was in the middle of the courtyard of the army base.

Ying Yong softly protest "hubby, you are already tired from taking care of me for so long. I am not a fragile porcelain and could walk on my own. Do not tell me when my pregnancy months get longer, you still want to carry me around. And walking could train my body better for giving birth."

Ying Shimin gently sat Ying Yong down on the chair before slightly pinching her nose while saying. And what Ying Shimin said next send the people surrounding them into a lemon state.

"I train just to have the ability to carry you around no matter how heavy you get. When you are recovered than you could walk on your own. Now you are still a patient to me. you are the most precious treasure in my heart. This is why I treated you like a fragile porcelain."

But the surrounding environment change from sweet to deadly amazingly fast when prisoners were thrown in front Ying Yong. Ying Zhen edict had spread all over the country on the fact that Ying Yong had been appointed as the empire's teacher. So, nobody treated Ying Yong as a devil. In the Qin empire, an empire teacher is nearing to the status of a god. So, the people of Shangan are not surprised at the troops that suddenly appear in Shangan all of a sudden.

Ying Yong thus realized why she have read her future and it states that she needs to be the empire's teacher. If other people did the same thing that Ying Yong did and transport troops to appear suddenly. These people will already be burned as a devil by the public. Ying Shimin had informed Ying Yong of the status of the battles of Shangan, her light troops, the battles in other parts of the empire and the coup in XuanYang. Although Ying Yong sigh at the death troll of the battle but Ying Yong knew there is no escape.

The death toll of the battle that is sure to happen will definitely be higher if Ying Yong let Ying Luo continue to build her strength. As usual, her father assistant generals' abilities are marvelous. The general has beaten the Yuan empire and the major tribes of Yan and Qi Tan. Not only that the generals had continue the battle to captured two major cities of each enemy. As expected, Ying Luo really carries out her plan for the coup. But Ying Xiong sudden appearance sent the enemies into a mess.

All the people including Ying Luo is successfully captured and beheaded in the market. As the nine generations of the people who participated in the coup also need to be beheaded. It was separated into three days before all the people could be fully beheaded. It was said that countless of swords went rusty from the beheading that needed to be done. Accordingly, to the information that Ying Shimin had gathered when Ying Yong was in a coma.

Only Mi Lan in the light troops had betrayed her. But she has left some members in Shangan that contributed to a higher death toll in the battle than necessary. Ying Shimin had captured all the people who have betrayed Ying Yong and nine generations of their family. Ying Shimin knew Ying Yong fully well and had gathered the main army leaders of the other three states that was under her control in the courtyard today.

Of course, the whole army and citizens of Shangan is also gathered in the courtyard today. Ying Shimin sigh, although he knew that he could not stop Ying Yong on what she needs to do today. Ying Yong had eaten her own pills and was forced to drink a small bowl of Ying Shimin blood. Before Ying Shimin agrees with what she need to do today. Ying Yong needs to personally carry out the punishment in order to warn her own people of the results that will came from betrayal.

Ying Yong took out her guzheng and set it on the table in front of her. Ying Yong also took the opportunity to play a healing music for Ying Shimin. Ying Shimin knock Ying Yong's head, but he did not say anything to stop Ying Yong. After all, Ying Shimin knew Ying Yong also feel guilt that is why he never stops her in curing him. One additional fact is that Ying Shimin knew that Ying Yong had become extremely possessive of his body and could not stand any scars on his body.

Ying Shimin sigh and look while the scars on his hands that came from him releasing his blood disappear. Luckily, even after Ying Yong had overseen the punishment today. Ying Yong is still recovered enough for her not to drink his blood anymore. Ying Yong play her guzheng to send a killing blow towards the prisoners. This killing blow succeed in beheading all of the prisoners that was on scene today.

Ying Yong use a amplify voice to said "all of you on scene knew how I hate betrayal. So today I personally show every single one of you the consequences of betraying me. keep this lesson in mind and also let your subordinates learn this lesson deeply when you go back to your own post. Get someone to clear the scene and threw the bodies into the forest for the wild animals to feast on. The rest of you can leave or report back to your post."

Winter is almost ending, and the weather had already become warmer. But the people on scene feel as if winter had come again when they saw how Ying Yong is behaving. Ying Yong had stretched her hands out for Ying Shimin to carry her. To the people on scene today, it was scarier for them despite how sweet Ying Yong is behaving now. It was so scary at how fast Ying Yong's face change from killing to sweet within few seconds.